Tofino & Ucluelet Reports - Spring-Summer 2012

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Fished Ukee Friday night Aug. 10th through Monday Aug. 13th. VERY SLOW and a bit disappointing coming from Seattle for our annual was terrible blowing gale force all three days...Monday being the worst and no bait to chase. Friday night a couple of hours out at the red can...dead. Saturday made our way out to Starfish in heavy hour in got a nice 25 lb. spring on 546 Tomic, and then an 18 lb. on a 7 inch pilchard UV plug both at 90 feet...then nothing. Did not see another boat out there during our time there...not one. Visability was only quarter mile or so that that did to help. Headed out to the wreck...ran into a guide who was coming over to the SW Corner and said don't bother he fished there all morning and blanked out. Next day blowing harder...picked up to small 12 pounders on smaller 4 inch cop car Zurtro and a Coho Killer at Lighthouse bank...nothing else. We could not find any I must not have been deep enough...really getting rough so we came in. Only saw one other net out. Could not bottom fish very effectively because we could not get our lines vertical...fished Monday at South Bank after getting nothing at the lighthouse in close. Made our way out in really rough seas and hooked one wild Coho, and after taking a swell over the side and gunwale decided to call it...headed over behind Beg Island and got one nice ling, but couldn't find anything else we were getting behind islands along the inside but the wind kept shifting and moving us off...used the kicker to stay on top. I think you have to fish those spots a lot and know where to go....we were used to fishing the banks and drop-offs for Hali and Ling. In all a fun fishing trip with not much catching but came back safe every day...some folks were blanking out. People that were able to get to Big Bank were getting some Coho and small of the regulars went out 30 miles and got a couple of big fish, but beat his boat up and had to spend a day and fix some things. Island West was busy for moorage but fish locker was empty. Last year 16 fish limits on Kings and Coho...this year only brought back 4. I am sure they will show up soon with bait....Nootka is dead too. Good Luck fishing to all!!! I'll be here making it happen at home....PHW
I thinks it was me you saw.. 2625 kingfisher?? Suprised you did not find coho.. We couldnt keep them off.. Out of 7 boats fishing 8 hrs per day the biggest was 24 and only 2-3 per day over 20. This over three days!!We had boats all over south bank looking for bigger fish...nada.. You were in a burgandy aluminium? If so get some radar... Cruise ships and freighters were all over the wreck area... Plus it would be a lil safer? Open bow 18ish with no radar? Ballsy or nuts!!!
Hi TW,

Thanks that was Lund. Was a bit of rough so right after we got close to the wreck and heard the ships we bailed. We had such good luck there last year wanted to give it a try. I got on channel 16 and checked in every 10 minutes until we got in. Did you get anything at SWC at the depth I told you? I do need to get a bigger boat...someday soon. How deep we're you for the Coho? On that day we were only trying for Kings so nothing above 55 feet and bigger gear.
I was fishn 90 to 150.. No springs over 12 and lotsa coho.. Switched to 7" plugs with lotsa hitn runs (silvers)..good on ya for using your radio... My guests thought you guys were nuts... I replied no ,, they are Wing Nuts. See the numbers on the boat? WN!! Hope to see out next year in a bigger boat with some radar.. I mean that in a positive way!!
Good day all,

Well it is the middle of August and the crew @ Big Bear are out there putting in the hours to find fish for our guests. Too say it has been a stomper season as predicted would be “ a fisherman's lie”. It has been a bit up and down. One day on, one day off. There has been a warm water current centered off of Tofino and Ucluelet this summer. It seems to have held the biomass of bait fish well offshore. The pilchard have been holding south of us and out on Big Bank.

The Ucluelet Salmon Ladder Derby is going strong with entries hitting the scales daily. The leader stands at 38.8 lbs with a forty due any day to make things more interesting. The hatchery depends on the sales of these tickets to keep things operating at capacity so please take the time to enter the derby. You just never know, you may get that entry that will not only entitle you to the monthly cash prize but also a chance to come back in September and fish the two day fish off derby for a chance of up to $250, 000.00 hidden weight prize.

Barkely Sound:
The sound has been producing well over the last few weeks as we see the start of the Robertson Crk. fish enter on their final push into the canal and into the Stamp and Somass river systems. There was a beauty weighed in at 58 lbs. taken at the wall in Bamfield. Awesome!! Cree Island, Meares Bluff, Kirby pt. just to name a few have been producing Chinook to 35 lbs. Anchovy and flasher seems to be doing the trick. The flasher-hootchy combo is also working well in all of the favorite colours. The fish seem to be moving through quickly, so give the areas farther into the sound a shot on the flood. Pill pt., Diplock, Assits Isle are all great bets. Remember to check the regulations regarding the retention of Chinook and Coho on the inside.

