Halibut SizeLimit

I entirely agree with you, Craven! There is a totally different mindset between fishing for the fun of it or fishing for a
living. Like you,I appreciate the guides and the skill they have,but,unfortunately we will never be on the same page.
I'm sure if you ask 100 fishermen, 50 would say yes and 50 would say no. I personally know fishermen who have caught really big salmon and have released them. But it is not mandatory. I think it becomes a moral issue as well as an educated decision. If more information gets out there about what it means to keep fish over 80 or so lbs, that they are females, there may be more around. But we have little or no information regarding the numbers of halibut per square kilometer. Are numbers up or down. I certainly would not agree to this if commies get to keep the ones we are releasing. At 15 % allocation, recreational fishermen have little impact on overall brood stock. But if we keep those under 75 lbs. and release those over, we may in fact, be contributing to hali demise at an escalated rate if commies just keep them. In theory, it should take us longer to get to our allocation only if the number of hali caught by recreational fishermen is significant and I doubt that.
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I used to guide for a living,and WE where good at it.Being out there every day on all tides gave us an estimated 200% advantage at least.When you know your local waters and the different runs that would move in .Those boys out of Granville Island know how to catch fish and did you know those fish sometimes[or most of the time are non-bitters]they spend there time and always get a hookup when times are tough.If anyone thinks westcoast salmon are elusive...try closer to town and hone your ability...tru-sportfisherman
We all have a right to catch some fish and we all inject money into the coastal communities.

But only out of province do-it yourselfers, the guides, through out of province guests, and the commercial fishermen, through exports bring new dollars into the BC economy.

Most of the rest of us drive around in our American boats with foreign outboards negating most of the positive impact of our efforts on the economy. The economic argument for sportfishing doesn't fly and only applies to guests in my opinion.
The real argument is about access rather than how one spends his or her BC earned dollars in BC.
YES i have something to say Im going fishing this morning not sitting as a arm chair fisherman....like some on here got people that came all the way to bc to go fishing from sask. they booke a flight.hotlel, rental car bought lic. went for dinner last night then tonight. now going out to get some fishing in, pay me maybe then off to the processers all this to go get a few fish ...... WHAT have you done latly for helping the economy ????? do the math......

VERY WELL said tubber and Chris you get it and understand unfortunatlly some people just dont get it.....
YES i have something to say Im going fishing this morning not sitting as a arm chair fisherman....like some on here got people that came all the way to bc to go fishing from sask. they booke a flight.hotlel, rental car bought lic. went for dinner last night then tonight. now going out to get some fishing in, pay me maybe then off to the processers all this to go get a few fish ...... WHAT have you done latly for helping the economy ????? do the math......

VERY WELL said tubber and Chris you get it and understand unfortunatlly some people just dont get it.....

like wolf said...its the big picture...the loss of revenue for the juan de fuca derbey was if i remember was 400,000 bucks.....thats alot of money for a derbey..money that goes into our economy...guides and sporty's need to stick together....The truth is that all of us need to get some spine and backbone, force our government to deal with the problems...like putting hatcherys back on the fraser(the wild salmon are gone, and they will never recover on their own).
For f sakes the great lakes have a better chinook fishery than we do.(all hatchery)! Maybe im seeing things black and white...and 1 more thing put net pens on land so they cant endanger chinook smolts..This is gonna sound wierd but we need to be more like the natives(please dont take this out of context)U dont see them backing down to dfo...They tell them its "their right"....and thats the end of the story. As far as I look at its "our right" too! We need rules and regulations so we can all have a sustainable fishery for years to come, but i think the sporty catch total needs to adjusted so its on par with commercial and native totals. Why cant other countries grow atlantic salmon? When i go to the grocery store, why dont they sell chinook?(except thriftys). Anyway like I said, we need to stand up to our government, and make them realize they f'd things up so bad and its time to fix it!! SPORT PAYS THE BILLS AROUND HERE! not commercial or native fisheries.