Halibut Reports 2009 South Island

Well if you want to talk bout it ill set you all straight IF any of you were at the meetings (SFAB) you would have seen the numbers that kent from DFO gave us all the amout this last derby took was peanuts nope i wont call it that ill call it crumbs as it is so miniscule compared to the rest of the quota for the months of feb,march,april and may province wide the take is approx 5% of the quota!!!!!!

When you get into june and july and aug it makes a dramatic jump upward as thats when all lodges,organization etc start full tilt. you have to remember this is PROVINCE wide not here in our little world of Vic.
We want DFO to see what is taken here we want them to look because then they will see it is a unique specialized place to fish as we are all tide and current dependant fishery we can fish maybe 14 days a month for halibut then maybe we will get a season just for area 19 ill crap my pants if it ever happens because that would be the smart thing to do BUT we are talking government here remember!!!!

As for the rest of the province think about it Ill use renny you can fish it every day anytime the only thing holding anyone back is bad weather so say 50 boats go out in one day and they all get 100 lbs of halibut which we all know not hard to do that 5000 lbs now times that for 30 days WOW look at that number!!!!! and thats only 50 boats me thinks thats a small est as well. Now do that for for the rest of the BC it adds up very very very quickly.

That is why Chris Bos and the alliance wants DFO to know what goes on here in Vic as we are really the tiny fish in the pond compared to the rest of BC, We want them to know EVRYTHING then they cant come back at us and say we are the problem and thats why your season has been closed till march 1 we want it back to frb ! where it has been as they have ALL the numbers but because we are the a tiny group they hammered us TRUST ME IT WILL GET WORSE!!!.

You dont hear much of people fishing for halibut in march or april (on good numbers) off of bamfield or renny as it just doesnt happen often (weather).

So that enough of that I want to apoligize for this rant now

So back to the topic ok on to fishing reports!!!!


Blue Wolf Charters
quote:Originally posted by juandesooka

For derby, I think those numbers are down from the last few years, definitely the big ones and the number over 100 lbs. Could search posts from last year to confirm, but too lazy. ;)

Still, looked like a good time was had by most, weather was better than in some past years.


here was last years...80 caught vs 153 - way up this year, but much smaller. I would say the weather was the difference - wasn't it snotty as hell both days last year, especially the sunday?

Mike Olivotto 173.4
Mike Yakimovich 163.6
Mike Campbell 157.3
Glen Wilson 141.7
Mark Plasterer 123.1
Richard Thierback 120.6
Don Vandijk 106.9
Matt Davidson 97.9
Mike Paltinger 79.3
Chris Davies 77.8
Matt Davidson 71.4
Gary Freeman 64.5
Rick Jakimchuk 62.1
Scott West 59.7
Cliff Hitchcock 57.9
Tom Bean 57.5
Bill Cooper 54.6
Jerry Scott 53.3
Gord Martin 52.3
Curtis Petris 51.4
Wojtek Bachman 50.6
Dave Aylett 50.5
Al Motiuk 50.5
Les Lohr 50.1
Rupe Johal 48.1
Rick Jakimchuk 45.6
Chris Flickinger 45.4
Josh Quinney 44.4
Kieth Shaw 44.3
Bob Ross 44.2
Drago Olariu 44.2
Mike Paltinger 43.3
Bill Hodson 42.6
Kord Gilbertson 42
Gary Flickinger 41.3
Brad Fitchett 40.8
Scott Schick 39.1
Kathleen Schur 39
Tim Carr 38.5
Brett Moorhouse 37.8
Jeff Whitney-Griffiths 37.8
Chris Davies 37.6
Jerry Scott 37.5
Don Swindell 37.2
Steve Braithwaite 37.1
Al Zaalburg 36.8
Rick Jenkins 35.9
Bruce Cook 35.4
Mark Pitts 34.8
Raymond Wong 34
Robin Atkins 33.8
Kai White 33.7
Brett Smith 33.7
Mike Fimrite 33.5
Bob Ashkew 32.9
Brad Ranking 32.7
Glenn Ross 31.7
Kevin Packford 31.7
Fred Elgert 31.2
Garry Peak 30.5
Bill Vanbuskirk 30.4
Don Ronlund 29.7
Larry Dalziel 29.2
Terry Wickens 28.9
Chris Hansen 28
Mark Kloss 25.6
Ian Kennell 24.6
Bruce Butler 23.3
Eldon Smith 23.2
Wade Nelson 23.2
Steven Whitmore 22.9
Justen Bell 22.1
Steve French 22
Karen Wormald 21.7
Pat Thompson 21.7
Pete Kayal 21.3
Trevor Zboyovoski 20.4
Barry Eaglestone 19.8
Jeff Bond 18.6
Percy Miller 18.1
We weighed in a 37 & 42 on Sat.Then pulled up this 65 at 1:15 Sunday :(.Couldnt ask for better derby weather though.
In my estimation it's good for the rec/hali fishery that more and more people get into it and catch more and more fish. It will only serve to strengthen the sport-fishing voice as we continue to fight for allocation policy change.

