Sooke Report -- 2008 season

Wolf, can you please explain to me the effect that the rain has on salmon? Do they smell the fresh water that makes them want to go to their home river? Or does it change the tides?

Still learning.:) Thanks in advance.

As for the rains I personally think it just plain gets them moving thats all!!!
As for the report today the weeds were very bad up top so I moved to different places and we managed 3 today 26,23,18 lbs nice day and a lot full of crab out again tommorow

Good luck Wolf

Blue Wolf Charters
My wife, grandson, and I went out to Sooke this a.m. Fished all morning with only one lost at boat. We had given up and were trolling in at 11 a.m. when my wife hooked one. She played it for about 20 minutes, while it took at least 3 long runs. We finally got it into the boat, then motored to Jock's where we weighed it in at 37-1/2 lbs. A beautiful morning out there with the nice fish being but an exciting bonus.
My wife, grandson, and I went out to Sooke this a.m. Fished all morning with only one lost at boat. We had given up and were trolling in at 11 a.m. when my wife hooked one. She played it for about 20 minutes, while it took at least 3 long runs. We finally got it into the boat, then motored to Jock's where we weighed it in at 37-1/2 lbs. A beautiful morning out there with the nice fish being but an exciting bonus.
out off the secratary today. Got both my fish before 9:30 (25,27) Great day and even better dinner. 75ft purple haze with a betsy
out off the secratary today. Got both my fish before 9:30 (25,27) Great day and even better dinner. 75ft purple haze with a betsy
Fished secretary 4:30-8:15 tonight for one 9 and one 22 lber. They were deep--both fish at 90 ft.
Fished secretary 4:30-8:15 tonight for one 9 and one 22 lber. They were deep--both fish at 90 ft.
Secretary isl. this morning, 30.23lber ! A zoo of boats, only saw 2 other fish landed all morning... were very lucky to get the one. Very spotty fishing..
Secretary isl. this morning, 30.23lber ! A zoo of boats, only saw 2 other fish landed all morning... were very lucky to get the one. Very spotty fishing..