Sooke Report -- 2008 season

Out with Fah-Cups this A.M. I managed a 25 pounder. Few other hits, saw a couple get netted. Beauty day on the water. Thanks FC for the opportunity. Were just getting warmed up for the Bite Me Derby!:D I.I.
will be heading out tonite to fish around possesion for the night bite. will be in a 25 foot grady so give me a shout if you are out their also. 2 days till the bit me derby:D nice fish I.I.
Out yesterday and today..Caught a 31.8 lb spring at Trap shack yesterday.Today was dead,,14 doggies ,no salmon except a sockeye.

Was out on Tuesday, 10:30am - 3:00pm. at Muir/Otter.. one 17lb. spring, right after that the wind came up, the dog fish came on hard and the killer whales came through.. that was the end of that.

Was out this Morning 5:30am first light at Muir.. Deads ville.. did not see one fish caought, many boats.. lots of dog fish.. could'nt take it any more... took off and tried the trap shake. There was a few taken there in the early morning.. since we got there did not see one caught... very dead today..
I am heading out tonight too. Will see if the Trap or Possesion cough up any fish. Looks like it is going to be nice weather wise anyway.
Have a quick ? Anyone know how far/long a run it is from Fleming launch to Pedder Bay? Buddy wants to run there Saturday and I say if there is fish out front... no brainer to
quote:Originally posted by Mrtrailer

Have a quick ? Anyone know how far/long a run it is from Fleming launch to Pedder Bay? Buddy wants to run there Saturday and I say if there is fish out front... no brainer to

I just loaded up Nobeltec and created a route, from the shore at fleming beach launch to the launch at Pedder Bay is 8.943 Nautical Miles. To the out side entrance of Pedder Bay is 7.250 Nautical Miles..
Well it is still a bit slow out there guys I REALLY had to work to get them today and i thank doh boy as he phoned and gave me a report of what was going on there so went there dead for the first hour then it happened got 2 in the boat to save the day a 32 and a 21 lber.

Like I said if it wasnt for the call I might have got skunked thanks Sean.

out again tommorow

Good luck Wolf

(we will need it)

Blue Wolf Charters
quote:Originally posted by TheRock

quote:Originally posted by Mrtrailer

Have a quick ? Anyone know how far/long a run it is from Fleming launch to Pedder Bay? Buddy wants to run there Saturday and I say if there is fish out front... no brainer to

I just loaded up Nobeltec and created a route, from the shore at fleming beach launch to the launch at Pedder Bay is 8.943 Nautical Miles. To the out side entrance of Pedder Bay is 7.250 Nautical Miles..
That was nice of you to look that up for me. Thanks!!
good to hear it worked for you roy, glad to finally return the favor for you, just you were not supposed to get a bigger one than us, lol, we ened up with a 25 & 20, should see you out there again in the morning
Mang wolfie, Is it legal to use dynomite as bait???[:eek:)]

See yall in the Bite me [8D]
Was out from 5-9 last night. Fished Trap-Secretary then to Beachey without a bite. Did not see anyone hit anything either. Got excited as one rod popped at Beachey only to discover I had a 3 ft doggie at the end of it....pretty depressing. My wife has asked me to stop crying so loudly and if I want to sob like a 4 year old to do it in the garage where the kids can't hear me. That makes 9 trips in a row out of sooke without a fish.
Diddo Barbender. We were out between 5-9 between the head and the trap. Only saw one very small fish caught. Nothing but doggies for us. :( It sure was a nice evening though.

Got out Tues night and got 2 within an hour.28 & 16- 90 feet down ,a fair ways out from the harbour mouth.Saw quite a few other boats playing fish as well.Tried again last night(6-dusk)-not a sniff and didnt see a net raised.Back to the dead sea I guess.
Fished Otter point this morning. First time I've been skunked there in August.:(
No birds, no bait, no fish.
Saw 3 nets out.
Out this am solo. Lots of weed lots of dogs! Fished the wolfs lair boated a 23 iber, Without the Island Idiot. Iam sure he would have got it if he was with me LOL. Anybodys guess where to go for the Biteme as averywere seems slow. Good luck to all in the derby. Cheers FC.
It was slow but managed to get 3 nice ones biggest was a 25 lber nice day on the water kinda weird big surf (for sooke) and whats with the dogfish???? good luck to all in the derby looks like nice weather for it wear the sunscreen!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf

Blue Wolf Charters
hey roy did u get those after i left? i managed a 34 and a 20 before i seen u that first time, are you in the derby?