Halibut Reports 2009 South Island

Nice,,, good job on the hog..

pulled a couple out at zero rock last week.
about 55- 60 each...
big mackerels and pink hoochies


So how'd the derby end up boys? Missed it this year and sounds like it was good fishing today. Weather was stellar!
Island Outfitters 13th Annual Just for the Halibut Derby Results 2009

Ticket # Name Day 1 Day 2 Total

1 Syd Spooner 122.1
2 Murray Starling 110.2
3 Brad Stennes 107.9
4 Brian Gibson 97.4
5 Don Vandijk 97.1
6 Elden Smith 95.4
7 Benda Leddy 84
8 Adrian O'Connor 81.7
9 Colin McDiarmid 81.6
10 Shawn Trowsdale 80.7
11 Bill Wright 77.5
12 Ryan Fadear 75.6
13 Cliff Hitchcox 75.3
14 Wayne Trowsdale 73.5
15 Mike Burizmar 72.6
16 Barry Eaglestone 69.9
17 Mark Cardinal 69.8
18 Steve Yakamovich 67.1
19 Conrad Latek 66.6
20 Kevin Armstrong 63.4
21 Andrew Stawicki 62.7
22 Franic Holt 59.9
23 Tom Wallace 59.7
24 Candace Parker 58.8
25 Dan Berube 58.1
26 Ken Abt 57.5
27 Don Gawley 53.9
28 Evan Tilley 53.2
29 Matthew Latek 52.1
30 Colin McDiarmid 51.5
31 Evan Tilley 51.5
32 Gord Martin 51.2
33 Al Lowe 50.9
34 Jamie Thompson 50.9
35 Jody Billings 50.8
36 Mike Fimrite 49.9
37 Andre Desautels 49.8
38 Shawn Melinchuk 49.2
39 Lorne McDiarmid 48.8
40 Bruce Cook 45.9
41 Darryl Charles 45.7
42 Ian White 45.5
43 Jason Armstrong 44.7
44 Bob Ritchell 44.6
45 James Pickup 44.4
46 Jason Elford 44.1
47 Barry Eaglestone 43.9
48 Blair Davis 43.6
49 Rod Edwards 43.1
50 Kieth Martin 42.1
51 Miles Arsenault 41.6
52 Erik Aylett 41.5
53 Ricky Thierbach 41.5
54 Bob Ritchell 41.3
55 Jarroh Leddy 41.3
56 Laura Dalgliesh 40.3
57 Dave Aylett 40.1
58 Kelly Wagner 40
59 Rob Powell 39.9
60 Gerald Ford 39.9
61 Jeff Dau 39.7
62 Allan Foster 39.6
63 John Harthland 39.6
64 Jerry Oetting 39.5
65 Tom Schmidbauer 39.2
66 Bruce Cook 38.8
67 Ken Peverelle 38.8
68 Pat Thompson 38.4
69 Kirby Freeman 38.2
70 Jamie Thompson 38.2
71 Christine McLean 37.3
72 Matt Davidson 35.8
73 Dan Williams 35.5
74 Bonnie Westlund 35
75 Tyler Broderick 35
76 Dwane Mosseau 34.8
77 Dean Smith 34.8
78 Scott Shaffer 34.7
79 Wyatt Wright 34.6
80 Matt Zaalberg 34.5
81 Paul Wesley - guest 34.3
82 Dan Waters 33.9
83 Michael Munro 33.8
84 Ben Wright 33.3
85 Chris Hansen 33.2
86 Gary Peake 33
87 Mark Price 32.6
88 Ryan Chamberland 31.8
89 Scott Fracier 31.7
90 Drew Henson 31.3
91 Bradley Swanson 31
92 Gord Gavin 30.9
93 Todd Baylis 30.1
94 Mike Yakamovich 30
95 Larry Yarmie 29.5
96 Ian Jules 29.4
97 Ron Gard 29.3
98 Emmanuel Abfua 28.7
99 Sean Ballard 28.5
100 Rick LeLonde 28.4
101 Andrew Stawicki 27.9
102 Dan Williams 27.5
103 Joe Bohrmann 26.9
104 Ryan Chamberland 26.9
105 Jim Stratford 26
106 Mike Parker 26
107 Robert Allen 25.7
108 Al Motiuk 25.5
109 Ian White 25.5
110 Doug Ferrier 25.4
111 Bev Preuss 25.1
112 Brent Tickell 25.1
113 Hila Preuss 25
114 Franic Holt 25
115 Henry Mortens 24.5
116 Chris Arnoll 24.4
117 JamieMcDiarmid 24.3
118 Miles Arsenault 24.2
119 Dan Parker 24.2
120 Dan Burkmar 23.6
121 Gary Freeman Guest 23.5
122 Jeremy Petzing 23.3
123 Lynn Pollard 22.9
124 Rodney Frias 22.6
125 Rob Minar 22.4
126 Norman Chan 22.3
127 Crawford Orr 22.1
128 Steve Banner 21.4
129 Roy Carver 21.3
130 Don Kelsal 21.2
131 Dan Hamilton 20.5
132 Nick Pedersen 20.4
133 Ian Kennell 19.7
134 Allan Foster 19.5
135 John Burns 19.5
136 Wayne Purdy 19.1
137 Hugh Pollard 18.8
138 Hugh Pollard 18.3
139 Percy Miller 18.1
140 Alan Gendron 18.1
141 Lisa Westlund 18
142 Lynn Pollard 17.5
143 Raymond Wong 17.4
144 Randy Kinnersley 17.1
145 Peter Kayat 16.8
146 Ryan Bell 16.7
147 Percy Miller 16
148 Simon Darby 15.8
149 Bryan Bull 14
150 Kheiri Hadi 13.1
151 Tyler VanKeken 12.5
152 Daryl Brimacombe 12.4
153 Brendon Warwaruk 11.6

