Halibut SizeLimit

we are required to purchase and fill out a catch record card for every species we angle for and return them as season end. the CRCs have not been summarized or analysized in about 12 years so there is no track of what actually has happened, only the 'sample of convenience' model is in place. QUOTE]

We are getting old my friend! If memory serves right, there has been NO summarized or analyzed of any "salmon" catch since 1997! That just happens to be the same year the last "Salmon War" ended. I am sure it will be back in a few years, just as soon as the next round of negotiations starts.

FYI... Right now, it appears about the only thing they are summarizing and analyzing is the Puget Sound Crab!
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Why not a video camera on board and someone on the dock to weigh them.
Just like the commercials ....... Not going to support any of that BS.
Remember why the commercials had to go to this system.
There were huge trust issues that all commercials had to play by the rules.
One commercial guy cheating was unfair to the rest.
And the big one was, he's cheating so I'm going to also.

Fellas you can mess around with all kinds of band-aids to fix the problem with the allocation.
Fix the root cause of the problem and your done.

The halibut catch data was audited a few years ago and guess what.
It was found to be valid. I know you guys cant get your heads around mathematical modeling.
You want to count with your fingers and toes and that's fine.
I use to build mathematical models for the financial industry with excel.
You know what... they work and I can assure you they better work as there is a lot of bucks on the line.

There is plenty of halibut for all Canadians.
Matter of fact we have to export 80% of the catch because we have so much.

Fix the root cause........
Fellas you can mess around with all kinds of band-aids to fix the problem with the allocation.
Fix the root cause of the problem and your done.


X2 Gil!!! well said!!!
http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/opportunities-possibilites/fin-nageoire-eng.htmAll Areas
Halibut: Clarification on the measurement of halibut: The possession limit for halibut is two (2), of which only one may be greater than 83 cm in length. This measurement is from the centre of the tail to the foremost end of the lower lip or "head on". “Head off” measurement is from the centre of the tail to the base of the pectoral fin.

The licence condition for one fish 83cm head on equates to a fish 62.25cm head off. DFO will accept a 63cm head off measurement as meeting the requirement of a whole fish being 83cm in length. You must retain halibut in such a manner that the size of the fish can be readily determined. If you have two fish in your possession you must be able to show that at least one of them is 83cm or less. Halibut may be left whole, head on, gut removed. Fish of 63 cm head off may be cut into four fillets, providing one fillet has the pectoral fin and tail attached. If fish size is close to the 63cm limit, and the measure will be stretched by not having the back bone attached, it is suggested that you leave the backbone attached to the fillet with the pectoral fin and tail attached. Listed 11/04/2011 FN0299
Halibut: Change to size of fish within possession limit: Effective April 1, 2012: the daily limit for halibut is one (1) and the possession limit for halibut is two (2), of which only one may be greater than 83 cm. Listed 14/03/2012 FN0192
Halibut: Effective March 1, 2012 until further notice: recreational fishing will open coastwide for halibut. The daily limit is one (1) per day with a possession limit of two (2). The exceptions to this opening are: Areas 121, 23 and 123: Effective March 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012:
Some here may find me a little strange,and I'm cool with that. One thing I pride myself in though is my retention limit of halibut. Of the countless number of 200lb.+ halibut I've caught, I've only allowed "1" to be brought aboard. That was because the fisherman who caught it was a blind 9 year old boy and to get the just of his catch, he wanted to touch it. Unfortunately as the big bugger was brought aboard it started to thash around like mad. My only recourse was to shoot it in the head, therefore making a release quite hard. The little boy was cool with it because he had no idea was had just happened. It was quite comical listening to his dad explain to him why he was covered in blood though..lol ;)

Wow, so you shot it in your boat ? sounds "tres dangereaux ?
More TAC for the rec sector = no in season closures, no slot limits, possibly a 2 a day possession of 3 again. Let's not loose sight of what we are trying to achieve, and what we all worked so hard for last spring. Halibut belongs to us, Canadians, we need to get it back. We made headway last year with all the hard work. Yes there needs to be better data taken and we all need to work towards something that will work for everyone so we can get this under control. But bottom line is the rec sector needs more, if we had 20% + this would be a non issue.

It's not a conservation issue is an allocation issue!
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Has there been any new developments on this issue? Do we have an indication of a revised cut-off date? I tried searching the forum but couldn't come up w/a definite answer.
I've read this forum, and cant understand why so many guys are wanting more restrictions...Like 8-10 halibut a year..Just keep giving dfo more ideas! WE DONT NEED MORE RESTRICTIONS, we need a bigger piece of the pie! Sport fishing is huge to our economy, local and provincial, and thats what we should be fighting for, not more rules to follow! regardzzz
what is needed is a limited entry on charter and guides operations most of the recreation quota is taken by them. also the guide should not be allowed to fish when out on a charter this should slow down the catch rate and make limit laws easier to enforce
YES the charter boys DO take most of the rec. quota...Just have to use one's imagination on a charter boat OR boats going out bonking to fill their guest's daily limit. Say 3 boats run out to the grounds with 4 guests a day for 3 months....Thats a lot hali's wouldn't you say?
The GUIDES take them.... or the guests who have licences and pay to go fishing take them??

Dividing the rec fisherman is exactly the last nail in our coffin.

Get your heads out of your asses. Wildwest I have met you before and you seemed alright... this statement and a couple of other ones make me wonder...
For those that can't do math...4 guests a day for 90 days=360 Hali's...X 3 boats in their fleet=1080 Hali's. I'm just talking about 1 charter outfit in a small westcoast town which most probably has 4 to 10 fulltime to part-time guides.Come-on guys ...the average own your own boat rec fishermen are NOT taking their quota......... someone else is....WILDWEST
Just saying...... is the average fisherman [a large percentage of us] only have a chance to hit the west-coast Maybe 2-6 times a year,maybe not even that,the Hali Quota has to be there for ALL the people not just for some
WRONG AGAIN wild west!!!!!! example 1 look at renfrew there is maybe 20 guides out of there but yet there is a 200 boat dock full.... hmmm DO THE MATH!!!!

Example 2 vic to sooke fishery maybe 25 guides any given halibut tide you can see MANY MANY boats hhhmmmmm and not all guides fish for halis maybe 15 of them and theres over a 100 rec boats out again do the math.....

Me personally I have 3 hali for my self so far this year. I know of many some on here who are rec fisherman with 5 to 10 times the amout I have in my freezer....
PS your math for a charter guy at over 1000 fish may be a bit sckewed as he is not the one catching the fish we as charters are a means for avg Joe to go fishing who dont have the means to go or a boat and he gets to take back maybe 1 or 2 fish.... again do the math!!!!!!
and dont forget the economic out fall which a charter guy brings to the community
again do the math
How brain dead are some of you guys? Even if there were 360 halis landed on one charterboat per season, those 360 halis would go to 360 different anglers = licence holders, mostly fellow Canadians. What's wrong with that? Are you begrudging your fellow Canadians who come out once a year to the coast catching and keeping one hali - caught on a charter trip? So that you have more!? What's wrong with you people!!!
It would be nice to bond together as recreational fishermen, however it really does present a unique situation.
One party is in it for sport and food, the other is in it to make a living guiding people to catch fish.
I have no dispute with guides making a living and actually respect most and admire their ability.
The bottom line is that we are in the sport for different reasons and that is why we are so divided as a sector.
This could be argued back and forth, but it in my opinion this is the reality of it.