Sooke Reports - Spring and Summer 2012

Great fish and great story Telstar26!! Bet you have made some folks in the SSES Derby envious...LOL
Hoping to go out tomorrow, but I never have any luck at Otter so we are going to try Sheringham I think.....
Thanks guys! Normally I have derby tickets every year because my family sponsors the derby thru pizzability. This year we sponsored again, but with the opening of the new second pizzability location at Glen lake, we didnt except the tickets, thinking we wouldnt have time to make it out.... O well!
These people were all the way from Miami florida they said you dont know how beutiful and scenic you have it here and the city of Victoria is the best place they have ever seen , he went all the way to botanical and the beachs along the coast and aid hes never been to such a woderfull island, kinda makes you proud of what we have and we all know we kinda take it for granted dont we!!!!....


It is great to see Western Canada through the eyes of visitors, which we also do from time to time, isn't it? I believe some of the people who most appreciate what we have here are immigrants from Europe like myself (Chris73 might also agree). Most Europeans are literally blown away by the comparatively pristine environment we have here.
That is why we must never allow Harper and his Enbridge cronies to sell the soul of BC to the highest bidder, so they can destroy it. Even though that proposed pipepline is well north of here the inevitable disaster they will create will have a tidal wave of effects on us even down here on the Southern Island.
Well put,Englishman. You're abosutily right about our beautifull area.I'm 4th generation Van Isle, and i have never taken it
for granted. What ever it takes to stop this pipeline going through,I will be behind it!!
Another good day seems there back for sure managed to get 4 nice ones again today then got really rough out finding them at all normal depths but the green blue chrome head is working for me these fish are aggressive so change tactics a bit.....

I could not keep sockeye off today from Trap to Aldridge. Went faster, slower, deeper, shallower. Must have caught 15+. Cleaned me out of chovie.
I don't mind throwing them back if the fishery is in danger but if I hear later that DFO misjudged the run and its a big one and then I see pics of the "Brothers" on the Fraser throwing excess fish away. I'll be pissed.
Too bumpy this morning to head for Sheringham so went to Trap instead about 7:00am. Did the “dance” with the other boats for four circuits then headed down to Beachy. Managed one small 8lb Chinook on the way. 120 feet on anchovy with purple haze head. I suppose that counts as a summer chinook (our only one so far) although it is more like a winter fish caught in the summer! :DAfter a few passes of Beachy headed out to find coho. Got one hatch, released about 4 wilds and shakers and missed a few more hits. Amazing number of boats out for Wednesday, but did not see a lot of action……(For some reason we did not catch any sockeye at all, unlike some recent posts........)
Try Owner hooks. You wont be dissapointed. Best hooks ive ever used!

karma-kazi,,thanks for the tip about using the owner hooks,,got 3 of them and they work excellent,that is the hook for me,,
it's nice to see that guys on this fishing thread go out of the way to give out good info about fishing,,i am impressed with the great info from you guys,,thanks alot and i will give out any great info that i may know about fishing,,,
I could not keep sockeye off today from Trap to Aldridge. Went faster, slower, deeper, shallower. Must have caught 15+. Cleaned me out of chovie.
I don't mind throwing them back if the fishery is in danger but if I hear later that DFO misjudged the run and its a big one and then I see pics of the "Brothers" on the Fraser throwing excess fish away. I'll be pissed.

Yes, I also refered to DFO erroneous fish counts, I'm sure we're all aware of their weegie board predictions. Funny how now the count has changed yet again...Yep, alluded to this on the Sockeye thread a while back, only to be reminded that the escapement records show a poor return.
My fishing report - there are lots of Sockeye.. if you know the run is larger then expected, open them!!!
Fished Possession and Secretary tonight. About 20 boats out. Bait everyhwere, salmon nowhere. Saw one net come out between 4:30 and 8:30.
Morning was a bit of a struggle to find them the afternoon changed it up a bit and got rewarded with some nice springs biggest was a 20 the others were teens with 2 whites and ALL males. they are there back to working for them....i dont think that low pressure and thet thunder and lighting helped either I remeber when it hapened last time fishing went for a shiat for a coulple of day...his weekend tournament will have plenty im sure good lucj to all going in..

Out last night at posession, 1 strike that didnt stick, didnt see a net in the air all night...hoping to get out on the weekend, hopfully they will be biting then!
Morning was a bit of a struggle to find them the afternoon changed it up a bit and got rewarded with some nice springs biggest was a 20 the others were teens with 2 whites and ALL males. they are there back to working for them....i dont think that low pressure and thet thunder and lighting helped either I remeber when it hapened last time fishing went for a shiat for a coulple of day...his weekend tournament will have plenty im sure good lucj to all going in..


Which Derby is happenig this weekend Wolf?
Was out late yesterday afternoon and started at PP. Did one pass picked up and released one Coho. Talked to Wolfy and picked up and ran west. Decided to drop gear at Muir Creek. First pass and picked up a 22lber and the a nice hatchery Coho. Not much else going on there.
Out later today :eek:
Fished 130-730. Glad I went out as the reports showed bumps but it was near glass most of the night. Very little fish seen caught....I found a 12lber at PP than moved to Shack/Head for last few hours. A couple bait checks revealed anchovies with clean hits (tails missing) so I moved my hook back and scared them away. maybe just the smart springs are left?