fish 4 meat or do a little catch and release

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You really think that the sport fishermen have a huge (the greatest?) negative impact on salmon stocks and that our limits are too high? You really think that buying a fish at Safeway is better than eating one that you caught and put in the freezer?

I feel so guilty --I think I'll go spank myself. [xx(]
Go fish the San juan islands then you don't have to worry about limits or catch much of anything.IT"S NOT THE SPORTSMAN DOING THE DAMAGE,It's the nets.Our fishing in the islands were almost as good as sooke in the early 80sThose f......g indians down here have no respect.We could fish in the morning for coho,have a ball release most of them.When they opened the commercial fishing They wiped it out in 2 days, GONE, we would go out not catch a fish.The nets would tear the hell out of the bottom, eel grass floating everywhere.This was the year Vancouver held it's expo,B.C. tourism was going to cut a fat hog that year bye releasing over a million coho off saturna and tumbo,they were wiped out also.This was a awesome run of fish starting july 1st.I'm not against commercial fishing, just nets.Cherry point is the largest herring spawning groungs anywhere. It's been reduced to grass no herring,no herring no salmon.At least the canadian boys troll commercially for most of damage done This is why you guys have fish and we don't.Our dep't couldn't manage an fish bowl full of bullheads Thanks for letting me spout of:(:(
Amen to that Runt. Our effort is a drop in the bucket, the incidental catches alone from the commercial fleet dwarf anything that could be changed by a sporty doing thier catch and release fishing. Putting a net accross a spawning river doesn't really give the fish much of a chance either.:(:(:(
quote:Originally posted by Red Monster

You really think that the sport fishermen have a huge (the greatest?) negative impact on salmon stocks and that our limits are too high? You really think that buying a fish at Safeway is better than eating one that you caught and put in the freezer?

I feel so guilty --I think I'll go spank myself. [xx(]
Red- how was it? the spanking I mean! What I'm saying is just don't fill your freezer to the point where the bottom stuff goes bad and just keep catchin more. Enjoy it fresh. If you want fish for the off season just make sure you pack it correctly and use it. I still know guys who through salmon in a black garbage bag and into the deepfreeze. Ya, thats gonna last a long time. Guys like that shouldn't be allowed to go out and get there limits every day.
I dont THINK I implied that sportsfishers are the cause and I dont THINK I indicated buying Safeway fish. What I did imply that I would not be surprised if us the sportfishers are penalised again, 1 fish limit. No surprise there, take away from the rec people. How would I tolerate that, contend with it,no choice, how?, by considering the conservation factor contributed by the recs. Suck it up with the native and commercial fisheries, it will not change so live with it.Dont rag on me for my own opinion re a situation that may or not evolve,I have to live with it too but Im trying to convey my own positive nature about it if it happens.
Every fish I catch gets the same treatment.

1. Dispatched as soon as possible once aboard or ashore
2. gills cut and allowed to bleed
3. Cleaned immediately after bleeding or as soon as possible if the bite is on. This includes removing the gills
4. iced down in a cooler, including ice packed into the belly cavity
5. butchered as soon as I get home
6.All that I intend to eat fresh is placed on zip packs and into the fridge.
7. the remainder is vacuum sealed, identified, dated and frozen in the deep freeze
8 I have eaten vacuum sealed fish as long as 6 months after the freezing date and it is excellent.

Extend the life of your catch in the freezer, BUY A VACUUM SEALER

You guys got to remember ONE thing sportfishing brings in almost 3 million dollars a year to our beautiful province its a domino effect to all the communities up and down our coast look how our dollar right now is too strong for tourists to come here tourism is down almost 30% here in victoria and i bet more in some of the smaller places.

SO my point is this do you really think limiting our catch even more wont hurt our economy (if you do get a life)become a flycaster or give up fishing now and play it on the computor I know im going to get hate mail on this one!!!!!!!

Now what you really got to do is go after the government to limit out of town people to only the 4 springs and the other 4 species ONLY!!!!!!!!!not go out and get a limit drop it off at a fish processing depot(you know who they are) and then they go out again the next day and get a limit ,then again, and again, I watched an american do it last year for 3 weeks off of malcom catch his limit every day 6 springs a day times 21 days you do the math plus coho and pinks and whatever else he caught. he told me they just run it down to the depot to be processed and they deliver it to his door later in about a month.this is a very bad loophole and its getting big time abused.

So us local guys taking fish home and vaccum sealing it and caring for it like finnaddict says, just exactly like I do ive had vaccum sealed fish for over a yearand it still tastes great!!!!!!! I sleep very well at night knowing I have done all I can to harvesting what I have just caught and killed!!!!!!!!!!

I do exactly what finaddict does, as soon as my lines are back in the water the fish is gilled and bleed, then gutted and thrown on ice.

Sitting a fish on deck for the day so it can be weighed or not cleaning it as it "messes" the boat is just not a good way to preserve the fish. The blood is the fish is the first thing that goes off and it will happen in hours. I bought a "fresh" coho fillet once from the store, cooked it up and gagged and it turned into dog food. Once you are used to properly preserved fish, you can't eat the store bought. Spoiled I guess.

