Sooke Reports - Spring and Summer 2012

you out tomorrow, Lippy? I'll be out 8:30ish.

I sure was... Tough go today for us. Ran out in the moon light, the Otter bite that happened yesterday AM didn't really materialize today. Finally moved over to the harbour mouth around ten and picked up a 21
Another beaut of a Day, no fog, no wind, released two teaners first ting and then that was it, another big fish weighed in at the Derby 42lbs.( last minute Hail Mary) I heard? Good Day Driller
great day on the water in the sunshine, headed straight out off beachy for some coho and had 4 hatch by 6:30 am. Dropped the gear to the basement, (180 ft) and hit a couple small springs, released them both and lost a nice one . Tried the beach at sherringham but no luck. Try again tomorrow.
I tried ya on 68 yesterday HF (from 60 feet to your right).. Our best fishing was after everyone left the beach(10-11?).... But then they came back :D

And driller... it was a last minute 41ish that came in for number 2. The winner was weighed in at 8 Saturday.

Again it was a great time, wicked weather, decent fishing, steaks were killer and Tigerprawn there is no way in F that I will remember your wifes name, so I hope when I run into her at the store or something that she isn't insulted if I refer to her as Mrs. Tigerprawn :D

Congrats to the kid that won it... Should be a good story coming out.
Good 2 days for the crew of the wolf they managed to get some sine fish they are there but you have to work for them it seems its only going to get better this week with these early mornig tides. met a forum member who came over for a bevie really nice to meet you pescor and nice chatting with you...

Good luck Wolf
Got a 21 lb Spring off Sheringham today at 1130 on Chovie at 81 ft. Had to really work for that one fish. There are fish, just gotta put in the time. Good seeing you again Wolf. Will see you on the water in the morning...
IMG_1559.jpgOut at 1:30 in the Father in laws boat. Hubby caught a beauty 21 pounder around 2:45. 58 ft off Possession Purple Haze flasher, Chrome anchovy head with custom red nailpolished nose.....that fish ripped the line so much we thought it was a seal!! We turned the boat and followed it as it seemed that he was going to run out of line. Once Hubby reeled all the line back in, the fish was done- for an easy net for me. Father in law caught a clipped, Hubby released a wild, nothing for me!! Great day on the water can hardly wait until our next trip out!! Xena.......
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Good 2 days for the crew of the wolf

Judging by the picture, that's one of the larger understatements of the year.
Ok here ya go lippy make the pics 1 was slow but day 2 was a good one it was a 2 boat trip with another guide ....SOOKE SALMON 2012 057.jpgSOOKE SALMON 2012 061.jpg
X2!! Totally impressive Wolf!!
Gotta get out there and try and get a summer chinook. Been preoccupied with coho and not had any luck with chinook in the usual spots since my decent (for me!) 17lb'der on 11th of June. Maybe that counts!! LOL:)


There ya go Wolfie
WAS another good day today for the crew of the wolf was done by 9 am today hung around for a bit as having too much fun still no monsters for me yet but it will come I know they are there, Im thinking this week a hog will be caught by someone.
2 fish over 40 in the SSE derby those are some nice fish showing up and now with these early morning floods it will get better (especially no full moon)

Lippy you know what to do LOL LOL


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I really need to show you how to do this hey?



That must have been a morning shift? Wheres the afternoon lunkers?
These people were all the way from Miami florida they said you dont know how beutiful and scenic you have it here and the city of Victoria is the best place they have ever seen , he went all the way to botanical and the beachs along the coast and aid hes never been to such a woderfull island, kinda makes you proud of what we have and we all know we kinda take it for granted dont we!!!!.....

LOL LOL yes you do need to teach me,I can fish but computors well ill admit not that great as for the afternoon lets say the couch was occupied and had a GREAT nap LOL LOL

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Not much at Otter on the late shift. Got in to some Coho and a nice Sockeye released them all but did have a freight train on and the dam hook straightened and busted. O well thats fishing was a little windy. I guess I should have gone to PP. thats where they were.
We fished Otter point area today and got 2 small springs but on our way back to Sooke, going past the trailer park in 60' of water we hooked into a hali and a 1/2 hr later my 70+ year old client landed a 65lb hali with 30 lb test line. Luckily the hook was in the jaw and he couldn't bite us off.

Thanks Smiley for moving over during our battle.
WOW too cool Doug thats a hell of a battle nice fish!!!
Went out sunday late morning just me and the old man for some good father son bonding :) fished PP hard for an hour or so with nothing and decided to head out maby for a coho befor I took him back in for work. A fish would have been a bonus is was soo nice out there! We turned out at pp and headed towards the bluffs/shipping lanes and got to 120 ft when my rod popped off. The old man was happy thinking he had his perfict dinner fish at 8-10 lbs. Then he starts screaming about a seal and the reel was just a smoking!!! Yeahoo!! We ended up netting the biggest spring either of us have cought off sooke! It was pretty special! It was also nice to know I can still roll a bait, I havent used bait in 3-4 years!
Like I said, 120ft water, 79 ft down. green flasher with red stripe and JDF krippled herring head, green non glow.

Came back in around noon to drop off the old man and got the father in law to come out for the first time in this boat. Having the father in law coming with me was enough to convince the wifey to come along. Ive been trying to get her out on my boat for years!!
We went back out to 120 were I got the fish that morning and fished from pp to almost otter point with nothing but a missed strike and a ripped up anchovie. we decided to go in tight near otter even tho it was kickng up pretty good! right at the 80ft mark at 75 ft we got a monster that my old lady got to play! It took a couple big runs, we got to see it by the boat, but one quick turn of the head and it was off. I thought it was pretty lucky that my old lady got to feel the excitement and fight of a 20/30+lbs fish. Now she has a bit better understanding why I do it! Between that fish and the fish with my old man in the AM made for top day in my books, thats what fishings all about.
After wifey lost hers I got one again 80ft, 75 feet down same setup as in the AM. This fish took 2 or 3 huge runs away from me, then right back at me 2 or three times! ive never had it run at the boat so many times! I had slack line 2 or 3 times but still got it in!
I didnt have a scale with me to weigh em, but theres alot of meat around here now!


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