SOOKE Reports, Fall/Winter 2010/2011

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incase anyone was thinking of fighting the wind tomorrow, may want to reconsider - got out today with Chris73 + another buddy, tough tough going around the bluffs - ended up with 2 small ones and one around 10lb...threw everything at them - spoons, hootchy, squirts, bait, baitrix strip from 110-150 bluffs to trailer park - nothing stood out better than any other although almost a double header on the trailer side of the tin shed. Long ebb with no change probably didn't help, but probably not worth a go in 20 knot winds. Was a beauty out there today 5-10 knots, picked up to 15 by late afternoon, 2 drops of rain.
Not intending to jack the reports thread but isn't the hali opening at the end of the month? I've tried asking before only to be shutdown and made to feel like a dumb newbie (which i am... newbie that is). We need to educate all willing to listen if this is going to be a successful grass roots movement. thanks guys.
Many are doubtful of a March 1st opening. The only notice is that halibut is now closed until Feb 28th and they have yet to confirm that will be lifted March 1st. Do you think they will wait until the 28th then post a notice saying it is open tonight at midnight? While they are capable I don't think even they will do that. If a notice doesn't come out in the next week I could see it staying closed past the end of the month.
I'm out Saturday, looks like the wind predictions have been changed a bit for the morning. Looks like a decent window until just after noon, hope it proves accurate.
Tubbed out and I are going to give it a go tomorrow morning and see if we can't find some of these great tasting winters. I was thinking of coming out of pedder, any one have any idea what's been going on there lately?
"got out today with Chris73"
There's your problem right there Deewar. LOL!

Fished from 8-11 today and could not keep them off. Kept 4 and released a doz.
Bit bumpy for the first hour but nice after that.
No crabs today. Weird because traps were loaded last week.
Just got home before the rain.

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"got out today with Chris73"
There's your problem right there Deewar. LOL!

Fished from 8-11 today and could not keep them off. Kept 4 and released a doz.
Bit bumpy for the first hour but nice after that.
No crabs today. Weird because traps were loaded last week.
Just got home before the rain.


thats just sick tips - was that Whirl? That'll rattle the big guy as he probably would have preferred going there, but I had heard seals were starting to be a problem at Whirl and Michael at Westshore thought bluffs were a little better as well. Yeah, we struck out on crabs as well!
Good to hear......... Be putting around there tomorrow
Bluffs to trailer park = )
insane - nice work - out with Larry??? Perhaps it was just a timing thing as we were probably getting lines wet by 9:45-10 - maybe we just suck too! We threw the kitchen sink out there though and didn't see any action with the other 2 boats fishing either.
Out this morning from 7:30 till noon. Kept 5 up to 12 pounds lost 2 more nice fish and released a couple small legal fish. All 5 we kept were hatch jobs. 130 to 170ft, chovy and green glow coyotes. Most action on the spoon.
Green/glow Coyote for us........... 130-150....
Had a wardrobe malfunction......... and lost a few nice fish.
A chunky 8 in the box and a skinny 5. Chucked back a bunch o' babies
Half dozen+1 on the critters
x3 on the coyote's 154' on the rigger 7 hits 7 landed. 2 in the box in the 6 pound range one wild one hatch. Trailer park.

Was out on saturday morning and got 4 springs up to 13 pounds in the 2 hours and 8 crabs, then on sunday seemed the bites were a little more spread out but managed 5 springs from 8-12 pounds and released a half dozen others. Trailor park as well. Multiple double headers.
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