Sooke 2014 Fishing Reports

Roland you have to move around each spot fishes differently depending on tide, current, where they hold up etc. They are always on the move.... Otter can be a good spot and other times its not place to be. Sheringham, Muir etc out east same thing.. There today gone tomorrow.

Good fish RR...

I wont be there until mid next week.....But these reports are awesome keep them coming...
WELL they wernt there today if they were they were tight lipped only saw a few caught 1 for me only today, yesterday was great.
YEAH otter sucks dont fish there bad spot to be.....

Taking a much need day off tommorow
I was there first light and had 3 on in the first 15 minutes.. Lost all 3 and saw about 6 on first thing. After that only saw one here and there.. Wow there were a lot of boats from Otter to the lighthouse..
Fished west today. Kept 3 released 1.
Lots of bait and fish marking.
There were a couple of short bites and we were just lucky to be in right place a right time.

Real nice water today. Very relaxing.

Talked to Gord from Foghorn and he had 50 whales on Constance this morning at 9am heading east from the Race. Sounds like the residents made a very early morning pass through JDF this morning and would explain the drop off in activity.
my buddy and I had 5 bites today...worked really hard all day long in the rain in between Otter Pt, Muir Creek, and Sher. Pt. resulted a shiny nice 8 lber spring. our 20ish lb spring was hooked and played close to the boat for a little while, it was cut off by the downrigger. oh well, better til next time. Overall, it was very slow. 1 fish so far
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We went fishing with my son and his GF today. Misty rain and flat calm so decided to run down to Sheringham for the first time this season. About 15 boats there but only saw 3 fish caught from 7:30am until 12 noon.

We had just two hits ourselves in that time. One came to nothing and the other was a beauty 19lb fish identical to the one we caught 2 weeks ago. Gave my son a good fight and was his largest fish so far, as he has only been out with us a few times for pinks and cohos before.

Fish came on anchovy on jelly fish t.h. fished at 92’ in about 90’ of water.

Here is Wes with his fish.


Back at Sunny Shores there was one guy cleaning a fish about 15lb and two other boats with nothing at all.
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We went fishing with my son and his GF today. Misty rain and flat calm so decided to run down to Sheringham for the first time this season. About 15 boats there but only saw 3 fish caught from 7:30am until 12 noon.

We had just two hits ourselves in that time. One came to nothing and the other was a beauty 19lb fish identical to the one we caught 2 weeks ago. Gave my son a good fight and was his largest fish so far, as he has only been out with us a few times for pinks and cohos before.

Fish came on anchovy on jelly fish t.h. fished at 92’ in about 90’ of water.

Here is Wes with his fish.

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Back at Sunny Shores there was one guy cleaning a fish about 15lb and two other boats with nothing at all.

I was at Sheringham Point with a buddy yesterday for the first time...very nice spot! just saw an eagle flying around there, it indicated that there were some fish in there.
Nice job English!

Dropped the gear at otter at 5 and putted west in the flood for a few hours.. Saw a couple caught but nothing for us. Then headed past where you were and played with halis (And dogfish)
The word for today.....S---L----O----W.

Fished from 6-12 out at Sooke, starting at Otter and worked towards sherringham and back, then over to Possesion...not a sniff. Caught one but it didn't stick...but it wasn't very big (longline release? Is that what a longline release is...if so how do people always know what the weight was?) also caught a herring, and a rockfish.

Today was a bit of a cluster, as we forgot the bait and had to do hoochies and spoons...used a jug head today. Anyone have success with these, cause they look awesome, but have yet to catch me anything.

Good weather, nice seas, no rain...just no fish for us.(i didn't see too many flashers or nets being dipped from the plethora of boats out today.) I suppose I will have to slay another day!

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Started at Sherringham and worked our way to Muir where we picked up a 20 lb (eyeballed) spring. 58 ft on a bloody nose and sliver betsy right on the slack. no other action. didn't see a lot of nets out. IMG_20140706_101042.jpg. perfect conditions except for the absent bite.
We went fishing with my son and his GF today. Misty rain and flat calm so decided to run down to Sheringham for the first time this season. About 15 boats there but only saw 3 fish caught from 7:30am until 12 noon.

We had just two hits ourselves in that time. One came to nothing and the other was a beauty 19lb fish identical to the one we caught 2 weeks ago. Gave my son a good fight and was his largest fish so far, as he has only been out with us a few times for pinks and cohos before.

Fish came on anchovy on jelly fish t.h. fished at 92’ in about 90’ of water.

Here is Wes with his fish.

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Back at Sunny Shores there was one guy cleaning a fish about 15lb and two other boats with nothing at all.

Nice job Roland! Sorry I decided not to drag my boat out there and fish with you and Wes. I'll let you guys know next time I'm in the area!
Out with a new fishing buddy at first light yesterday - fished hard from 530-1230 from trap to head.

Weed + whales = 0 fish.

Day was enjoyed - fish won!
Was out with 3 buddies on Saturday 5AM till noon. Picked up 3 off third rock and one off muir all 10 to 17 lbs. We just kept grinding away and picked one up every hour or 2 but didn't see much action for the amount of boats out there. After getting our 4 over 67cms we ran up to the lighthouse for a couple hours and got one hit.
Got 2 teenagers, 16 and 18 at the trap this morning between 6 and 6:30 AM--both at 60-70 ft on anchovy with chrome teaser head. 1 was white and 1 was red and they were feeding on needlefish.

As we had our wild fish we gave these guys a tow back to Cheanuh and called it a morning.

Hey Tsquared,

First off great post. Just wondering since you said "we had our wild fish" just wondering if you are up to speed with the current regs? As the daily limit of 2 chinook salmon, wild or hatchery marked, of which only 1 may be greater than 67 cm. Minimum size limit is 45 cm in length. Regardless, you were all legal as you had your 2 over 67cm but it doesn't matter if they were wild or not.

Guys, correct me if I'm wrong. And T2 if that comment was not what you were implying then forget what I said. Cheers