Halibut Reports 2009 South Island

Fished the Spot today, did pretty well. One around a 100 and a chicken 30lbs. So many people at the launch who have never seen a hali before. :D
Out today hoping to get a crack at getting my traps back off Darcy at the low-slack (1:00pm)...

Showed up at Tulista (Sidney) around 8:00 hoping to do a little 'Butt' fishin' before we headed over to see if my floats would miraculously reappear. I was prayin' it wouldn't be as bad as the weather reports said it was going to be.

Short version: It was!

Buddy and I sat in the truck drinkin' coffee for 2-hours waiting to see if it would die-off some. Nada!

Launching there was out of the question so we threw her in at Van Isle and sheepishly motored out into IT.

Man it was ugly... "Captain wired-in we got water comin' in..."
Ended up turning back - with 8-footers coming over the bow - less than 2-clicks from where I last saw my traps.

Oh yeah - short version: 4-prawn traps - gonzo!
Last summer I found a crab trap with float attached near Brotchie Ledge. I called the number and it turned out to the trap belonged to a family in Oregon who had set it out off the Oregon coast. They thanked me and said I could keep the trap, rope and buoy.
So wheres the pic of this 100 lber??? would love to see that. as there hasnt been alot of big fish caught this year???

Finally got the skunk off the boat when it comes to halibut. Was out at Constance on Friday and managed to get not one but two. Nothing big but it sure was fun, I just might like halibut fishing after all. Heres a few pictures of our 37 lbs and 15 lbs.

Not only did we have a good day of fishing but on Saturday we went back to look for my anchor out at Sherringham and nothing was there to be found so we dragged a jig along the bottom for a long time and finally snagged on to the rope at the very bottom. 1 hour later and 3 tired guys we managed to pull it in to the boat one foot at a time and get it unhooked from an old rope that was stuck tight to the bottom. It must have been another old anchor or an old crab trap line or something. I would have liked to get rid of the old rope as well but it was all we could do to bring it to the edge of the boat to cut our anchor free. The fish Gods and the anchor Gods shined on us this weekend.

And remember....Keep your tip up!!!
Good lookin fish boys,, keep the pics coming.
