Sooke reports - August 2006

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hey wolf , fishing must be good if your online by 10am, and you said you had charters all wk, limit out early did we, :D, so how did u make out if we can ask, i will believe you
Doh boy...

Wolf has offered a tremendous amount of positive information and knowledge to this board. Your silly, rude comments infering that his reports are less than accurate, based on only what I can perceive is immaturity and lack of experience on your own part, I find offensive and would respectfully ask you to stop. I know that Wolf is more than capable of dealing with it himself, but is probably too busy fishing to do so. If you spook him off this board, it will be a loss to all of us.

Watch, read and learn Duh Boy - don't judge what you don't understand.

I may be overeacting, but I really hate smart-butt BS getting in the way of information that can help me get in to more fish! I've just moved to Victoria myself and am moored at Pedder - Wolf's reports are valuable to me - keep 'em coming buddy!!!


Take a chill pill Gooey. Most posters here enjoy some mild tongue in cheek. I think Doh wasn't trying to be direspectful and anyway, Wolf can handle it. Seem more like you are kissing up to me.
Holy cow guys calm down LOL:) I know doh was only kidding around I didnt go out today because I was supposed to take an 80 old year man out and he wanted calm waters so when I was up at 5 and it said 27 knots of off sheringham i cancelled and the way the forcast was, but then look at it now oh well got screwed by the forcast but I really didnt want to take out a client and hurt him better to be cautious.

As for the weekend and the beginning of the week very good fishing on sat. limited in the morning then took the afternnon crew out and got a 31 and a 34. sunday group got 5 biggest was a 30 but had to work for them as i said earlier, monday limited out bye 12 and got my 2 as well biggest was a 29 ill be out again tommorow and for the record ive been every where for them posssesion to sheringham,
gooey thanks for the kind words this is the only reason im posting today you got me on a good day LOL LOL[8D]

well gooey bob i could say alot here to deal with you, but i wont, if you know anything about fishing i was actually complimenting wolf on being back so early, we all know he is helpful, the joke about believing him goes back to earlier post's so if you arent following along dont jump in the middle, and tks bottomfeeder, you are 100% right
My Bad. I said I may have been overreacting and I guess I was.

Kissing up to Wolf? As he knows, I wouldn't recognize him if we bumped in to each other on the street. I just like good accurate timely information, and he provides it.

As those of you who've been here for more than a month or two know, I lurk more than I post but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the information - I just don't get the chance to go out as much as a lot fo you guys do. I've also been around long enough to see this site nearly get wrecked by bad apples and wouldn't want it to go that way again.

Chill pill taken. Apologies offered.

I'm actually going fishing this weekend myself. Hopefully I'll have something positive to report.

Does anyone have a recomendation for tomorrow morning out of Cheanuh. Beachy, Trap, Secretary, Bedfords - which one to start at for that early morning bite?
Lit it up last night at the trap 4 over 30 biggest 38 lost two . pretty lumpy but great fishing
4-8pm 80-90 feet.

cheers codfish
whats the best time to fish sooke? and do the winds pick up in the afternoon?
Let me tell you this....
people like WOLF or MADOG or even Craven who are out on the water alot,stick their necks out each time they post how they did each day. Even if they give me one tidbit of info, I figure it gives me, "joe weekend fisher" something extra to land a fish.
why they do It???
I have noidea. If you were a pro,would you stick your neck out, say you had a good day so you could be dumped on?
Who needs it?
You guys should know, once in awhile you help me catch a fish because you told me what worked yesterday.
The only way I can repay you is one day, someone will ask me" do you know a pro I can go with?"
I'm recommending Wolf and Maddog because everytime before I go fishing I check this board and they give me something.
If you are a pro and you want referrals,stick your necks,out post something and it all goes around.
I just want to say thank you guys and I appreciate telling me what you saw and did. I thought thats what this board was for.
Thanx Yak for the recent report.
4 in the 30's is sure impressive[8D]
Are broken rods covered in the price of a charter?[}:)]
Again, well put Salty. I also am a weekend (or weekday night bite[8D]) fisherman and also rely on the info available from this site and pay strict attention to the details of whatever I can syphon out of all this. As I have never met Maddog myself, I have had the pleasure of fishing with Wolf and do respect his abilities as a fisherman(which is probably a lot easier to do when you can put a face to a name, lol), and have had the opportunity to recommend his service to a few folks that have asked me about local guides. As you stated earlier, it is a bit of repayment for passing on current knowledge from the guys that are out every day. Thanks to all that post truly informative info.
To add to the longest thread i have seen,

I reluctantly went out Solo with just my trusty Yellow Lab( my deckhand) at around 930 this morning. Could not believe the amount of boats off the Trap.Attempted to Drop the gear while doing circles in the wind just West of the Head.

First line out on the way down past 35 feet whammo, fish on, 14 lbs in the boat. Regrouped dropped two lines 67,87 just sat down and another fish, 26 lbs off the deep line. Limit for my lonesome all in less than 4o minutes and prior to the wind coming up.:DThere were only two boats off the Head.
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