Pulling a Hali anchor setup

While we are on this topic, anybody have any problems with the scotchman dragging when you first start your pull? I find it drags 40ft behind the boat at first. I have to slow down and get someone to tug the anchor line until the scotchman pops up more upright. Smooth after that though
Mine is like that as well for some reason. (Trotac setup) I just give it a little extra throttle and it always pops free. Nothing there for it to snag on so not sure why it hangs up at the start.

For the OP,,,it feels like it takes me a long time to retrieve my anchor compared to what I see with other boats. Not sure what speeds others use but for me I start off 2.5 to 3 knots. When i feel that the anchor is off the bottom i bump that up to around 3.5 to 4knots and when I get to the chain i run for a bit and then give it a minute or so at 5knots. Not sure what others use for speeds but 99% of the time I get the anchor.
I think you Scotchman is too small, if you don't get enough resistance from it in water the weight of the chain and anchor will find a balance point between the drag of the Scotchman and the chain won't pull further though the loop.
I've got a pretty big scotty, biggest one I'd consider using. It's a tight fit to get into the cuddy for storage...
While we are on this topic, anybody have any problems with the scotchman dragging when you first start your pull? I find it drags 40ft behind the boat at first. I have to slow down and get someone to tug the anchor line until the scotchman pops up more upright. Smooth after that though
start pulling slower and steady.
why 600'? i am constantly in 200-250' of water.. 50' of chain, 350' of rode, 50' tag line. stay on top of the spot!!
600 was what I was advised. But I agree, 350-400 is probably more than enough on calm days with moderate tides.

It’s easy to put out less line than it is to let out more than you have though.
Length of rope and anchor chain needed depends on two things.
Depth of water you expect to be anchoring in and the size of your boat.
With an 18' boat anchoring in no more that 350' of water ...
500' main and 100' from ball to boat with 12' of heavy chain works well.
Be sure to buy floating rope as it will make retrieval much easier.
Well i have 700 feeet and anchor in 250 to 350 when its windy or currents more scope is better ive found in the 40 years of anchoring. But what do I know.
Definitely dont get whipped around at all using more rode.
I for one want to cover more ground especially on a pinnacle. alot of factors if you have a lil small boat then less is fine when you have a 10,000 lb boat you need more, only time I get whipped around is when its windy and current are differnt other then that its more then fine to have more...
I'd get more chain so there is more weight to counter the anchor slipping back through the ring. Also consider switching to a bruce/claw anchor as the the fluke of your current danforth style anchor maybe not letting the ring slip all the wy up.
I would agree with switching to a Bruce anchor... had the same issue with a danforth slipping out of the ring. Now, I was forced to make a change as the danforth hung up in Haro and we lost it but have never had the same issue with the bruce.
Well i have 700 feeet and anchor in 250 to 350 when its windy or currents more scope is better ive found in the 40 years of anchoring. But what do I know.
I agree with you, down were you usually fish the curents are crazy down there... Bamfield way I run the 350 ft of rope 50ft of chain with a Bruce anchor and at times would like to cut another 50 ft off for a little more presion anchoring... less current ..my 2 bits :)
i have started this season packing a shot of 200 and a bridle. i can anchor on the small hills better and it acts as an emergency tow set up.