Halibut SizeLimit


Active Member
Just putting it out there if we could extend our season by a couple months who would be ok with say a 75lb or smaller retention??
I know its not cool but if we could have a full season out of it would it be worth it?
Just putting it out there if we could extend our season by a couple months who would be ok with say a 75lb or smaller retention??
I know its not cool but if we could have a full season out of it would it be worth it?

Just might be a good thing to look at....... :)
The reason I'm not ok with it is we shouldn't have to go that route...completely settling in a scenario where we should not have to settle...we shouldn't have to make that decision between big fish or a full season. One large halibut could make someone's whole trip. Plus there are a few lodges who get the majority of their clientelle on big halibut and that'd screw them right up as well. Main reason against it is easily that we should not have to make that compromise by any means...
What is the biological impact of only keeping under 75#
If it is good, why does the commercial industry, who has the biggest impact, not have such a rule in place?

Was fishing with a buddy in July a few years ago and he picked up a 77# The camp attendant mentioned that is was the biggest he had seen all year. Do we see that many over 75#?
I don't think it would have any effect on our season.
"What is the biological impact of only keeping under 75#"

I think it's meant to keep the females in the water so they can spawn
more fish .
I really think that if they change the limit to 75lbs they should change it to 2 limit 2 in possession. Having to make another long run in some cases the next day to go get the client their second halibut or just a rec fisherman doing the same is really counter productive with the amount of fuel and energy required to go and get the 2nd halibut.

But if i were to pick I would say limit the size to get the full season. Keeping those big females out there can't hurt the short or long term health of halibut populations.

Serengeti you have to realise that yes a giant trophy halibut could make a trip, but having the halibut season cut short in August could bankrupt some smaller guiding operations if they don't get the business at the end of the summer and early fall.
Serengeti you have to realise that yes a giant trophy halibut could make a trip, but having the halibut season cut short in August could bankrupt some smaller guiding operations if they don't get the business at the end of the summer and early fall.

Yes that was my point exactly. If (and I do under stand this is all hypothetical) I was still in the game, I would worry about putting the food on the table all summer long then having a crack a killing a big hali. Real it up take a pic, cut it loose and wack a 50.
It isn't going to happen for so many reasons. But if we're in "what if" land, I'd trade a reg of no halibut over 75lbs for an increase to 2 per day! Plus this rule change would relieve me of an ethical burden, feeling like I should return that big spawner to produce millions more babies, but knowing damn well that I won't when I see her. ;-)
Why not settle for a license with 10 tags or something like this.
It think it would get dangerous for many trying to measure or determine weight.
Also there would be a lot of "ground scoring" done with dead fish going back.

Better to put an annual limit on hali.

I say sure but the problem is how to figure out what's at the side of the boat, is it 65 or 75? Tough call right.

Plus there are a few lodges who get the majority of their clientelle on big halibut and that'd screw them right up as well.

These lodges need to get with the times and start promoting sport fishing not meat hunting, the hurting they put on ground fish stocks is staggering. You guys who are promoting the meat and posting hero shots with hundreds of pounds of fish are going about it wrong, this will only last for so long - then where are you going to be?

You need to start thinking like the charlottes guys, offering incentives to release big fish and emphasize the sport and battle now the cooler full of meat that is going to waste away in the customers freezer.

You can use the argument that well the commies whack everything so why should we give a **** about big females - thats a weak argument, cliche as it is 2 wrongs don't make a right.
All that matters is it won't happen. An annual limit is completely ok with me, and will do better to cut down our total catch than bigger halibut in my opinion. Who needs more than 15-20 halibut a year anyway? If you look at an increase of $5 per license, with 300000 licenses being issued that'd be 1.5mill the feds could use to buy back halibut quota, such a simple solution! But we have to think that there is a reason they aren't doing this...and it's not cause they are all idiots, it's because they have an alternate plan for the rec sector...
I say sure but the problem is how to figure out what's at the side of the boat, is it 65 or 75? Tough call right.

These lodges need to get with the times and start promoting sport fishing not meat hunting, the hurting they put on ground fish stocks is staggering. You guys who are promoting the meat and posting hero shots with hundreds of pounds of fish are going about it wrong, this will only last for so long - then where are you going to be?

You need to start thinking like the charlottes guys, offering incentives to release big fish and emphasize the sport and battle now the cooler full of meat that is going to waste away in the customers freezer.

You can use the argument that well the commies whack everything so why should we give a **** about big females - thats a weak argument, cliche as it is 2 wrongs don't make a right.

well said . %100 agree...

Id be scared to give DFO any ideas.. They would more than likely find away to screw it up and screw over the guides and sporties....
An annual 10 fish limit per angler is totally fair and enough for anyone.
I'd rather see them make it illegal for a guide to retain any halibut or salmon on their own license while guiding clients. That would save a few!