Tofino & Ucluelet Reports - Spring-Summer 2012

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Thinking about heading over to Ukee for the coming weekend - last chance to go before my son heads back to school and to get another chance at catching some hali before the closure.

Full moon and NW 15-25 winds predicted - tough decision - is it worth it?

Don't believe the forecasts from Environment Canada. The new department head is a rookie that calls for Gale warnings all the time according to my contacts with the Coast Guard. Buoy weather says it's gonna be awesome for the weekend. I'm probably going for Tuna on Sunday....
Did 10 hours today, brought 4 salmon back to the dock. Plus a couple of nice big rockfish.

Went out to Hyson/alienhead area. First rod in at 7:10, first 20s Spring on before I got the other downrigger in the water.
Thought it was going to be a great day.
A couple small springs and wild coho later, 2nd 20+ spring (about 2-3 hours later).
Then a Tyee. Nice! and 5 minutes after getting the rods back in antother tyee on, but broke off at the boat.

On the way in tried to pick up some Coho on the inside, but only found small ones. Ended up keeping 1, but not very big, just tle last fish before heading in.

We only saw 1 other boat offshore, at around noon. And a Cruise ship? And a big 3 masted sailing yacht that looked pretty nice.
Did 10 hours today, brought 4 salmon back to the dock. Plus a couple of nice big rockfish.

Went out to Hyson/alienhead area. First rod in at 7:10, first 20s Spring on before I got the other downrigger in the water.
Thought it was going to be a great day.
A couple small springs and wild coho later, 2nd 20+ spring (about 2-3 hours later).
Then a Tyee. Nice! and 5 minutes after getting the rods back in antother tyee on, but broke off at the boat.

On the way in tried to pick up some Coho on the inside, but only found small ones. Ended up keeping 1, but not very big, just tle last fish before heading in.

We only saw 1 other boat offshore, at around noon. And a Cruise ship? And a big 3 masted sailing yacht that looked pretty nice.

Nice to see more proof that it is far from over..Thanks for the update.
I'll be out working in Ukee at the Credit Union Sept. 3-7 and Sept 10-14. If anyone has any extra room some evening fishing I'll gladly pay for the gas and bait. I can also bring lots of gear, if need be. I'd love to find some coho! Was going to bring my boat but I'm not big on operating it by myself in unfamiliar areas. Send me a pm or txt 250-667-2235.

SmokinJoe fished with me a couple of times last month in Ukee. Great guy to fish with. For anyone considering his offer I would highly recommend taking him along.

want yoyo's... the wreck and the deep water below the clover leaf,, fishn 120-140, bringing in bigger yoyo with worn down noses and sand lance in there bellies..are they hurting for a food source? caught a few at 200' plus. yellow cuttlefish hootchies.
SmokinJoe fished with me a couple of times last month in Ukee. Great guy to fish with. For anyone considering his offer I would highly recommend taking him along.


Thanks H.E.H.
Fished the Alberni inlet this weekend for the derby. Slow doesn't do it justice. One fish (15pds) in 16 hours fishing. 2 bites. Tried all the gear in my box.
Saturday No Springs For Us. Looked everywhere. Everywhere. 11 hours on the water and only found Coho.

Got into about a dozen offshore Coho, found 2 clipped, 1 @ 14lbs was the biggest of the trip.

Sunday got a late start at the morning and spent a few hours at Wilf Rock. Lotsa Coho, kept our 4. 3 certain Spring hookups, the only one we got close enough to be released at the side at the boat wasn't a record breaker. A couple of others had potential but never really got them close.

If you put in the time, I think you can find Springs, but definitely not thick. Coho seem to show up in certain areas for a while then be gone on the next tide.

Other than pulling large plugs for an hour while searching for Springs, only ran Hootchies Port vs Spoons Starboard this trip. Hootchies won for Springs, Spoons for Coho. But if targeting coho use smaller spoons. 3" Coyotes worked for us.

