SOOKE REPORTS spring/summer 2010

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There you go, the importance of getting on top of the fish, all about finding them. Had the binoculars out and some socs jumping down by Iron mine bay, thought about heading down that way.. wish I did, the schools move around if you can get on them you will do good. I blamed it on the big ebb current this morning.. but Just a few miles from where I was fishing Chris was in Red Hot soc fishing... gotta find the fish..

quote:Originally posted by chris73

Red Hot struck again - we hit about a dozen socks today - my 8 year old son played them all - kept 5, 2 or 3 released and some lost. One was a beauty of about 12 lbs - after 2 runs I thought for sure it was a spring until the air dance started. Lots of fun for us. Found them out of the trap and nailed most in 70-80'. None on bait - all on gear. A few we also got between trap and the head closer in when it was flooding. Saw a guy getting 2 springs way out mixed with the socks.

Smiley: Yeah, full moon and no fog is in my books No Good for springs in the morning.
Out yesterday from 7 am to 1:30 pm fishing for socs. Had to work to find pockets of fish but caught 10 and one hatchery coho (first of the year). Had probably 25-30 sockeye on for the day. Depths were 55' to 101', mostly off Sooke harbour mouth to the trap in 300' to 550' of water.

quote:Originally posted by highlights

Anyone, anyone, anyone?...... Beuler?

We dont listen to people with 115 post'ses [:p]

Freakin junior :D
How is the sockeye action out in Sooke? Are there still some sox out there to catch - any reports from anyone?

Long live wild salmon!!!
Well Im not back in vic yet. Stopped in to visit a good buddy in Kamloops for some sockeye fishing on the thompson and figure id stay for the opening of bow deer season. Hope to pick up a nice whitetail to add to our 2 moose we got on out trip up north. What a great trip we had. Got 2 imature bulls and 1 blackbear. Not asmany animals as previouos years but lots of Cows and Calves making the next few years feel promising! Shall be back on the 7th to get into some Coho action.

Buddy of mine was out early off of sooke this morning, 1 sock at 7:00 am then nothing the rest of the morning. Maybe moved on or out deeper. Any reports coming from pender bluffs ??
Same here .Out from 7 to 11 and nothing today.Saw very little action today.Nice thing the wind stayed down so not to bad out there.
well i am jealous, i got work on my leg tommorrow, maybe get out monday if everything goes well, for the first time in my own boat this season:([:I], lol, how pathetic is that
Hey Sean, don't be so hard on yourself. you've been too busy teaching me to work on your boat. That boat is dying to get wet again though.
must showed u enough, didnt even get an invite from you for the wkend, lol
good luck if you make it out, but i havent showed you everything i know yet;)(not that i know much)
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