SOOKE REPORTS spring/summer 2010

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"Dagger Tooth"???[:0]
That is a way cooler answer than I expected.
I will have to do some more looking into those things.

highlites maybe u could put in a word & have some of those spring entries vanish from our fishing lic.
HOLY SOCKEYE! Impressive to see. Got our 12 and many lost.
Shallowest was 90' and good size
No spring luvin for us though
hey lipripper, good on you. I was out today from 1:30 till 5:00 and had very little action. I was trying to find some sockeye to play for my 5 year old son. Could you tell me where abouts you found them. Thanks
We found small groups out far earlier on but had most when we came back in. Just off the ledge at Secretary/Possesion
does anybody remember which post we talked re; cheaper islander look a likes a few pics were posted showing options one was pimping your reel does this jog anybodies memory? I'm looking for some new reel options & don't want to pay the big bucks thanx sammy
Just got back from a tour at S/Shores. Thur- 3 springs, lost 1 also a bunch of socks on the spring tac on the purple chove gear, Muir Cr. Went out Fri night in sloppy weather. Hit a 22lb white spring off Poss in the first 20 minutes and than called it a night, to rough. Sat, fished for 8hrs and hit zero spings and 4 socks off Poss. Saw very limited springs caught off Possesion that day. Sun - Fished for 4 hrs and hit 3 springs off Possesion,18,18 and lost 1.Mon - zip,zero springs off Possesion for a few hrs on the low slack. EVERYONE was out sock fishing, anybody who wanted Poss point today could have had the whole thing to themselves,lol. Had an impatient old man in the boat today and got lured to follow the crowd off shore for 2 hrs, hooked 4 socks only landed 2. Heard 80-100ft was the tickit; I missed them!
Purple chrome head and Onion flaser was good for socks and springs, 5 ft leader,65ft. Still lots of socks around for action if thats what turns you on.Should have gone for a ride but stayed out front the whole trip and regret it now; maybe Wed....
Thanks lipripper, I will give that a go next time I'm out. I thought I found a few schools out at second tide line off the head, but they didn't seem interested in what I was offering at the time.
Still good action out there good chinook action for sure had to work for them but got em finding them down a bit deeper now??? dont understand that??? got a 31lb "BIG WHITE" yesterday so maybe thats the start of the whites coming in, if it is get ready to see a 40 plus hitting the docks this week, not by me but someone who throws down a turd hootchie or a red devil spoon LOL LOL.

Good luck Wolf

Blue Wolf Charters
Short early trip today, 6am-8am...came home empty handed. One sockeye lost at the boat, a couple of nibbles, that's it.

About 50 boats out in the deep water off Secretary, didn't see a fish caught. Looking back, I see that I misread "Lipripper"s post above....90 feet or DEEPER seems to be the ticket! A friend got 10 sockeye hits fishing at the same time today, he was fishing 90-140ft, and most of the hits were on anchovies. So there you go.
quote:Originally posted by juandesooka

A friend got 10 sockeye hits fishing at the same time today, he was fishing 90-140ft, and most of the hits were on anchovies. So there you go.

Yup, We switched to spring hootchies cause we couldn't keep the sox of the chovies.... they were smacking anything we put down. We were busting a move to get to the west side of Secretary probably pushing 5+ kn and we were still hitting them [?]
Slow for us today too although we did manage 1 spring early in the morning at Secretary--same deal as the past several days--80 ft on white hootchie, short tail. We then blanked for 4 hours until managing one sockeye.
Had my dad out this morning, 6:30-10:00 expecting a boat load of Socs.. not Christmas every day.. much slower today, but got 4 and lost one. Had to really work for them though, on the binoculars steadily trying to narrow down a school, finally found a small patch on the sounder closer in to Secretary, worked it for a bit got a double header got them both in, made another pass on it caught the edge of the school on the sounder and picked up another two and lost one, after that could not find it again, the only patch I saw on the sounder all morning and got them on the shallower lines, 50-60 feet.

Was hoping to get a bunch of socs quick and then fish springs in tight for a few hours before we had to come in, not so. At the gutting trough, one guy was cleaning a teenage spring he had at Muir, he said it was the only spring he saw all morning. After he left I was just finishing up and this guy comes to the gutting trough with two big springs both twins 26lbers! He said he left the dock at 9:45, on his first pass before he could get the third rod down he had one spring on and the boat beside him was also playing a spring! He landed that one, got his gear back down made a pass back and picked up another spring ! and came in.. and saw him at the gutting trough at about 11:00 LOL.. every one was struggling with socs out there all while a couple boats in tight slamming springs !!! Crazy..
Red Hot struck again - we hit about a dozen socks today - my 8 year old son played them all - kept 5, 2 or 3 released and some lost. One was a beauty of about 12 lbs - after 2 runs I thought for sure it was a spring until the air dance started. Lots of fun for us. Found them out of the trap and nailed most in 70-80'. None on bait - all on gear. A few we also got between trap and the head closer in when it was flooding. Saw a guy getting 2 springs way out mixed with the socks.

Smiley: Yeah, full moon and no fog is in my books No Good for springs in the morning.
quote:Originally posted by chris73

Red Hot struck again - we hit about a dozen socks today - my 8 year old son played them all - kept 5, 2 or 3 released and some lost. One was a beauty of about 12 lbs - after 2 runs I thought for sure it was a spring until the air dance started. Lots of fun for us. Found them out of the trap and nailed most in 70-80'. None on bait - all on gear. A few we also got between trap and the head closer in when it was flooding. Saw a guy getting 2 springs way out mixed with the socks.

Smiley: Yeah, full moon and no fog is in my books No Good for springs in the morning.

That seemed like a short BC trip? Had to get back to your ocean didn't you! Welcome back
No coho to release today. Managed to get a 23 and a 23.5 lb Chinook and of course the can’t keep them off Sockeye as incidental catch. The 23 was a double header with another fish we lost. The usual Possession and Secretary area. Truly a beautiful afternoon once the south easter died down.
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