Halibut Reports 2009 South Island

Hey thats my Hali :p Thats a beauty Where abouts at William head? on the bump or in the bay? Maybe see you out there somtime!

I usually gaff anything under about 80.This last weekend we had a 65 on and went to gaff it deep in the head.As I swung it up over the rail,it went completely ape**** and acually tore the gaff right through the head leaving the gaff wrappedin my leader and soon headed to the bottom.[:I]Luckily the hooks\line held and we pooned him next time up but I think I will probably be harpooning anything over 50 now.-In the stomach.
I caught it on the bay side of the bump in the trough at 205' at the end of the ebb, hooked it right away only had the one bite. Got the proper anchor set up recently, no more drifting for this guy look out halibut it's game on!

beautiful, yeah i was right off the head, in about 165' it was an interesting spot, was not expecting it, i was drifting, i have never had any luck drifting for hali's need to get the anchor set up and give it a real go! good luck when you get out again!

I've heard from quite a few people thats it been slow in Haro for a couple of days, but its the calm before the storm!! So, if anybody wants to talk tomorrow, I'll be in Haro Straight.... channel 7.
Good Luck to all!!:D!!
here's a pair from yesterday 35 & 30 lbs



and dinner !!


oops! left a grease spot on Carol James :D
nice one Scott ! what time was that? I had to pack it in about 130. I was south of you a little.
Got one early, then waited a couple hours for a number of hits
lost a few then hooked and landed the second one.

Nice out there today, only one small chicken though.:)
Nice job scott and nice poon shot LOL

Ahoy from across the water. We fianlly got our opener two weeks late. Big tides. My wife nailed this on the first drop on the first day Thursday. A 141 pounder.

