Halibut Reports 2009 South Island

I'm with Wolf on this one. No wasted meat, bleeds the fish and really slows them down. Maybe it is the type of harpoon head Roy uses also. The basic poon heads pull through easier. The big arrow heads don't.
We release the ones over 100lb so we don't know anything about harpooning them, right Roy.;)

PS thanks for posting the pics Wolf, now I have seen your secret spot!

why not gaff those halibut a lot easier and your back fishing quicker no need to use a poon on anything under 100just pull em in the boat and play some baseball with them.then throw them back in the water to bleed out and die
why not gaff those halibut a lot easier and your back fishing quicker no need to use a poon on anything under 100just pull em in the boat and play some baseball with them.then throw them back in the water to bleed out and die
I agree! I hog tie em with a pre-made set up, cut the gill then throw em back over to soak.

quote:Originally posted by bee15

why not gaff those halibut a lot easier and your back fishing quicker no need to use a poon on anything under 100just pull em in the boat and play some baseball with them.then throw them back in the water to bleed out and die
I agree! I hog tie em with a pre-made set up, cut the gill then throw em back over to soak.

quote:Originally posted by bee15

why not gaff those halibut a lot easier and your back fishing quicker no need to use a poon on anything under 100just pull em in the boat and play some baseball with them.then throw them back in the water to bleed out and die
quote:Originally posted by bee15

why not gaff those halibut a lot easier and your back fishing quicker no need to use a poon on anything under 100just pull em in the boat and play some baseball with them.then throw them back in the water to bleed out and die

Had a few flop off the gaff while trying to drag them in...
now they really go nuts and usually break the line.
chickens, no problem.
quote:Originally posted by bee15

why not gaff those halibut a lot easier and your back fishing quicker no need to use a poon on anything under 100just pull em in the boat and play some baseball with them.then throw them back in the water to bleed out and die

Had a few flop off the gaff while trying to drag them in...
now they really go nuts and usually break the line.
chickens, no problem.
quote:Originally posted by bee15

why not gaff those halibut a lot easier and your back fishing quicker no need to use a poon on anything under 100just pull em in the boat and play some baseball with them.then throw them back in the water to bleed out and die

Kinda what I was thinking....I won't even look at my harpoon if it's not 100+....
I've also had good luck with the large mako shark hooks on big ones but this takes a little more skill and a big mamma that's gonna lay up along side the boat.


quote:Originally posted by bee15

why not gaff those halibut a lot easier and your back fishing quicker no need to use a poon on anything under 100just pull em in the boat and play some baseball with them.then throw them back in the water to bleed out and die

Kinda what I was thinking....I won't even look at my harpoon if it's not 100+....
I've also had good luck with the large mako shark hooks on big ones but this takes a little more skill and a big mamma that's gonna lay up along side the boat.


Ask ol Earl mcderment about gaffing and bringing them in he did it and had the hook go through his calf and bashed him around for a bit then the damn wound wouldnt hael for months. NO THANKS in current and on anchor ill poon even the 30s i dont care its about harverting the catch and thats the bottom line, I dont need to look tough and be a he-man and flip em into the boat so they go nuts sorry just not my thing!!!!

Maybe I am to cautious and respect the fish to much so be it I would rather be safe and pooning to me is safe and effective and really tires them out.


Blue Wolf Charters
Ask ol Earl mcderment about gaffing and bringing them in he did it and had the hook go through his calf and bashed him around for a bit then the damn wound wouldnt hael for months. NO THANKS in current and on anchor ill poon even the 30s i dont care its about harverting the catch and thats the bottom line, I dont need to look tough and be a he-man and flip em into the boat so they go nuts sorry just not my thing!!!!

Maybe I am to cautious and respect the fish to much so be it I would rather be safe and pooning to me is safe and effective and really tires them out.


Blue Wolf Charters
Pooning in the guts is the way to go... on wolfs rig the float is the key.... even a 100lber is easy to stop by hand if the float is missing. If you tie the poon line to the boat...stick the fish and its over 80-100 it will sound....and its fast and powerful enough to rip the tip out... seen it (through buddies LOL)
Never had a problem myself
Pooning in the guts is the way to go... on wolfs rig the float is the key.... even a 100lber is easy to stop by hand if the float is missing. If you tie the poon line to the boat...stick the fish and its over 80-100 it will sound....and its fast and powerful enough to rip the tip out... seen it (through buddies LOL)
Never had a problem myself
Originally posted by fishflyguy89

Was jigging for rockfish at William Head today

Caught my second local halibut ever at William Head on Monday (first ever in my 14' tin boat), fishing for halibut. Told my hali-rookie buddy to poon it in the thick meat bekind the head, he hit it perfect in my opinion. And yes I have a float just in case. What an awesome thing to catch a nice halibut, this one went 56lbs my biggest fish ever.
Originally posted by fishflyguy89

Was jigging for rockfish at William Head today

Caught my second local halibut ever at William Head on Monday (first ever in my 14' tin boat), fishing for halibut. Told my hali-rookie buddy to poon it in the thick meat bekind the head, he hit it perfect in my opinion. And yes I have a float just in case. What an awesome thing to catch a nice halibut, this one went 56lbs my biggest fish ever.
Great job Smoker and welcome aboard!

Still waitin' to get my first hali...