SOOKE REPORTS spring/summer 2010

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Yes there is fish out there lots accually when everyone has all these good reports soxs from what I heard were a bit hard to track down but spring action is good .....

Steve where my 2 bits LOL LOL LOL

Good luck Wolf

Blue Wolf Charters
out this a.m. fought the fog, wind and sloppy water. boated a 30 at O'brien pt. lost another on the 2nd long run it took away from the boat. did not venture out for socks as the wind was picking up. there were people at the ramp with sockeye which they had picked up inside the bay

Monday night around 4:00 pm the socks came in close around possession etc. and they were jumping all over the place. Pretty spectacular seeing them clear out of the water 30 feet from the boat. We were fishing anchovies looking for Chinook but those with squirts were catching them.
hey rockfish what boat were u in?
dave and i were out in his boat, you can see his boat on members boats page
we fished possesion around that time for springs and then switched over for sox
Hi dohboy. We were in Wolf’s old boat from before he went upscale and classy with the Hurston. It’s a white poded Glassply Hardtop Express Cruiser with a radar arch and a 225 Opti.
LOL Im so glad that the ol girl is getting used and being looked after who accually is using it not just sitting in someones driveway.
Good work rockfish seems the boats good to you catching fish.

Good luck Wolf

Blue Wolf Charters
i know that boat rockfish, seen it once or twice lol

didnt see you that day, i think you had gone in before we tried for springs, the boat was at the dock when we came in
Yea; must still have some of that old Wolf Magic. I noticed it fishes better if I ware that old ugly yellow hat you left on it. Have you noticed you catch less fish since you lost it?
I will give you a call, newfie boy.
Out for sockeye today off Sooke--we got our 8 but had to work for them--seems to be thinning out a bit?
IN two day 5 slabs18lb to 28lb fishing for socks 350 to 450 of water 82 feet for springs critet hoochy at 82 feet old hoochy its green and lightgreen with a blue strip the hoochy has been good for four month tuesday was not nice foggy and big wave tuff it out,, the head to secuteruty and the sock where good at 75 feet gold betshy fashery with a old real old scrirts ,white top with pink or orange scrirt with 5/0 black when new you pull off every other leg of scrirt fill the box with this set up .good luck boomer
where did u fish buddy said there weren't many springs weighed in @cheanuh? just sporatic sockeye
Put in a 6 hour shift this morning and we SUCKED.:(:(:( First day that I have gone right out for socks. Stacked 4 rods,dummy flashers, all red, 500 ft of water,dead slow, and we had 1 hit and lost it due to fouled gear in the dummy flasher right off the bat. Fixed spacing on the stacked gear and didn't get touched for 5 1/2 hours. We saw people getting the odd one, but it did seem slow as to the other days I have been out lately. I think that I will go back to fishing springs at least we get the odd 1 or 2 sockeye as by catch. O well back all it tomorrow.
Been waiting for my quarter!!! LOL LOL yes there is fish there wed was just plain stupid for fish heard of a couple of really big ones coming in from trap area lots at possesion and west A forum memeber and I went out and had a great day got our limit of springs grea day on the water and he let me play a fish !!!!! awsome day thanks maybe he can post a pic!!!!
Then yesterday it was like a shut off valve got turned off???? worked hard to get a spring lost 2 others hate tose days when it pops of the riggers screaming line then pooooof gone???

Out again today say hi if you see me ....
Was that you sea ranger who said hi yesterday????

Good luck Wolf

Blue Wolf Charters
Sorry Wolf.... wasn't me out there... I have to work during the week. Maybe it was Big Meal.... I believe he also owns an Arima Sea Ranger. But on a good note I did manage a 22 lber last Saturday and this Saturday I'm working but hope to get out on Sunday. So Wolf, I need you to leave a fish or two out there for me for Sunday.

And remember....Keep your tip up!!!
I think in general that there are good numbers of fish out there. What I found really odd was that there were literally dozens of boats aroound us with long faces. I could not get the gear out fast enough before we had another fish on. ???????? I noticed the Sockeye were definitely shallower the last couple days. Flash is huge! Tried only a couple rods for comparison. Big differance once multiple rods are placed. Leader length imperative, depth and speed also a big factor. Springs in the usual spots but also in good numbers with the sockeye. Coho mixed in as well but not as numerous as chinook or sockeye. I have to get out there again soon.

Good luck guys

Fished consistently from Sheringham to the trap for all three species.
I'm the fingers of doom when it comes to posting a picture Roy. Geez.
Go Ahead and flash them up there.
Went out Wedsnday with Roy for our annual spring trip/day of laughs.
Started at 6:30am leaving Sooke Harbour Marina, what a diffrence from the old spot, 100 times better.
Out and around the corner short run and checked with one of Roys contacts.
Their here Roy got 2 in the boat right off there -- x feet of water.
Quick consultation, lets move and try over there I've seen this before, and I think they might be hanging there.
All right with me, I know enough to listen to solid advice.

Roy got us to the spot rod down, I'm driving not even 2 minutes fish on!!
Got that one in the boat in short order,high twenties for sure, guys not too bad of a rod man.(wink)
For the next half hour could only get one rod down at a time.
Just mental, hard hits short runs, hard hits nothing, hard hits, Dan screws up. Roy laughs, rookie.
Soft hits, pin poppers on and on.
Just plain stupid.
So we finally pickup another one in the twenties, The guide is now teasing the customer non stop about sorting through the runts.
Man I'm getting tired of all this work.
I'm old
Then it goes slow.
Hmmm... after awhile his buddy is back on the radio Blue Wolf, Blue Wolf, it's on.
Nothing else is said.
Off we go.
Spot we stopped at on the way out, we start working it Pal comes over we're done Roy, 6 in the boat, best day for me and my buddies in years.
Off they go.
Couple of tacks bang Roys got another one, damn him...
Gets it up beside the boat, pretty fiesty roars around looks like its done starting too roll on its side, zip with the net I get it in or do I?
Its doing the tuna and its sliding out.... couple shakes of the net extend the arms.... we got her.
Roy looks at me... quick thinking boy.
Fish for another half hour or so bang pin popper and away she goes,I'm on it... crap I can't remember whose turn it is.
My turn? Yeah go for it.
Good fight, get it up beside the boat, Roy says not much of a fight out of that one eh Dan?
Man I'm happy I didn't birdsnest the reel or yank the hook out.
I'm concentrating on directing the fish into the net.
Roy says I think its got another run in it.... splashes the net beside the fish.. yep shes got another run for sure.zzzzzzzzzzz
Get it back up and I'm thinking whats next?
Quick flip shes in the boat.
We're done and its not even noon.

Man what a clinic, great time again Roy.
I've learned so much from you over the years,You made me work for it though, just enough to make me think each time.
Thanks for sharing with me.It's really made me passionate about fishing again.

Thanks Roy.

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