Sooke 2014 Fishing Reports

Been taking a some friends out lately, picked up a couple in Pedder Bay one night last week, 10 lb and 12 lb. - Hit Sherringham a couple days later and got into a few short biteing smart butt fish, trolled back and hit an 18 between Otter and Trailer Park - out yesterday 4-9 at Secatary, beauty evening on the water, flat as a pancake, hit a 15 at about 8 o'clock. Did not see many fish caught on all trips so felt ok to put something in the tub.


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Those jumpers are likely sockeye...they are called "sliders" as they just clear the water and will often do their jumps 3-4 times in kind of a partial circle pattern at tide change. While they might be Washington fish, I would expect them to be early Stuart fish. This run passes through in early July but has not been fished commercially for many years as the numbers have been down.
Way better and easier morning than I thought when I left the house in Victoria with trees blowing around in the stiff breeze. The waters out at Otter were perfect with just a nice small chop. Landed 5 springs from Otter to Sheringham, largest 23. Also fluked into a 28 pound hali on the troll and not right off the bottom. Funny how the slmon belong to the guy who catches them but as soon as a hali comes abourd the others are making sure its a shared fish!! lol

YES same as pro another fine day out there for my crew as well got a limit of springs with another feisty 21 lb white spring... lost the first one to a damn sea lion which he destroyed in front of us for a good 5 mins..... SOB
and I personally had a sockeye slide by me this am id say about a 10 lber could make out for sure it was a sock. then just as we were about to leave look up see the ol yellow inflatables L pod came by for a visit topping of the day for my Alberta clients she was absolutely trilled as they swam right under the boat for her and made all kinds of noise and breeched and everything for her (as i turned motors and electronics off)

out again tomorrow

Good luck Wolf
anyone heading out tomorrow morning? sounds like the salmon are there first trip of the year going to try the point and secretary
Way better and easier morning than I thought when I left the house in Victoria with trees blowing around in the stiff breeze. The waters out at Otter were perfect with just a nice small chop. Landed 5 springs from Otter to Sheringham, largest 23. Also fluked into a 28 pound hali on the troll and not right off the bottom. Funny how the slmon belong to the guy who catches them but as soon as a hali comes abourd the others are making sure its a shared fish!! lol

I hate to be nosey, but what happened to that halibuts brains?
Headed out this morning for a little fish with my wife and her friend at Otter Pt, couple of hits and 13 pound spring to show for our time. Nice fish and fight for my friend, but overall not a lot of action.

Fished Possesion for a bit before it started getting too rough for the ladies.

Bag-jaun, nice looking fish! The last one there looks really long and skinny.
anyone heading out tomorrow morning? sounds like the salmon are there first trip of the year going to try the point and secretary
Heading out first light tomorrow morning.
Another awesome day today. Used the intel that Wolf supplied about the whales showing up yesterday afternoon after I left to my advantage this morning. I don't have much luck at Otter the morning after a big whale show so I kind of made my mind up to pass it up this morning. There were already a good 25 boats fishing when I went past and no action going on that I could see. Got to my spot and only one other boat the gear in and looked ahead at the boat up front and saw him dart for his rod. I just said the boat ahead is on...and we hit a double....lost them both. One never seen the other at the boat about 23-24 pounds. Hit 12 springs for the day landed 6 (27 1/2, 25, 24 1/2, 21, 13, 13) released 2 and lost the rest. Kept 3 where I dropped in and another 3 up at Happy`s favorite spot. Even got to take a couple home for myself!! Here is a couple pics

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Sounds like another KK in here... ;)

Nice fish pics Dbl R :cool:
Amazing Profisher|! you had a great day! Tomorrow I will go fishing, I hope I will get my first salmon this year! Happy Weekend!

We had a great day today as well. Fished Muir from 6:30 to 10:30. Landed two, a 25 and a 15. Lost 6 more. We had two double headers (only landed one of four). Super fun morning! Fish were at less than 40 feet, on anchovies. Purple was the luckiest colour for us.
Profisher that is an awesome day! Awesome call on Otter too. Nice looking fish!
Another awesome day today. Used the intel that Wolf supplied about the whales showing up yesterday afternoon after I left to my advantage this morning. I don't have much luck at Otter the morning after a big whale show so I kind of made my mind up to pass it up this morning. There were already a good 25 boats fishing when I went past and no action going on that I could see. Got to my spot and only one other boat the gear in and looked ahead at the boat up front and saw him dart for his rod. I just said the boat ahead is on...and we hit a double....lost them both. One never seen the other at the boat about 23-24 pounds. Hit 12 springs for the day landed 6 (27 1/2, 25, 24 1/2, 21, 13, 13) released 2 and lost the rest. Kept 3 where I dropped in and another 3 up at Happy`s favorite spot. Even got to take a couple home for myself!! Here is a couple pics

Great report and fantastic fishing Pro. Looks like you went west somewhere. Good decision to avoid Otter. That place is still mysterious to me and I notice not too many good reports come from there. (Cue great deluge of posts defending Otter as a fishing spot ....LOL:D).

Anyway wherever you went that is great fishing....and you can't argue with that!!