Sooke 2014 Fishing Reports

Casper , I was right behind you - nice fish. I went back through that spot a couple times hoping to find another after you pulled in those two. Didn't see much more than your fish coming up.

Thanks for the room to play those fish it was pretty tight with boats when we hooked up there, but everyone was nice and gave us lots of room. One was racing around on the surface and the other down deep. Never even saw it till it was in the net. Was in the downrigger and leg at one point.

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Was out yesterday at otter with 3 of us in the boat. Got 5, 3 over 67 and 2 under. 55 to 65 feet, at least an hour apart and in tight or in 100+ feet. Also saw a bunch caught but really spread out. A great story to add and it's pretty much the exact same as Profisher a week ago... We just picked up a football shaped 15 pounder that fought like it was 10 pounds bigger just west of third rock. We just got the lines down and saw something white in the water. Got closer and we saw the dorsal fin move a bit but it was belly up. I netted it and we had another beauty in the boat. I weighed it and it was 20.5 lbs. Below is what was attached to it. There was about a foot of mainline on it that looked like it hit a downrigger. If this gear is yours let me know and I can get it back to you. I'm going to take Profishers approach and keep the fish haha. Plus, it's already wrapped up in the freezer ready for when we do our canning session.

All in all it was a great day a bit wet but fun!


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Was out yesterday 6-2. Picked up a 27 two min in off aldridge, thought we were in for lots of action...had one other fish on for a bit at trap but that was it for the day. Saw a fair amount of fish being caught throughout the day though. Taking some flatlanders out tomorrow so hoping for the best!

* 55 ft anchovie
Redemption day from my winter fishing days with chris73...out with springvelocity 5 to noon for my sons 13th birthday...bit of a snap first thing Beecher Bay hit a 16lb hatch at 45, green glow with green glow hotspot....another undersize, then it went dead - tried both sides of bay - lots of marks but nothing hungry. Took the tide change and it lit up again around 11, hit a 20 on silver betsy/oki JDF, then my boy tried to work a 22 10 minutes after on same setup - just screamed on him and after a good effort for a couple minutes, he decided it was time to pass it off. The grown ups finished up the job, but not without a hell of a battle. Seems he had seen a boat or two in its life and just sulked a little too deep under the kicker. Finally caved in and in the net it went.

That was a wrap - tried for ling and bass for a while and no luck there, called it a day.


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Well done boys! You put on a clinic out there! Took home a hatch 16 which I fought side by side with Deewar and SPV fighting there 16 hatch right beside us. Let go a 10 pounder aswell. Green on Green Anchovy 34ft and 40ft.

Yes I didn't want to play the 22 and land it for Nathan but had too. Just too much for a little guy to do just knew it in first few seconds when it took off...He was honest we both saw it in his face that freaked out look. Thanks again Dave and Nathan for good day..We proved the new boats pretty fishy as much as the high five. Get out there guys fishing is picking up. Here is another pic from our trip.

This fish as Deewar 25 mentioned shown here was obviously hooked before no matter how fast we went tried to break me off under the kicker wash,...We would speed and than he would race for boat and sound right under wash. Bizarre and Very weird fight....

BTW Nathan a very happy birthday! Thanks for sharing your day with us.

Off to Bamfield end of week hope to be out there again later the week after... Well who knows may squeak a trip in before that LOL LOL.


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By any chance was it a white??
My crew today got into 6 of them and 2 of them were full on white springs.....????
seems fresh fish in everyday now keep up the good work guys good to see some great numbers coming in !!!!
No all red...but I few guys had some on Friday when I was back on dock... Strange I usually get most whites in late August..Too bad I love those for smoking... Good score Roy..

Most action for me today was down deep at 120' off Otter pnt, but only one was in the teens and that one didn't make it to the boat. This feeder had one little squid in it. The other guy in the boat managed to troll up a small halibut today from somewhere in the water column, nice surprise.
By any chance was it a white??
My crew today got into 6 of them and 2 of them were full on white springs.....????

My buddy was fishing down where I was... mid teen+ and a low 20's both white.

A over slot for us thankfully not white and mortician had "another" wardrobe malfunction and decided to give a large his flasher :rolleyes:
seems fresh fish in everyday now keep up the good work guys good to see some great numbers coming in !!!!

I'm ready for a few to sneak around the corner to my 'hood. ;) Me and the kidlet are going for another look tomorrow.
Otter point today from 7-1. 3 in the box - 1 hatchery. all on bloody nose t'heads @ 60-65 feet. nothing huge - 8-12 lbs. lost one that hit while reeling in a line. seemed like lots of bait deep (over 100 ft) on the display unit but success was further up the water column.
That's a nice fish Rick was that out west?

Don’t know. Did not mean to imply we caught it. Nice to know they are getting caught in that size range. I know of a great many others being caught in the teens and 20’s in the Sooke area and we are catching some but starting to do the catch and release bit. Prefer salmon fresh and want some license room for next winter and the small winter springs.
Slow out west yesterday. Only saw a couple of smaller fish caught.
Got 1 around 12lb and I also caught a small Hali around 10 lb in mid water near Muir.
That's 3 reported here over the past week. Quite interesting.

Water looked fishy and marked lots of fish. Expected better fishing.

Nice day though.

I have seen 2 Hali's trolled up at Muir since derby. Pretty neat by catch!
Picked up a 25# white at otter mid morning, another smaller one and some wild coho off Gordon's. Pretty spectacular day once the fog lifted.

Oh ya, buddy got a 27# at otter yesterday am, so they are around
Fished 8:30 till 1:30 pm with some U.K. visitors on board today. Beautiful west coast day with flat calm waters. Fog to start but bright hazy sun and clear views to Olympic later. Guests were impressed!
Trolled bluffs and harbour mouth. No hits at all for the first 3.5 hours so moved to deeper water. Got three hits in next 90 minutes. One turned into a long distance release after some good runs. Second we missed. Third time lucky we boated a fat 16lb fish. So the U.K. guests get fresh bar-b-qued salmon tonight after all.
All hits were on anchovy (purple stripe “jellyfish” teaser) with rigger set at 115’ in 125’ feet of water.
Fished otter point passed 3 days/evening. One 26 pounder last night at sun down. Went back for flood this arvo, had 5 fish on...landed one 12 and one 19 both wild. All were on rubber at 77-87ft in 90ft of water. Cheers
Fished otter this afternoon from 12-6, slow at first for us but steady. Ended up with a 18 and a 14, 18 fought like a champ! When we picked up the 18 it was a double header of bigger was the 18, the other felt about the same but it hung in for a bit, then chewed off the line. Also had a nice looking sockeye that my son brought in that went back.

Highlight was my 11 year old boy playing a big (easy 20's) to the surface only to lose it in an epic battle...he did awesome! Especially for his first really big fish...would have been wicked if he had boated it...but sometimes you have to earn it.

Nice looking fish at the ramp on the way out, guy with a 22, and another with a tyee. Nice to see some action out there!


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