Total Weights 6074.1

I know that I have the wrong name for the #7 fish and will correct that tomorrow.

Here is a pciture of the Derby Winner.


Here is the derby winning crew. they also won the hidden weight which was 39.8 lbs.


Better picture of the winning fish


2nd place


3rd place

Jeeze guys where was the hotspot for the derby? i spent sat and sunday anchored off Church Rock, lost one over 50 but thats it, oh and caught myself 40 pounds of hali bait (octopus) Having a hard time getting my first one of the year.

Tailout, Saw you at the dock cleaning the fish! Nice fish!

This one was number 27.. funny though, I thought it wa gonna go 70. haha.:D
This Is the 9th place fish Caught by guests from the east kootenays A great weekend indeed couldnt ask for better weather the best so far this year for sure. Downside was there was alot of fighting on the water with guys anchoring up to close to each other.


Blue Wolf Charters
Good job to all you guys on the weekend...alot of nice fish

I got lazy and didn't run mine in to weigh them...but nothing spectacular .... good eating though...30 and 20lbers:)

Anyone know how many tickets were sold???
All very nice fish and great numbers.So the question is?I know it is great to post our catches and help others out, But we just came off of a closure by Fisheries, our quota is cut. Big numbers come in, Fisheries says HEY look at that they have enough lets shut it down.
Maybe MUMS the word. Fisheries wants info, just go to a good site like ours and some S. o. b. in ottawa thinks we our over doing it and shuts us down. Just my thought ;)
I dont think that they would base catch totals off a site of fisherman that are basically fishing one area for a few months...... Would be pretty ridiculous
It is an interesting question...would DFO use this site and others like it in figuring out catch totals? Would be sketchy data, not comprehensive, but neither are creel surveys. Make some assumptions based on number of people who reported going out, what they caught and where, how many got nothing, what % of local fishermen are regulars on these sites, what % tend to post, etc...maybe you get some data that could be considered slightly better than nothing, and could be useful? Or maybe if they are not using this now, they might later?

For derby, I think those numbers are down from the last few years, definitely the big ones and the number over 100 lbs. Could search posts from last year to confirm, but too lazy. ;)

Still, looked like a good time was had by most, weather was better than in some past years.

quote:Originally posted by JDR

All very nice fish and great numbers.So the question is?I know it is great to post our catches and help others out, But we just came off of a closure by Fisheries, our quota is cut. Big numbers come in, Fisheries says HEY look at that they have enough lets shut it down.
Maybe MUMS the word. Fisheries wants info, just go to a good site like ours and some S. o. b. in ottawa thinks we our over doing it and shuts us down. Just my thought ;)

I was thinking the same thing...
It only takes one guy to lead this info to DFO and they can come to all kinds of conclusions.
Anyhow, as it goes and they possibly shut it down before 65% or more of the tourism dollars come rolling in than maybe we will get the hint next time.
I'm not saying this is going to hppen just that after what we went through last winter...we might want to keep things a little less exposed.
I think that guy's posting pics is their right...who are we to say that they shouldn't.
I can tell you all this, I know a little bird on someones shoulder said that since we as a whole supported a derby at this time of year...we did not excercise concervation in DFO's eyes...
Whether I agree or not is not at all in the equation...just pointing out the facts and DFO will always work to error on the side of conservation.
Just a little food for thought


quote:Originally posted by richmake

I can tell you all this, I know a little bird on someones shoulder said that since we as a whole supported a derby at this time of year...we did not excercise concervation in DFO's eyes...

Perhaps next years derby could change the focus from large females to smaller males by using a target weight or hidden weight for the grand prize. my 2 cents
quote:I know a little bird on someones shoulder said that since we as a whole supported a derby at this time of year...we did not excercise concervation in DFO's eyes

all the have to do is read the island outfitters leader board for the derby to get some good numbers.