The offshore waters are all over the map. Hit it right and you are in for great angling. Big Bank has been producing limits of Chinook, coho and halibut. The Rats nose, Whale’s Tale, and Outside Wreck are all great bets. The Chinook are avg. 10-20 lbs, lots of hatchery coho and halibut to 40 lbs. Remember to take care in releasing the wild coho. If possible try to use a gaff or pliers next to the boat to minimize scale loss and stress to these magnificent fish. When the dfo realizes that the restrictions that are in place are doing more harm than good to the “ wild coho” maybe they will rethink their reasoning and allow anglers to take their limit of fish and not work through the so called wilds to get their hatchery fish. The Hyson Bank, S.W. Corner, and Lighthouse Bank are all producing fish to 30 lbs. Flasher-hootchy, 4-6” spoons and plugs are all working.

We still have a few spots available towards the end of the month, as well as in the first couple of weeks of September. If fishing was anything like last September look to finish the season with a bang.

Until next time the Crew @ Big Bear wish you tight lines and silver smiles.




The Hyson bank is located about 15 miles N.W. of Ucluelet.. If you look at a chart you will see a piece of structure that resembles a starfish.. Hope it helps.:)
Is Starfish and Hyson one and the same?
Is that it at about 48 degrees, 53 minutes North and
125 degrees, 53 minutes West
Thanks in advance,
Fished Clayoquot Sound Aug. 15 and 17 bucktailing and fly casting. Didn't touch a fish. Saw one coho landed and one spring lost in 20 hours of fishing. Not a touch for me. Don't waste your time fishing the inside until the coho come back.

My Dad and I fished one day (August 16) on the outside with Carmen and "Miss Sea". She is an excellent guide. Although fishing was spotty, my Dad landed a 20 pound spring and we hooked into several smaller springs and wild coho, all of which were gently released.
Just got back early from 2 days up at Da Beach. We didn't pursue salmon on Friday and just had fun jigging all afternoon. Lot's of lings around and we caught some decent rock fish as well. No hali's for us on Friday. It was nice getting away from the heat on the ECVI and the foggy conditions were welcomed!

A couple of shots from the weekend.



Rock fish never cease to amaze me.


Who says you can't eat good in camp lol. Spicy scallop cones mmmmm.

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We tried trolling around for a couple of hours on Saturday out at the wreck and managed one small coho. We decided to bomb closer in and take advantage of the high slack tide and do some hali jigging. Only one in the boat after a couple of hours jigging but it was worth it :). 165 feet of water and using a white grub on a spreader bar. My best halibut to date at 51 inches and it took some good runs which made it fun to reel in.


Hopefully we can pick up a few salmon next weekend.

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Nice pictures and report there Sculpin, thanks for sharing.... Looks like you only gaffed the hali??

Thanks hambone. Actually netted it and dispatched it at the side of the boat quickly. I have had a harpoon on my boat for years and have never used it yet lol.
Haha that's awesome... I have had a much smaller hali break my net, which is why I commented. Nice fish! The deep freeze have any room left for tuna?? Lol
Haha that's awesome... I have had a much smaller hali break my net, which is why I commented. Nice fish! The deep freeze have any room left for tuna?? Lol

Yeah I was a little nervous about it till it hit the deck of the boat lol. I think I may need a new net now!

There is still room for tuna in the freezer. Just have to go catch some.
Will be at Island West from Thursday the 23rd - Sunday. Got the Brother inlaw and his grandson.
Hope the wind holds and we can find some fish. The boat has hardly seen water this year.I have only ever fished out of Uki once before other than running out to south bank ect from Julia pass. We will be in a 21 trophy with the name "Inisfree". Say hey if ya see us.

Cheers Ray
Just returned from another Ukee adventure - fishing was tough to say the least, compared to seasons past, but getting to go out for several days in a row with my wife, son and my dad who is approaching 80, is a privilege that I treasure.

We worked hard for the fish we caught. Our little 17 ft Arima was everywhere from the red can outside Ukee to the south bank, starfish, and all the way to the rats nose in dense fog. Trolled along side the Fog Ducker out there for a bit.

Finding them is a challenge when there is so little bait around, and even when we found them, we sometimes struggled to get them to bite. The most consistent producer for us seemed to be a white glow hoochie with a pink stripe. Tiger prawn hoochie was good on some days. Tried dragging big plugs and spoons, but that did not work well for us.

Bottom line for us was that going far was not really worth the fuel - starfish was no better than the south bank, and although we got plenty of action at the rats nose, except for one fish, they were all less than 10 lbs, a lot of them barely legal size even! A couple of nice sized hali's still made the trip to the big bank worth it for us.

In the end the best spot for bigger salmon, and the only spot with significant concentration of bait, was the red can, and it seems it has been that way all summer. We had a 20, 22 and 24 there, got one 17 lbs at the Starfish - everything else was 10 or less.

Best spot for hali was the outside south bank - getting our possession limit of hali for 4 people was not very hard at all. We got all our hali's dragging a brown turd hoochie on the bottom.

No keeper lings for us, but we never stopped to jig - looking a Johns pictures above gives me some regret about that decision.

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