On the last day, 3 of the 4 Coho were full of what looked like clear little shrimp. The other had a massive baitfish of somekind (too decomposed for me to tell) in it. Previous to Sunday, all the Coho we caught had needlefish in them.
J-Global.....I didn't realize you stuck around??

We got some coho on Saturday, then went for Hali's and ended up with 3.....2 that were 70ish and one in the high 30's. Ran south out near where you were on Thurs or Fri and put in a quick effort for springs but nothing to show for it. Had 2 big hits out there chasing springs but nothing stuck.

The Sunday tuna fishing was unreal!!!
So yah gonna tell us about it..... or are yah just gonna tease?????

There IS a tuna thread but I am still in transit home...just nearing Horseshoe Bay. Need to gather pics and video and TRY to wipe this smile off my face as well as wondering when I can go again!!

Those reports are totally true as to how cool of a fishery it is.
After our tuna adventures on Saturday and Sunday we decided to stick close to home on Monday. My buddy his brother and I decided to try for halibut, lings, and rockfish in the morning then head in around noon to get ready to go home.

My buddies brother caught a really nice halibut out by Mara Rock. It was probably close to 50 lbs but got off right at the boat!

Some shots of the other nice eating fish we caught.



I have been using some advice that Fishtofino gave me in regards to contours and fishing for halibut. It works on lings too buddy.



We fished Ukee Fri, Sat, Sunday this past weekend and had a great time as always.

Friday, headed out to outside south bank, trolled for a few hours trying to pick up salmon but no keepers - only wild coho. Dragged the bottom for a while and picked up 2 nice 25-30 lb halibut - donated a cannon ball, snubber and relase clip to the bottom in the process - happened very suddenly and from the looks of it we hit something sharp as a knife. Headed inside and did a bit of jigging - wind was picking up and currents were less than ideal, but we still managed some nice cabezon and a not so big ling, but it was a couple of cm past 65, so it was a keeper.

One of the cabezon gulped up a size-able crab when it hit the deck - wonder how he was going to digest it!?

Saturday I decided to try the Starfish for that big salmon that has eluded us all season - bad decision - it was a rough ride getting up there in the morning and the place was pretty dead - managed to scrape up a 15 lb spring and another hali in the 25-30 lb range, but that was it for us that day. Fortunately the ride home was smooth.

Sunday we had planned to stay inside and do some jigging, but the ocean was so flat we could not resist the temptation to run offshore - trolled with a fleet of boats near the rats nose and had a blast playing big feisty coho's, some of them over 15 lbs - 3 double headers! Winds were forecasted to pick up in later in the day, and being cautious, I don't want to be caught way offshore in a 17 ft boat, so we decided to head closer in fairly early. Almost all the fish we caught were wild so only one coho and one spring in the box, but that did not diminish the fun.

Headed back to the outside south bank and dragged the bottom for a couple of hours - no halibut, but 4 nice sole, 2 of them were big. The winds never came and it ended up being one of the nicest days on the ocean of this year.

We travelled exactly 65 nm that day, the main engine ran for just over 13 hours (did not use the kicker) and burned 62 liters - pretty good I'd say.



Trolled up this halibut on the Starfish on Saturday


My son caught this ugly but tasty cabezon


My dad enjoying the beautiful conditions on the big bank - the big rig passing us in the background is very similar to those my dad worked on towards the end of his career as a commercial fisherman in the North Atlantic and in the Bering Sea.
It's a wrap!

Well I just couldn't stand it any longer. Frustrated with work, life, etc. I pulled the pin this weekend. Headed up to Da Beach to pack up camp and tow my gal home. I took some scenery pic's while up there as it was a gorgeous weekend. Trips like this on day's like this make me realize why I bought the lot in the first place.

Here is a bear that was fishing in the Maggie River.


Sail rock from a distance (center of picture).


The boat ramp was closed due to construction of a silt trap at the top of it so I would have had to go to Toquart to launch if I was fishing.



Even the bar was closed ! (Yes there is a bar at Salmon Beach).



One of the "His" not her's stools LOL!


Like I said it's a wrap!!!


Till next summer. See you on the water.

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