Sooke Report -- 2008 season

It's definetly nanaimo the fingers brick yard entrance island its all south of nanoose bay/north of gabriola island
Got out at first light today, with Fah- Cups. Dropped my gear in and hit a 14 pounder right away. Fished hard and had just one hit after that. We were in the Victoria Shipyard Derby. I got second place and scored a stainless, digital Bradley Smoker! First place was a 18 pounder. Thanks to Fah-Cups and Vic Ship! Next time its Fah- Cups turn, goin for the win in the Bite-Me Derby. Cheers, I.I.
Good job II and FC, that new boat of Fah-Cups seems to be hittng the fish good now. It may be time for DaFixer and Fah-Cups to go head to head in a fish off??

Good job you guys! Hopefully see you on the water sooner rather than later!
fished Sheringham& Muir 5 fish on boated two 18 and 22 all at 82ft on green on green had a 30 plus look at my guest and spit the hook at her bummer.

Pretty bumpy out there today not as bad as last evening and getting worse tommorow. Darn wind. Had two in today, just not at the end of my line[:I].
Good size to the boat yesterday am, but beat me at the side of the boat, two inches from the edge of the net. Lucky bastrd:D
oh well
quote:Originally posted by tailout

fished Sheringham& Muir 5 fish on boated two 18 and 22 all at 82ft on green on green had a 30 plus look at my guest and spit the hook at her bummer.


Hey that's a great fish, did it give much of a fight. 20 days to go until I land back in Sooke, hope to have the boat in the water by sunday night with a little help from a neighbour or two. Hey if you got some spare time how about helping me by giving my two batteries a charge around the 5/6 aug, there in my garage on my work bench.

Say hi to the wife, yours, not mine!

quote:Originally posted by mlaag

Hey Steve
Got a 29 Lb tonight

Good job on the derby Jerry. Seems to me, you and Fah-cups make a good team.

Hey where's Wolf these days? Miss his posts here.

Good luck to all.

Time to hit the saltchuck again. Used up my last piece of frozen salmon.
Any body been out??
Gordons beach is blowing 15 wnw tomorrow. I'm trying to remember if thats to bumpy???
I wish I was there to meet him, another time I guess. I hope your able to get out at least once with him in fact I am sure you will. If not try Gyseas Charter Group, I hear he as an all weather boat. Thanks for your help.
quote:Originally posted by mlaag

Will do
My son is coming from Calgary this weekend to do some fishing. Hope the wind holds off
My Fishing report for July 20th 2008.
Went to cheanuh marina at 5 am. dropped the crab traps in 55 feet of water and headed for Beechy Head. I only have a 14 foot boat and it was pretty rough out there for a boat that size but being as stupid as I am I decided to try and get out. About 40 minutes later we got to Beechy Head (being such a small boat we had to go slow)and started trolling.... from 60 ft to 90 feet trolled from Beechy head to Secretary never saw any feed and never got a bite. Finally found some feed and decided to work what little feed I found.... was tacking around in a big circle right at the Trap Shack trying to stay on the feed. Was in 120 feet of water and I dropped the gear down to 90 feet. My rod started peeling out line..... with my heart pounding and my arms shaking I managed to bring it to the boat.... not a Salmon but a nice size little Halibut close to 30 pounds..... didn't want to net him.... I guess cause I've never tried to net a Halibut so instead I gave my rod to my buddy Jim ....hand bombed him up to the boat and stuck a gaff into him real deep.... must have stunned him cause he was quiet for the next 5 seconds... but once in the boat he woke up.... but it was too late..... fish and chips for me for awhile. The afternoon wind started to pick up, so pulled the crab traps at noon, 5 keepers in total.... all in all a great day on the water... no Salmon but still a great day..... Think its time I get a bigger boat..... Now looking for a 16 or 17 foot Arima, if anyone knows of one for sale please let me know.... Thanks Steve.
Good report, nice to get those halibut bycatches.

Upgrading from 14ft upwards...I had this same conversation 3 boats ago and a lot of $$ flowing out. I sometimes look back fondly on that little tinner. Caught lots of fish, kept things simple and cheap. With a bigger boat, the bad days are safer, but not all that much fun. On the nice days, you could be in canoe, you don't need that much boat. So...not sure about that around sooke is pretty easy.

Arimas...nice boats, but expensive for what you get. To stay cheap, but good west coast boats, can't beat older hourstons and double eagles. Just get the newest power you can afford, that's my advice!

If you are looking for newer boats, I found there were pretty good deals in the usa (last spring, not sure about now).

************************* can pick up an arima for a good price...i got my 16 for 7k .... just spend some time looking.... good luck!!!
Was planning on running the boat around from it worth it? Sure is quiet in here.
Whats the word for Hali TS?

I might take a few of my staff out tommorro for a break. Will be doing Renfrew again next weekend.