While some people just sit back and take, while whining about "what's in it for me?" others see the inequities along with chronic mismanagement of the resource and stand up and pound the desk demanding change. These are guy's/gal's you want to get hooked-on-hali fishin'.

I haven't even caught my first halibut yet but I'm certain when I do, it will only serve to strengthen my resolve to be supportive of the South Island initiative to press DFO for dramatic apportionment improvements to the rec/hali fishery.

Just my 2-bits.
quote:Originally posted by Little Hawk

In my estimation it's good for the rec/hali fishery that more and more people get into it and catch more and more fish. It will only serve to strengthen the sport-fishing voice as we continue to fight for allocation policy change.

I haven't even caught my first halibut yet

I agree. As the derby is set up now, you need pretty specialized tackle/boat to go after a serious contender. Target the smaller males, by weight, and it opens the door to your average salmon fisherman.

I am in the newbie Halibut camp as well.
what a DFO cant use this info its not official people can put anything they want in this forum. the more halli newbies the better for us. more people fishing more power.little hawk has it right im with him. anyone can catch the big one just right place and timeand reel him in theres enough info on here to land it no problem.reel it in and gaff with a float on gaff and let him fight the float.nothing fancy its only a fish.
Lets not make this into a hate thing for rec against commercial the guy who fishes hali commercially off of vic IS allowed to.
No different from YOU AND I the people fishing the derby harvested over 6000 lbs.

The com. guy takes what he cans to make a living and it isnt 6000 lbs a shot and I know that for a fact last time he went out he had 45 units and a ton of dogfish for 3 skates of lines.BEE if you know other wise I ask you to put up numbers of what he has gotten. ok please thanks!! Not that I think it is right I am just looking at it from all sides perspectivly its a VERY big ocean out there and we can share it and fighting against each other is no good we have to put our efforts into fighting DFO</u>

WE all take halibut not just him look at the derby board and do the math we are just as much to blame as anyone else.

NEXT tides may 1 get ready !!!!!


Blue Wolf Charters
just a question wolf but what are we just as much o blame for? there are lots of halibut off victoria areas as many ou or more than 25 years ago i believe. mabe the sizes are down but lots of numbersand spread out everywhere not as concentrated as in the past.theres enough out there for all to enjoy.you can get halibut almost anywhere now.one a day is great thats enough for each person to enjoy and can make for a better trip.appreciate that fish a lot more.we are getting along with the longliner and so are the fish i just wish i could get out there and try and get one myself especially with this weathernow. good luck guyskeep it up.hopefully the salmon fishing is as good this year.pink year so it wil be fun
Thought this was a Halibut Reports 2009 South Island thread?
Maybe mods should Start a new thread....in the politics section?

Bring on the Halibut Reports.....good luck, Going to be sunny all week.

