Sooke Report -- 2008 season

skunked at the trap this am, 5:45-9. Only saw 1 caught. Hope it utrns on for the derby.
Was on the water by 5:00pm tonight ( Friday ) Pulled up to church as I thought it would be the most efficient considering I only had a few hours till dark. Ten minutes in and a 21 lber on board. so much for only taking a single ten pack with me. The bait was gone in about an hour due to the doggies. Holy cow , never seen them in there so thick. Marked a few good fish picking off bait. Hopefully some action to stay for a few weeks.
Good luck guys.
man its slow out there heard of lots of dogfish up top my crew managed a nice pair of 20 lber but I personally only saw maybe 6 fish caught very very very slow for this time of year.

Blue Wolf Charters
Wow, only 15 fish weighed in by 6:00pm
that is sloooowwwwww [V]

Out today with Island Idiots in the Bite Me. We scored a 16 and a 24iber, sitting currently in seventh spot. Hard to believe so few fish. Hoping Sunday brings in a batch. Cheers FC,
We were at Sheringham, only saw a few fish caught, some coho around. We had 2 springs 18 was the biggest and released a 10 at 7am. Miss read the weigh in time thought it was 7pm not 6pm, showed up at 6:20 as they were cleaning up, oops, oh well it wasn't big fish anyway. Couple nice coho's, 9lb hatchery and flipped a 12 or so off right at the boat. It was tough slugging today that's for sure. Whales went through early too. Good luck everyone tomorrow. See you out there.
Well hello all ! Iam a new member on the forum but ive lived in east sooke for 25 years.Been fishing these waters for the same amount of time. I live right beside silverspray and often slip out in the evening for qwick bite :)-- Nyuck Nyuck -- pun intended ! Anywho i was out last night thats saturday night hummdruming along with the rest of the pack dreaming of the fish to beat all fish when i was suddenly stirred by the raptapataping on my little 6' ugly stick with 15 lb test, it started to jump around ? grabed the rod, pin popped i set the hook and felt a little tug figured it was about 10 maybe 15 lber . thinking oboy dinner ? Wrong again ! I dont fish with flashers there on the downrigger, so bigfish dont realize there hooked at first gives me a chance to clean up the rigs for the supposed big fight :). well iam reeling in my dinner me thinks and ZZZZZZZZZ ?:D wats this maybe its a freezer fish? then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ![:0]HOLY SHATE ITS A BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG FISHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !This seesawing back and forth went on for about 25 to 35 min almost spooled me twice this thing was cutting a path threw the water a wakeboarder would love !:)
after its almost all spent out i bring it up to the boat looking at this big MAMA i couldnt help but think of all the nice little monsters it would spawn, so i weighed it gave it a kiss and yep you guessed it put back in the chuck and helped her along, the weight you ask ? well boys it was 56 lbs caught on a pumped up trout rig thats one of my standard salmon rigs;) ! YEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAA! just had to share that with you. oopsa![:p] i almost forgot i got it at about 8pm just on the outside of possesion at 80 ft.________ Screamin reels boys ,Cheers [8D]
Good fish story Skooch.

Too bad you're not in the Bite Me Derby...above 52lb gets you $20,000. Ouch!

But good on ya for throwing it back. I can appreciate the benefits of letting go such a nice one, hopefully many grown up babies returning 4-5 years from now. But I have to be honest, with a fish of a lifetime sitting there, I'm not sure I'd be able to do the same. Weakness of character or bloodlust...I think the bonker would have come out. [:I]

All's I hope for is the opportunity to have this dilemma...bring it on!
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No offense taken craven --- But iam sorry you have a hard time excepting the fact new comers to the forum are all bullshaters, and that not all fish need be killed to justify there place in our lore .I release a lot of big fish all the time m8 this one just happens to be the biggest. If you think this story is BS how about this one ? Al Crow and I were out last fall same riging just dif rods up the head 30 or so ft from the rock laughing about how it would be sweet to get a double header in slabs in amongst the circus well well what do u think happened BOOM BOOOM 2 freakin slabs about 35 or so each again i let mine off Al kept his,this happens all the time m8,maybe something for you to try out ? So how about takeing a deep breath and listen and learn just because you dont have the skill or luck for these events to unfold for you dosent mean they dont happen for others so before you call people down m8 just think a bit ? !ps: I only keep what i need not everything i catch ! Screamin Reels boys -- CHEERS !

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quote:Originally posted by Skooch

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No offense taken craven --- But iam sorry you have a hard time excepting the fact new comers to the forum are all bullshaters, and that not all fish need be killed to justify there place in our lore .I release a lot of big fish all the time m8 this one just happens to be the biggest. If you think this story is BS how about this one ? Al Crow and I were out last fall same riging just dif rods up the head 30 or so ft from the rock laughing about how it would be sweet to get a double header in slabs in amongst the circus well well what do u think happened BOOM BOOOM 2 freakin slabs about 35 or so each again i let mine off Al kept his,this happens all the time m8,maybe something for you to try out ? So how about takeing a deep breath and listen and learn just because you dont have the skill or luck for these events to unfold for you dosent mean they dont happen for others so before you call people down m8 just think a bit ? !ps: I only keep what i need not everything i catch ! Screamin Reels boys -- CHEERS !

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Hi Kootch,any chance you could narrow your window type so we can read your informative posts without having to wide screen them? Thanks dude. :)