Tofino & Ucluelet Reports - Spring-Summer 2012

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We fished out of Ukee the past three days. Tested the waters on Friday with some green crew members at the can...after that I decided offshore probably wouldn't be for them. We only managed one rockfish but lost a good sized fish when it took the line through some kelp. Saturday we fished little beach all day. rewarded with a 17lb spring, nice hatch coho, 1 ling cod and three good sized rock fish. All caught while trolling green glow chovie heads with green flashers at 60ish feet. Tried for lings on Sunday and only came up with cabezon, couldn't get into any fish at cree/meares but I did see some being caught on anchovie. Overall a good weekend, wish we could have found more fish for my uncle and cousin but the weather cooperated and the seas were very calm. Reports I heard from outside had rats the most consistent and some smaller springs being caught at the wreck. Lots of chickens coming in as well.
Long time follower of the forum, I find it very informative and helpful so thank you for the information over the years.
My posting virginity is now broken - Heading to Ucluelet for a week. Aug. 22 – August 29. Any new updates would be very much appreciated.

Thanks - BK
Arrived in Tofino yesterday and watched the boats come in.
Didn't see much in the way of salmon.
Today - 8hrs, 1 teener Chinook & 1 10lb Coho kept. About a dozen small chinook returned, and a couple of coho.
Every once in a while we'd run across a 5 minute bite.
No bait seen.
Not seeing any fish of any size on the water or on the dock.
There's always tomorrow...
Arrived in Tofino yesterday and watched the boats come in.
Didn't see much in the way of salmon.
Today - 8hrs, 1 teener Chinook & 1 10lb Coho kept. About a dozen small chinook returned, and a couple of coho.
Every once in a while we'd run across a 5 minute bite.
No bait seen.
Not seeing any fish of any size on the water or on the dock.
There's always tomorrow...

Where did you fish today? There's lots of Halis at the Chicken Ranch to keep you amused and in white meat
Have fished Tofino many years, and this is by far the slowest I have seen it for Springs of any size.... let alone anything over 20lbs. Hope things pick up over the next few days before we leave. Spent two days hunting from 3 miles to 25 miles out, but similar results.
Sounds exactly like whats happened in Nootka Sound this year. The West Coast of the Island is having an issue.

A few pictures to go with my report from yesterday.

Fishing may be tough, but there are fish to be caught - it just requires a more concentrated effort


My wife with a couple of hali's


My dad and I with a couple of nice springs


Burning the midnight oil


Night fishing pays off - my son with the catch
more pics...


Another day's catch


Watching the lines on a beautiful August morning


Enniberg heading in to the harbour
Nice pic's Johan! Ahhh a blue top with radar. I always forget which Arima is yours lol. There are quite a few out there now days:).
Felix - we trolled along side you out by the rats nose for a while last weekend - pretty foggy that day!

John - I agree, the Arima's are becoming a pretty common sight out there. Used to be all WN boats, but there are quite a few BC registered Arima's now too.
Hitting the road for Island west tomorrow morning.looking forward to the afternoon evening fish to get started.Good to know I will be fishing not working.

Usually on 06.
Where did you fish today? There's lots of Halis at the Chicken Ranch to keep you amused and in white meat

West of Hyson.
Wednesday largest was 28 a little north of that.
Thursday largest was 25, but took a pounding out there looking for springs, so came in and cleaned up the Coho from around Tonquin.

There are some bigger fish around. Lost one reel screamer, and broke another one off.

But not in abundance.

Lots and Lots and Lots of Coho around inside, most of those we kept were around 10 lbs.
Thinking about heading over to Ukee for the coming weekend - last chance to go before my son heads back to school and to get another chance at catching some hali before the closure.

Full moon and NW 15-25 winds predicted - tough decision - is it worth it?
Thinking about heading over to Ukee for the coming weekend - last chance to go before my son heads back to school and to get another chance at catching some hali before the closure.

Full moon and NW 15-25 winds predicted - tough decision - is it worth it?

I'm heading up. Beats doing yard work lol.
I am thinking about heading up there the following weekend(sep 6-9) primarily for coho and bottom fish. Never been there. Is the inside coho fishing typically better around tofino than ucluelet? What about accommodation? Will be fishing out of our 17' tyee so will not be venturing too far out there and would like to have the protected inshore waters if its rough. I have tied a bunch of bucktails for the fly too! Any info would be great. PM if you wish. Keep the reports coming!