:DGo Canucks Go:D
Keep it at one a day. Keeps good fishermen fishing, good guides working and will severley discourage the "I have a boat, bag of power grubs, and GPS with Swiftsure Bank on it" lodge co. I don't think any of the top rods on this site have had a signifigant drop in bookings due to the 1 hali rule. I have had ONE confirmed trip wobble because of the 1 hali rule.

Last Chance Fishing Adventures

Bee give me a call or lets meet for a beer and we can solve all world problems together LOL LOL as I really like good debates maybe its time for another get together with some forum members like the good old days of past and watch a canuck game or something.


Blue Wolf Charters
quote:Originally posted by wolf

Bee give me a call or lets meet for a beer and we can solve all world problems together LOL LOL as I really like good debates maybe its time for another get together with some forum members like the good old days of past and watch a canuck game or something.


Blue Wolf Charters

Sounds like plan. Dockside BBQ maybe?

Last Chance Fishing Adventures

Good work to all who bonked some nice fish! The report from the Tailspin Boat was pretty grim.I got the plauge on friday, temp of 103+ all weekend, still can't move. Staggered the boat between east and west race with a good crew who pulled me through, had a few good tugs on real big fish gear. They missed the hooks and that was that. Should have chased chickens may of won something. Next time we get em. Striper Jack im out of the hospital, call ya later when i can talk...

quote:Originally posted by LastChance

quote:Originally posted by Seabass

What happens when it becomes 0, how will you feel about that. Limit isn't the problem maybe a size limit would be more appropriate. [?]]Originally posted by LastChance

Keep it at 1 per person per day. I'm A-OK with it. And liking it more and more.

Last Chance Fishing Adventures


If the limit becomes zero, there will be a problem. I don't like the idea of a size limit because of the likelihood of harming the fish when released. I watch a lot of guys manhandle salmon before releasing in a cloud of blood and scales, unhooking a halibut that can thrash much more violenty and injure itself, and returning it to the water is probably above what most anglers will bother doing.

Like it or not, our share of the TAC is unlikeley to change, before they begin ramping up our Hali in 2011 we will be faced with a reduced fishery in 2010. CHris Bos is attempting to put something together to go to Ottawa and fight for us, if anyone can win, he can, but it wouldn't be my first bet. The sport fishermen have neither the money to fight this in court, nor the organisation to do it seeing as interest in our Halibut TAC petered off drasticly as soon as we had our opening, this was evidenced by the last meeting of SFAB's attendance.

For 2008, we were allocated just over 1 million pounds, and hit 1.5 with a two per day limit. We cut down to one per day, assuming the same angling pressure, we catch a little more then half of that accounting for the early season closure, and at least we are fishing longer.

Zero per day WILL happen if we go over our TAC. Like it or not, there is potential for that to happen at 2 per day. I'd take a longer season guaranteed season over the chance of an in season closure any day. So far producing a few quality fish over a bin of midgets has had a positive response from people I have done it for.

My logic on keeping the limit at 1 per day is as follows. No one is going to make a 30 mile run to some offshore bank for one ping-pong paddle. I don't know a lot of guys who are willing to wade through 10 or 15 halibut brought up from 250-400 feet (They seem to be getting deeper every year) to hold out for a quality fish. So the pressure will be off the offshore banks where the tiny fish are. Some will give up, some will learn how to target quality fish at home. Fishing in shore is not fast and furious, it takes time and skill, like many aspects of fishing. Instead of a group of 4 guys taking 8 fish right off the hop by throwing random jigs at offshore hali, they take maybe 3 quality fish by working the inshore spots. Catch goes down considerably, quality of fish goes up, and maybe the general apreciation of our fishery goes up. Sure, there may be a few larger females taken, but I'm willing to bet the catch goes DOWN by over %40 just by making it more worthwhile to target better fish.

All in all, it's an indirect way to take pressure off of the "easy" fishing, we may have still had a Salmon fishery in Brentwood bay if action had been taken years ago. The offshore halibut are no different, especially now that they are "mainstream".

Last Chance Fishing Adventures


Last Chance Fishing Adventures
