Winter Reports Sooke and Victoria 2008/2009

Drowned some chovies around the bluffs today with only a few hits but nothing to the boat.[xx(]
Sorry for the late report [V] Had to roll some chrome close to home today [}:)]
Fished Pedder Staurday........ slow, fishin deeper than the rest. 3 hits and one 12 to show for it..... sounds like Saturday AM on the bank was somewhat fruitfull.
was going to head out to connie yesterday, but the wind was picking up so we stayed in at clover to trial..

fished 130ft bait and hoochies.
one fish in 3 mins nothing else through the day..

caught on bait, davis glow head.. neon yellow mini flasher..right on the bottom.
gonna head out again tommorow if the wind calms down..
any other reports?
Nice work do know that if you nave a spot to fill in your boat I would be only to happy to fill it for you [:p]
quote: Nice work do know that if you nave a spot to fill in your boat I would be only to happy to fill it for you

Poe... I think you are mixing me up with Justin (Tailspin).
We did meet at Jock's once though. Maybe we can get out together sometime. You still in the Whaler?

Nice work Tailspin. I plan to hit the water this weekend. I'll have to pack the crab traps along.

I think we just lucked out Tips, we scrathed pretty hard. A buddy ran hi Northwest to conny and got skunkered as did the guys in Whirl. Get Hooked got one in the Bay, but overal not exactly hot, not much bait around. Early March should heat up a bit. Definitly dump the traps, jeez was that crab amazing:D Burp!
Hey Justin, was that 14lb'er a hatch job ?

some of my best winter fish had to be released last March
as they were wild [V]
I have been finding the same the few times I have been out lately. Fish are moving around. You gotta get lucky to be in the right spot at the right time but when you find 1 you usually find a few. I have been lucky the last couple of times out.
No point in hammering a spot if you don't get fish move on. Also found bait out fished plastic last time out.

quote:Originally posted by Trowser

I've been out of the country for a month....... are springs still 2 per person 45cm either clipped or not?

Yes for now, expecting reg. changes March 01/09
stay tuned !
quote:Originally posted by Tips Up

quote: Nice work do know that if you nave a spot to fill in your boat I would be only to happy to fill it for you

Poe... I think you are mixing me up with Justin (Tailspin).
We did meet at Jock's once though. Maybe we can get out together sometime. You still in the Whaler?

Nice work Tailspin. I plan to hit the water this weekend. I'll have to pack the crab traps along.


oops LOL sorry tot he both of you [:p]...Yes still in the whaler revamping it a bit for this year and you never know this idea may catch on with other whalers . Project to be posted with progress reports [8D]
I sure hope we don't get that ratty slot limit March 1st,