Proper vaccume sealer is a must and not a fridge freezer but a dedicated freezer as cold as you can get it. If you can get the temperture down to 20 below c the oil in the fish will also freeze and it can keep for two years. [8D]
Hey Runt, great rant !! you've hit the nail on the head...
the blame on the diminishing stocks is on the government.
Fisheries dept's on both sides of the border could not
manage a good s**t! If we had good fisheries controls through the 60's,70'and 80's, we would not be in the mess we're in now.

Let's have some control over fisheries without bias over
heritage , religion or any other matter.

The preservation of the species depend on it !
wolf you got it man , thats what i was trying 2 get across i`ve seen it 2 with my own eyes , foreign people abusing , they own over half of tahsis think about that ???? 3 float planes a day fly outta there???besides letting it happen and taking more then we can eat is another thing as well , "just because we can"????? i sure hope not because thats the attitude of are other friends . not my friends
just think about that ok , BIG F....N LOOP HOLE ......... tight lines scotty
Red, you deserve a good spanking! Now bend over and apologize.

Wap -–I feel so guilty about catching but not releasing. :(

Wap –-I feel so guilty about freezing my fish for later. :(

Wap --I feel so guilty for believing that it’s my right as a British Columbian to catch my own fish for my own consumption. :(

Wap -–I feel so guilty for believing that further reductions to salmon limits (in most cases) for sport fishermen are absolutely ridiculous attempts to secure more fish for other groups, and that doing so will only harm the sport fishing industry and fishing in general. :(

Wap -–I feel so guilty for believing that a recreationally caught salmon provides far more economic benefit than a commercially caught one. :(

Wap --I feel so guilty when I catch my limit ( that happens very often). :(

Wap --I feel so guilty for not buying salmon at Safeway. :(

Wap --I feel so guilty for opposing farmed salmon. :(

Wap --I feel so guilty for eating salmon. :(

Wap -–I feel so guilty for not being rich enough to afford fishing charters at expensive lodges. :(

Wap --I feel so guilty about the 9, 074,278 Fraser River Sockeye that mysteriously disappeared between 1992 and 2004 after Ottawa allowed the commercialization of the native food fishery (see page A11 in the Sun today). :(

Wap -–I feel so guilty about sport fishermen catching salmon, even though recreational salmon fishing in British Columbia only accounts for about two percent of the total number of salmon being caught. (See the link below for the tables that show recreational, native and commercial salmon catch numbers dating back to 1952) :(

You will need to cut and paste the above address into your address box at the top of your page (including the "(Canada).pdf" part) to make it work.

Wap -–I feel so guilty for believing that the biggest threat to salmon stocks in this province may be the astonishing lack of knowledge (in the general public and even among recreational fisherman) about how many salmon are being caught by whom and for what purpose. We can rant about what’s PC and loopholes (and yes, some of the loopholes are a problem), but the salmon will be gone in a hurry if we fail to address the big issues. :(

Knuckles, I feel so much better now that I spanked myself. [B)]
I never thought about this "loop hole"[:0]

It should be treated like taking your game meat to the butcher. Your name, licence number ect... should be taken and this information should be submitted to the DFO. This may help to keep people within their possesion limit. That is only twice your daily limit.

DFO should be fining these processing companies for being a part of this "loop hole"[}:)]

Wolf... how is this regulated at resorts that you work at?

You should see what gets shipped out by the St. Jeans truck out of Uci and Tofino alone. We limmited possesions in two days and saw others from out of province fish and get limits on Salmon,Hali and anything else that moved with fins. each day for 5 days. Just a mere suspicion, but maybe a bit over possesion limits? In comes the truck, processed and shipped to there doorsteps at a later date! D.F.O is to busy pinching guys in the swiftsure closure to worry about this? I have seen only one D.F.O guy in two years doing checks in the Sooke area! Severly short handed...
I am an out of province fisherman that sees the coast once or twice a year.. and yes when I go I take home probably 12 salmon for the winter.. and a few halis this may seem like lots but don't forget it's once a year.. allot of the money being spoken of here being made off of sportfisherman come from people like me.. don't forget those are not provincle waters you're talking about they are CANADIAN waters... regulated and paid for by all CANADIANS!!!!!. don't be so inclined to point fingers at OUT OF PROVINCE fisherman...
I welcome you to fish in our "Canadian" waters but are you admitting to taking more than your legal limmit??[xx(]

Out of Province, Out of Country or Local... It is still poaching!

Not pointing fingers or naming specific's. Sorry to offend! just that particualar group of many stood out just a tad with there flamboyent attitude on how good they were at fishing. I know i only take home my possesion on summer West Coast trips and don't agree with that number either! Especially when you spend big bucks on fuel and travel expenses to only take home a few fish each, eg. 3 halibut. I also can't afford to have someone else process all my fish for me!
I am aware much of the Sportsfishing money comes from out of province. All i am saying is that it's a tad sad to see a weeks worth of daily limits go out in the St. Jeans truck. Eg 2Hali and 4 salmon for 4 people each day for 5 days= thats 120 fish not including the Yelloweye.Thats just one small group! A tad greedy i tend to think.
red look at what you just wrote man , you sound like an i..... ."because it`s my write "[:o)]lol
i know sports fishing brings in huge money , but if there`s no fish this money will stop right ? it`s gotta start somewhere right????