Sooke Report -- 2008 season

quote:fah cups Posted - 08/27/2008 : 17:57:01
Yup your bang on Wolf!!!. It has been better closer to home. The key is have a plan! Pay attention to the tides this will dictate where to fish. If there,s one thing I learned from Jeff of WG-Guide service is stick and stay and it will pay!! Of course there is a whole lot more in between, but for sure there,s got to be fish moving into your area. Cheers FC

Where is that Whitney these days?
you know that some are just jealous of you roy and the time you spend on the water, that said though i wont get out of my way for a guide who thinks he owns the water, you are not someone i am talking about roy, but there are a few who think they are gods and own the ocean, i as you know will also do my best to return any info i can to make your day productive, just wish i got out as much as i used to and help out more often, anyone who fishes 5-7 days a wk will have a way better idea than those of us who get out once or twice a wk,
all i can say is tks too those who share real info on a regular basis, i plan my days on what is put up here for info, and is also why i try to give the most accurate info back in return
right on dohboy i have monitored this forum for a few years. His production is proof in the photo evidence he displays on this forum. He dosent have to do that but he does,basically for every one to see. For advertisement,bragging rights,dont think so, its just his personel effort to show others what is available out there. Hell I dont even know the man,but he does contribute in a very positive manner. Unfortunately I moved from the area over a year ago. Prior to that I wanted to have him guide and teach me the fundamentals of Halibut fishing. I never got around to it and do regret that. Having said that I apologise to him as i did make some formal arrangements but did not happen. That was predicated by hearsay and a couple of persons who suggested his instructions for that purpose.
Dont think you can do any better then that .

B Gibb
Wolf is one of the best contributors to this forum, IMHO! Never met Roy but I feel like I know him. I would not want to be a WCVI guide the way the season has panned out and the expectations that might not have followed the difficult year it has been. I hope Roy bags a 180 net Whitetail deer this year, he deserves one! :) SS

No doubt.... thanx for the pix Roy, good to meet ya bite me derby day and cant believe Martin wasnt sleeping :D.
Dont tell us where you were fishing the ppl that need to know prolly allready do ;)
If Wolfie can do it then why cant I?.... just the pix alone keep me going.... and ....BTW watch out Im coming for ya[}:)]

Always striving[8D]

P.S. getting tried of the W....@ numbers getting in the way of "The spot" too
quote:You know I try and be helpfull to the some who want to know whats going on as I am out every day and I see whats going on and what is working and etc I have directly answered personal e-mails to people wondering whats going on I think I have been more than fair.

Some of you just dont get it this is how I make my living!!!!!!!!!!Ley my disturb you at your place of employment and disrupt you and lets see how you feel and make YOU lose money!!!! not so funny now is it.If I dont get people fish I may not get them back simple fact as this is a very tough industry especially guys who undercut the industry!!!!a few of them are on here and you know who you are.

Enough said !!!

Now who are you calling undercutters Mr. Carver???:( Are you the only full time operator at SS or in Sooke for that matter, Me thinks not friend, try over 30. Time to swallow your pride and grow up a bit we think, yes we. A small town Sooke is, if you want to up your rates go ahead, thats your perogitive. Sorry if this disturbs you or your band of cyber supporters;)
Now i'm not one to post much on thse sites i'd rather fish than sit on my little computer and brag or slag like most of you wannabe's.However Roy and others here have got my goat!I've taken the bait too deep i guess!Roy you don't own the water out there neither do i!Be honest with the peeps outthere guys it'll pay off in the end as well!All you spammin charter guys out here can you please advertise elsewhere?I look here for tips and a hint of a report and its a good place to come however reading about how Wolf's unit is bigger than the next guy's really diminishes this site!
I don't want to turn this so far excelent post into a **** show but a person can just about sum up all this negative feed back on one thing and that is jealousy plain and simple. People just lookin to poke holes in something because of their own inability to perform its a classic method of protection and these type of people have been doing it all their lives from the time of the playground when they would stand there and holler,, oh yah well look at me too look what I can do !!! very sad...

Now back to the topic,, how was the fishing today boys lets see some more pics comin in..

**** off Hothead. You all of a sudden show up for one post and it is to bash Wolf. We can all spot a wannabee poser when we see one. You sure fit the bill.
Don't bite the hook guys....

Hothead is a trolling for some suckers....

Hell he even says he's from the Canary Islands. Must be some great salmon fishing down there:D

Just ignore and move on, his bait is well used and does not have the right action[:p]



Wolf has been nothing but a resource to less skilled fishermen like myself for many years. He helped me catch my first spring and biggest spring and owe alot to him. If it weren't for great outfits like Bluewolf, Tailspin etc there would be a lot less fish in my freezer.

Let the market decide rates, if people are too expensive they won't last long. If the undercutter's aren't making money they won't last long either. Just get out there and fish!
It's amazing what happens when you rely on something for a living. You pick up more than a few tricks thats for sure. Of course your going to catch more fish than the next guy. You'd better . Your being paid to hone in on those fish everyday. Well you'd better or your not going to last long. You guys out there that think your not skilled. Don't worry about it. Get out every day with some American guest breathing down your neck and see what happens. If you are on the school every day you too will be a top rod. Simple as that.

Put a top guide on a foreign peice of water and he'll still need a chance to orientate himself to whats going on. Thats why they coined the phrase "local Knowledge"

...and I'm not blowing hot air here. I guided for many years and I too sucumb to the learning curve now adays. Going from 300 plus days ayear to a mere dozen does nothing for consistency!

I am not underscoring our Guides' abilities but "mere mortals" need not fret. Just have to put your time in.:)
At home with the new 2 week old baby girl today dreaming of days on the water to come. The boys have been updating with reports from Muir, Sherrinham and Possesion via text today, some getting the odd loner, others doing very well at first light, some scrathcing there butt in disbelief of how few fish came in overal. With the inconsitency up top, i am honing in close to Pedder the next three days, searching for a Church Biggie size, greasy oily big boy for the smoker.

Where's Roper? Dewey Gooned?
Thanks for update Tailspin ~ sounds like there's a few out there but still slow. I'm heading to Sooke tomorrow to drown some chovies but not sure where to start. Might try Possession or Otter. Any advice for that early morning bite?

Congrats on the new addition to the family!
I got to fish in Sooke today for a change...been a very slow summer for me fishing-wise, too busy everything else-wise.

Fished Possession/Secretary until midmorning, then an hour or so at Otter.

Caught a decent coho right off the bat, but it shook the hook at the boat. Only solid bite, a few other nibbles.

Saw a solo guy in an Arima land two nice springs within 10 minutes, off the SE corner of Secretary. He nicely told us 100' was the magic number, saw the gold betsy flasher too, but no bites for us. Only net I saw out.

Current got strong, headed to Otter, saw no bites or nets out.

Heard there was a bite early at Muir.

fished yesterday with some freinds from the flatland, we got a 21,22, and buddy's wife got a 32, lost one bigger than that at the boat. all between sheringham, and muir. turned into a good day for 10 hours on the water.. cheers. lenardo
now thats not a nice little signature pic Mornin

cheers gradyboat
Lets talk about fishing again.

I went out today and it was the usual story. Get up at 5am to get a bite at 2:30pm.

24.3 pounds from beachy head. The fish did not put up a great fight and when I was cleaning it I noticed it had absolutely nothing in its stomach. Is that normal or are the fish not feeding like they usually do? It isn't from a lack of baitfish.