Sooke Report -- 2008 season

Hey grady...might want to get jerry cans instead of waiting until 6. We had 3 in the boat by 6:40am today and not much after that...missed the noon bite but others got em.
Not to mention the blackfish went through again;)
The 8:00am to 12:00pm shift was not productive...
must have been well over 100 boats between the head and the trap and only saw a net out once.:(
talked with an oldtimer at the marina who had a 25, and he said it was very slow this year.

yea, i was at obrien and the trap also this morning, lots of bait, not much for fish. I did a 360 and counted 100 plus boats from the head to secretary. Wow, thats a lot of fishing pressure. Thank goodness it was such a good hali year.
Out today. Pounded the Island and area. Seen a few teenagers caught. Got a 16 ib wild Ho @ 90" turfed him back and thats it. Cheers FC
was out today from 530 to 230 and got nothing......... but a great day on the water.

Saw one caught and there was about 8 fish counted at the dock at 2.

Hope some of you had better luck..............
Fished Beechy to Trap back and forth, 6am - 12:15pm. 11:20am Double Header, got both 12 and 20 lbs springs. Thats it. Two hits two fish. Only saw 2 other fish caught. very slow going out there. Fish were deep 75 and 90 feet. Beautiful.

Hey guys I am in Japan on business this week but thought I would check the repotst. If is is any concilation the fishing always picks up when I am not there. Get out as much as possible between th3 30th and the 6th. It shoudl pick up considerably.
Well, Chris73 can now sleep at night knowing he finally outfished me in his own boat...good on him! Off the Trap at 90', but geez, saw 2 other fish caught whole day. Took a swing out to the tidelines looking for coho, but nothing shaking, tried mostly 70-150'...anyone got them dialed in or are they far and few between?

We had one hatchery coho 12.5lbs, and 10lb spring that look like it was ready for the river. The wind started to come up a bit at 4pm and we had the little man out so we decided to head in before it blew up. Looked like a bite starting to happen around 4 at Otter. Any one stick it out at Otter at that time?
quote:Originally posted by boomer

I heard it was good today at the trap but, I heard there was a body that was flooting bye can anyone confirm this [?]

We saw the Search and Rescue Zodiac around the shoreline near the Trap Shack this morning.

Does anyone know what happened? Here's the story in the Times Colonist:

Body reported floating near Sooke Harbour
Published: Saturday, August 30, 2008

RCMP officers in Sooke were investigating reports of a body in the ocean Saturday morning.

The military's Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre received a call from someone reporting a body floating at Beechey Head, near the entrance to Sooke Harbour, around 7 a.m., said Capt. Dave Bowes.

However, it had either sunk or washed away by the time boats arrived to the scene, he said.

"We searched the entire area for several hours with multiple resources," said Bowes.

The case was turned over to Sooke RCMP, Bowes added. RCMP could not immediately be reached for comment.
I was at Otter this morning, from dawn until 12:00 and Secretary until 2:00 pm. Dropped the wife off at home and was back out from 4:00 pm till dusk. No hits this morning and didn't even see a net out of the holster. But a nice morning. We had two goods hits this evening and my buddy got to at least play a fish, his first, so that was good. I'll try again in the a.m. Just not sure where yet?

Seafood, eat it, then catch more.
Out today again solo. Fished the light house. Checked my gear on the way up a spring banged the gear shortly thereafter Mr Fri@in seal nailed my fish. First time for me @ the light!! Managed to get my flasher back! Shortly before high noon hit a 20 iber then packed the gear in. Did not see much action!!
Maybe Wolf can fill in where he was fishin. Thats it. Cheers FC
Fished from 6:30 to 1pm. Didn't even see a net come out. The fish we found late last week have gone.

Listening to the radio it didn't sound like many people were having better luck.
I moor my boat @ the old Pacific Lions Marina. Today the R.C.M.P showed up in force as there was a woamom on the pay phone screaming crying etc that she had found a suicide note in her trailer. Turns out cloths and sandals found @ the end of the pier were the guy who wrote the note. R.C.M.P believe body found floating on Saturday was him. FC
Fished Otter Sunday Night, From 4 ish till Dark. Didnt see a thing, Untill the gear came up at the end, and the tail was hanging off the chovy. And thats a good day fishing for me:(
Im starting to wonder if sooke is the next dead sea...
quote:Originally posted by fah cups

I moor my boat @ the old Pacific Lions Marina. Today the R.C.M.P showed up in force as there was a woamom on the pay phone screaming crying etc that she had found a suicide note in her trailer. Turns out cloths and sandals found @ the end of the pier were the guy who wrote the note. R.C.M.P believe body found floating on Saturday was him. FC
Could explain why the fishing was slow.
Thanks guys...... was afraid that the reports would sound like my day yesterday.......:(
Hit the water early with The Rock and banged a small teener within a couple hours and then landed 2 more around noon. Dragged the gear for another 3 hours and landed our 4th. We really had to work for them today. Fished mostly Otter trolling long tacs before turning. The sounder looked good most of the day so we just trolled until we bumped into a hungry one.