Sooke reports - August 2006

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Good job Maddog.

After that report there will be more than 2 boats off the head tomorrow! LOL!!

Sounds like there are lots of fish around in all the favorite spots.

I too have a yellow lab but she is not much of a fishing partner. She thinks that her job is to retrieve everything that I throw in the water. It is all I can do to keep her in the boat! Maybe when she is older. She's only 1 1/2 years.

Glad to see this thread back on topic.


We got 3 today but had to work for them it was a little rough back out again tommorow seems it appers the fish are really passing through different looking fish each time out.

Good luck Wolf
I'm embarrased to say I got skunked off secretary this morning. Maybe I got up too late, maybe it was too windy, maybe that 40' downrigger wire i snagged and towed around for 3 hours was the reason. Damn....Idiot!! but tomorrow looks calm and I'm 2 fish away from enuf.
heres my fishing buddy keeping a keen eye on the rod tips.
my kids like 2 watch the rods like a hawk as well lol:D. tight lines scotty
I was one of those off the trap this morning, actually I was the first out at Beachy as the line of boats past me trolling to the Trap. Skunked! Tried all the gear at all depths. Saw quite a few boats land fish. Even the tug boat pulling the log boom caught a fish off the trap on a top line he had out! Ugh, next time!
Hit the trap this am. Lots of springs on the sounder and huge schools of bait. There were definately some fish caught there today. Whales came thru but didn't stick around. We picked up three around 20lbs and lost another behind the boat. Later we dragged a hook at Otter the afternoon and hit one right away around 20lbs and then quickly banged 2 smaller ones but the whales arrived so that pretty much ended the day. Nice weather. Caught em on glow heads and chrome heads - didn't seem to matter as long as you got it in front of them. Much smaller fish than we saw the past couple weeks but still nice. Real scrappers. Usual depths - 45 to 85 feet.
Fished Possession this am. Some fish there but not near as many as Tuesday. Yesterday I cleaned up my boat and put my rods in a different storage arrangement. When I put out the lines this am I chose my extra rod and reel that I haven't used all season. (it looks exactly the same as my regular one) This one didn't have a lot of line on it which I failed to notice when I put it out. Well you can probably guess the rest--very good hit and run and I had just finished getting everything else in and started to turn the boat to follow when ping! Spooled. Should have had that extra cup of coffee this morning before starting out. Oh well, after I finished cursing myself I started to laugh.
Fished Sooke here tonite, 7- 930 @ possesion pt. Lost the only fish that got hooked (3 bites),had it on enuf to get up all three other rods/n two downriggers up.[}:)] I wasn't on the rod... But what a boat ride[:p]...Seen a few caught too... nothin big. ohhh betsy gold flasher 6' tail chrome anchovy special....55 ft. Worked for us.
Fished mid afternoon and evening at Otter. A few fish around with a decent bite between 6-7ish. A couple of small feeder springs, a sockeye...and 3 teenager springs. The deep rod (90-100ft) was doing most of the work with a hootchie.
Just got back to work after vacation [xx(] had a great time as usual. Fishing was great, Otter and Muir Creek produced best for us. Put quite a few in the boat in the 20 - 30# range, biggist in my boat was a 28#. Was surprised to find them so deep, I found 100'to produce best at least 2 to 1 on the 55' rod. Anchovy was the bait green flasher and Ryse davies green teaser head.
Also put 7 socks in the boat on chinnok gear and nice fish to boot mmmmm good. Anyways I guess thats it for me for a year now, you guys have fun out there leave some for me for next year, and tight lines to all.
i know that alot of people are using bait out there but has anyone been using a hootchie?? im going out this sunday again and im gona have a white-ish slight oilslick colour hootchie. they were working last year. and ill be trying a new Hot Spot flasher out there and no one else will have the flasher
fished the head and the trap 250` of water 85`on the down rigger .boated 3 springs 15lbs to 25lbs after 6pm .talked with guys seems yesturday they were deeper then last weekend , most guys fished 85` to 110`in 250` of water. tight lines cya out there sunday then off 2 the west coast 4 my very much needed week off. scottyboy
Saturday Aug. 26th. Great morning at Otter with my son. We landed an 8, 13 and 27lb Spring + 4 Sockey.
All from 70-90ft. on glow anchovy heads with Betsie flashers.
It was absolutely flat calm and sunny[8D]

Until next week
Nice job Hurston.
Did you get your fish early or after it started to flood?

Heading out tomorrow!

Call for Tips Up on chanel 68 if your out there.

Fished the Trap from 6-1.No springs,lost 2 springs early(had two rookies with me)Ended up with 3 nice sockeye.Beauiful day thou.
Nice morning indeed Hurston! We only hit three Springs to 18#, no biggies a sh*t load of Dungee's in the traps for a 4 hour soak and no bonus socks for today!My buddy got a 35 right away off the trap reef at first light.Seems as though most guys had at least one for there efforts between the trap and head.

Salmon kings derby was turning some of the drivers into a state of retardation today.Have had no troubles all season until this lil misshap. We had a few words with one fella who dragged his rodtip down my port side from abeam[:eek:)].I think he thought was trolling for Tuna? Of course i was in the wrong, I suppose we should have rammed the two guide boats beside me to make way for him.
We hit the fish consistently through the morning from 1st light till the last Spring at noon and the last Sockeye at 1pm. All the Sockeye were secondary catches trolling around looking for the lunkers.
I saw a sh1tload of Sockeye caught today at Otter.
Also no doggies, not much crap in the water, but as Maddog said it was a day for crazy drivers[B)]
had to work today hit the water about 12:30, we had 2 hits right away, finally landed the 3rd (10#)about an hour after start, kept hitting fish all day landed one more about 19#, lost one better one, off the water about 7pm, fished at possesion secartary all afternoon, nice day is right, tons of sun, some nice cold drinks, only crab were females though, oh well head out tommorrow not too early though, my only day to sleep in , should be at otter by 8am, see you there, name of boat is bear 2, oh yea fish were any were from 50 - 80 with a 11lb ball
good luck all
Saturday-Fished from 12:30 to 4:00 at the head for 1 20 lb spring. Bite was the noon hour lunch bite at 1:00pm--same as yesterday. No socks tho and I was hoping for a few to can. As maddog said, good crabbing--I can actually say I'm crabbed out for awhile. Saw a 36 1/2 lb spring at the Cheanuh cleaning dock--it was the #1 fish in the derby thus far. There was plenty of feed and birds coming back into the bay and I talked to one boat at the wharf who had noted the same thing and kept trolling all the way in. They caught a 20 lber right beside the island not more than 300 metres from Cheanuh. That's shopping locally, I must say.
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