Victoria Spring, and Halibut Summer 2010

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Sorry if this is an over post but I didn't see it anywhere else. New salmon regulations came out July 15. In areas 19 and 20 it is now two Chinook per day. No upper size limit can be hatchery or wild.
Sorry if this is an over post but I didn't see it anywhere else. New salmon regulations came out July 15. In areas 19 and 20 it is now two Chinook per day. No upper size limit can be hatchery or wild.
yes abit of a joke they are quick to post a shut down but when they open it they really on joe public to know??and word of mouth..... jackasses !!!! If you want just call the office like I did they will tell you its open now.

go get em

Good luck Wolf

Blue Wolf Charters
yes abit of a joke they are quick to post a shut down but when they open it they really on joe public to know??and word of mouth..... jackasses !!!! If you want just call the office like I did they will tell you its open now.

go get em

Good luck Wolf

Blue Wolf Charters
watched a huge mass of herring swim in the equimalt harbour today. was about 150' of bait at the surface... yet nothing was feeding on it?
Hey Mongoose how big were the herring that you saw? We netted some small herring on Saturday but they were only 2 inches long. Not big enough to use as bait.

And remember....Keep your tip up!!!
whoever was out there working the harbour today, if you see a flock of birds working bait DON'T go right through the middle and scatter the bait and birds.

The salmon won't be in the middle of the bait ball and now you've scattered everything and ruined it. [xx(]
why should you net 2" herring seems like a waste [V]
Thanks for that Mongoose,
sammyslabber, Have you never fried up a bunch of small 2 to 3 inch herring....Depending on their size sometimes I remove the heads and guts before I spice them up. Fry them in some garlic and butter till they are slightly crisp. Makes for a good treat. Or you can mix them into an asian noodle dish or something like that. Have you ever tried frying up some nice ripe salmon eggs.... maybe I'm just a little Dad use to make us try all sorts of things that we caught. I remember my first Mackrel I ever caught.... ate him

And remember....Keep your tip up!!!
by the way those herring in esquimalt harbour rumor has it are actually chovies[:p]
Some clown went through the bait last night also, made the bait flee like gang busters. Someone sink that boat or smack them[:p]
reminds me of an instance last year. HUGE bird convention, diving birds, gulls, seals all milling around an area probably 1/2mile across. one other boat spots this and we both start a counter clockwise troll on the outer edge of this happenning.

as i start heading N, i glance to the W and here comes a USCG 41footer at full speed headed right at the convention. i figure the captain will back off, call me on the radio and let me know he wants to come aboard.

nope, he cuts the throttles producing a nice 4' wake and runs right smack through the middle of the convention! i guess he must have been jealous we were fishing and he was 'working', i don't understand that sort of behavior at all........
Caught a 4 lb 2 oz pink salmon off the end of the breakwater today. That was a suprise. Only strike today. Still slow off the wall.
Fishing is HOT !
I can't believe how it can turn around so quickly
i limited on rockfish (1 only) in no more than 2 hours.
What a great fight !
Can't wait to get out there again and catch another 2 lb'er

[:p] ;)
I got you beat Craven. Got a 2 lb dogfish on Saturday and it only took me
15 minutes. And that was it for the day. Quit at 10 AM - never even seen
a net out. A couple dozen boats in the area.
lots of BUTS caught on connie bank today!sure tasted good[:p]thanks again rob ,yes i put some of dat der beer in the batter yum yum:D
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