Halibut Reports 2009 South Island

quote:Originally posted by Charlie

Very nice!

Can I have your recipe?? Looks really good! :D

Hi Charlie, e mail was down
pat fish dry,
Mix flour and salt first, followed by soda and vinegar
2/3 cup flour
2/3 cup water
1 tbsp vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda

that's it, works great !
Fishinnut, nice fish! Thanks for posting, where abouts are you with that.

RS, damn, im still hungry from looking at your fish n chips pictures.
That looks like some serious deep sea fishing ....nice having them electric reels.
Lotsa fish and chips, Eh?

This was across from you guys just in front of where Admiralty Inlet comes out from the Puget Sound. We got a 132 and a 163 last year nowhere neat this area. This weekends tides are going to be even better. I am sure we are going to be tagged with going way over our quota and get cut back even further next year.

Most of the fish caught looks like were in front of Port Angeles, according to our creel reports.
put in three hours hali fishing on the bank. Nada. Changed to salmon fishing and picked up a 42lb hali. go figure.
6 hali for me today, a few long distance releases, very hot and heavy. Was part of a two boat trip for 8 guys in case anyone was wondering why 8 fish and 4 guys in the shot.


Last Chance Fishing Adventures

Yeah, I'll say the action was solid for sure. We were out for only a few hours first thing. Five slams, three on, two landed and we were done. Nice size for the BBQ!

LOTS of boats out.

Yup solid action foresure [8D]
Nice to have a little piece of swiftsure down here for a change
Today was just one of those days you don't get to see to often. Tides were perfect, the weather was outstanding and the fishing was even better, although I wished I had let the first one go though.
With all of the hype down your guys way, it will be hard pressed convincing the govt. that the 88/12 is a raw deal.. There are eyes everywhere and things sound like there is no need for increased limits if you hit the right spot, hook a lg. fish and fill the tags of everyone on board.. More that enough meat... Easy.-Dirty;)
Dirt I hear what your saying but you have to remember we ARE allowed to catch some fish there are a few who are getting fish but alot that are not there are little pockets of fish around and if your lucky enough you get them.

I know of about 10 guys that got skunked yesterday and one guy who didnt even get a dogfish or hali nada.

It all looks rosy with guys posting there catch but the amount of hali being taken is very tiny compared to the whole picture of things why should we as fisherman be embarassed to post/brag about the fish we caught this whole thing has turned us all into people we really shouldnt be the government has succedded in my mind as they have made us turn on each other and created infighting JUST what they wanted "no unity"

Yes fishing has been good this year so far but the amount of boats to the amount of catch is im sure a bit down.

Just my 2 cents for the day


Blue Wolf Charters