Gardening pics, hacks, successes, and or failures

I had this motion sensor sprinkler that worked like a hot damn on raccoons and squirrels and cats. Battery powered. It takes a bit of adjustment to get it right but works awesome
My wife actually just ordered one of those. We'll see how it goes. I'm sure the dog won't like it and it'll take some getting used to turning on/off the water whenever the dog goes out.
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Can’t keep up with all these cucumbers this year . What do you guys do with excess ? I have given so many away also lol
Pickles! Add some garlic cloves, couple of hot peppers and dill. I leave them in a brine of salt and vinegar (more on the salty side) for about 6-8 weeks in the basement. They’re super popular at my place when served with brisket or on the side with a pulled pork sandwich.
Pickles! Add some garlic cloves, couple of hot peppers and dill. I leave them in a brine of salt and vinegar (more on the salty side) for about 6-8 weeks in the basement. They’re super popular at my place when served with brisket or on the side with a pulled pork sandwich.
You just slice the cukes up and add the extras ? Might have to give this a go.
My wife actually just ordered one of those. We'll see how it goes. I'm sure the dog won't like it and it'll take some getting used to turning on/off the water whenever the dog goes out.

Where did you get it I am having issues with raccoons rippin up my lawn
perfect thanks guys, It looks like a may have to wage war they dug up like 4, 2 foot squars