OFFICIAL 2016 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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BG....Chum have declined due to the roe fishery on the Fraser in the fall...during Chum openings you can almost walk from boat to boat!!!
BG....Chum have declined due to the roe fishery on the Fraser in the fall...during Chum openings you can almost walk from boat to boat!!!

Yup ...... The Sturgeon guides and fishers hammer the hell out of them, kill the does for the roe, then go sturgeon fishing.
The FN bands in the Harrison harvest them and sell them to the pet food companies. Just go to the Kilby area in late Oct/Nov and watch their boats and trucks filled with chum. But that can't be the only reason for their incline. Their numbers seem to be lower in other streams outside of the Fraser basin too.
Back to the topic.... Fished the west van shore line yesterday for 3 hours from the ambleside to the PA area with only 1 wild coho. 40' on an Army Truck in 70' of water. Had a couple of juvenile Chinooks that hammered my dipsy setup. Then fished the Bell area for a 2 hours and only caught a big dog fish. Beautiful day out there though.
May sneak out for a sniff at the Cap this evening. Saw about 5 or 6 boats in there last night when we cruised by.
Uhhhhh....high tide I was referring to the commercial and FN net fishery.
Slow morning so far at Bell...lost one to a seal....chovies at 65ft
Out at Sandheads now, calm water, 50 + boats.
Slow action, but have one spring in the box on a splatter back hoochie at about 70 ft

Thanks for the up to the minute report. Ouch, if there's 50 today I'd hate to think how many there'll be tomorrow. Was hoping to hit it then
Seen 1 or 2 guys pull fish at Sandheads the last few hours. Not a sniff for me. If only I could find that magic "on fire" pocket.
Seen two springs and one wild coho. Still looking for that magic pocket!
short flood tide I would go to the green bell and troll West to east vice versa in 130 feet to 45 feet just inside the bell and turn seems to be the ticket for mea ferw hours before high tide and on!! hoping to get out Sunday..
Stopped at the Vanier ramp, to check the boats returning. Only talked to one boat, but for the first time this season I actually found a guy who returned with a fish. It was only about a 12 pounder, but it beats the skunk faces I usually find there. He said he picked it up on a hoochie, by the airport. I should be off the South Arm in the AM if all goes according to plan.
short flood tide I would go to the green bell and troll West to east vice versa in 130 feet to 45 feet just inside the bell and turn seems to be the ticket for mea ferw hours before high tide and on!! hoping to get out Sunday..

Sounds like we troll the same line, what boat are you in? Lol
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