hey Steelhead--the wheelhouse was a mod done by Inland Boats and Motors-- the last Arima I had was a 19 ft Seachaser with the same mod: a Searanger roof bolted on to a Seachaser. It kept me out of the weather but in any kind of chop it wobbled back and forth to the point where it felt like the boat was coming unglued.
They did a good job on this one--the ride is really nice, of course two extra feet and the Bennett tabs make alot of difference.
They don't do mods like that any more. I saw this one and grabbed it--- I can stand up at the helm no problem: in the new Arima 22 footer, you'd have to be a shorthorn to do that. Part of the reason I settled on the 21 instead of the 22, although I wish I had the self-bailing deck.