fish 4 meat or do a little catch and release

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myself being a river fisher and ocean fisher believe very much in catch and release and educating my kids this way, not always catching limits , letting that fish go bad in the freezer , also myself don`t believe in giving fish away all the time as those people can get there fish from safeway lol.i know of a marina that has a float plain fly in and out 3 times a day in prime season , for reason of what you might ask ??? think about it. when you have limits and keep cathing those limits every day and live so far from home . IT~S ALL CRAP I SAY , just another loop hole . just like smoke houses that will smoke your fish and ship it where ever you want it to go . are stocks are so low compared 2 what they once were years ago . keep this up and think what it will be like years from now . can`t relay on hatcheries 2 keep stocks up so we can keep taking . my 2 cents .... tight lines scotty
I'm a meat fisher although I love the sport but I catch my legal limit and go home. I think there is a high mortality rate to fish when you catch and release them and I know that people catch and release coho or other stocks well after their limit. How many of those fish have the energy to continue on their journey to the spawning beds with damaged jaws, tongues and eyes, missing scales. Even the slime coating on them being rubbed off exposes them to infection. I applaud the nobility of catch and release but IMHO there is too high of a mortality rate. [^]
The 'catching fish for friends' thing is b.s. If they want a fish they are always welcome to come out with me.
and filling the deepfreeze just to use it next year as crab bait? thats just sad. There are still way too many people catching thier 'limit' every weekend. I know some with more than one deep freeze. and they brag about it!
used to be a saying around-don't catch your limit,but,limit your catch!
Imagine. What would we all do?
buster love your reply, plus guys there are proper ways 2 catch and release . i learnt that fishing in the rivers . if you don`t play them long , they will be ok , a bleeder is a keeper . just like buster said "limit your catch "
I am with you on this one. All the legal fish that is caught get eaten. I love the stuff. I smoke a lot of it and also vacuum pack and freeze fresh fish. As far as crab bait goes, I use the heads and belly only. We have a lot of company coming to visit troughout the year and they all enjoy the fish. But I rarely give it away... If you want fish, come and catch it with me!
If they are mouth hooked, not bleeding, played quickly, and released properly, then mortality rates are very low.

Most studies that I've read show C & R mortality rates between 5-10%. If you're conscientious, then I think that number can be made a lot lower, assuming thatyou don't release badly hooked or bleeding fish.

Depending on the state of my freezer, I'm very happy to release fish to fight or spawn another day.
Greed has decamaited marine stocks all over the world its not unique here or anywhere. People whom waste our precious resources by taking more than they can use in a reasonable time are far too many in number

Personally I don't fish every day (I wish) nor is my freezer "full" of rotting fish.

I hope to pass on fishing to my daughter/son when they are old enough - along with a concientious attutude towards mother nature
nice peng tip my hat 2 you , my kids love fishing 2 . i teach them the right way and the attitude . just wish more people felt this way . tight lines scotty
It will be a shame when the time comes that we go to a tag system for all salmom species & a maximum quota for a year or they even ban catch & release all together. Sport is NOT GREED & CONTEMPT for a threatened resource! We've ALL seen a great abuse by many (& maybe even ourselves, few are innocent in this regards) of a wonderful right & freedom we have to fish for one of the worlds great sport fishes in the worlds most beautiful scenery. Take account my fellow fishers!! The day of recouning may be here!! Quota & limit INCLUDES THE FREEZER! A law is only a law if the penalty warrants the violation! When the value of fish is only measured in the crossover value to dollars (for commercial & sport purposes) then the resources is finished. When the ME mentality out weighs a conscience for the rights & privileges of all others then that person has no right to ever fish again!
concerned are you dissing me ????i never make my kids feel guilty about letting a fish go , or keeping 1 . i`m just trying 2 make people think a bit about maybe not always halfing 2 limit out taking full limits as alot of people do . i`m not picking on anyone , just saying my 2 cent . if you read the first post , there really was very little about catch and release . ok do you think that people taking full limits ever time they go out doesn`t effect are fisheries ???? anyway no offence takin or given just the way i think my life should be lived . tight lines scotty
Interesting thread , I have fished for years in these waters both fresh and salt , yes on occasion I have released fish but I mostly limit myself for food purposes only.
I will fish for 6 springs maximum per year and take probably 12 coho , and if I am around at the right time will try for some sockeye, this is my own personal limits , the size is not the primary driver for the fishing , it is secondary , the main driver is the absolutely beautiful scenery of the area we are blessed to live in and the wonderful people you can run into on your travels , my grandchildren come with me now and are satisfied to listen to the sounds of silence and the call of the birds etc, I don't have ipods or that on the boat it detracts from the reason you are out there.
It's been a little slow so far this year eh ?

well as you know limit catches have bin down graded from yeares ago right??? it was done for a reason right???? ok now fishing isn`t even as good as it was back when they down graded , right! well . as you know and myself can`t see it getting any better tell things really change , myself i would gladly hag my rods up 4 a few years . tight lines scottyboy. i`m more concerned with river fishing and ocean . fishing trout in the river at certian times of the year should be band as alot of those what we think are trout are steelhead
well as you know limit catches have bin down graded from yeares ago right??? it was done for a reason right???? ok now fishing isn`t even as good as it was back when they down graded , right! well . as you know and myself can`t see it getting any better tell things really change , myself i would gladly hag my rods up 4 a few years . tight lines scottyboy. i`m more concerned with river fishing and ocean . fishing trout in the river at certian times of the year should be band as alot of those what we think are trout are steelhead
quote:Greed has decamaited marine stocks all over the world its not unique here or anywhere. People whom waste our precious resources by taking more than they can use in a reasonable time are far too many in number

Personally I don't fish every day (I wish) nor is my freezer "full" of rotting fish.
I do not catch and release unless the fiss is illegal. And my freezer can get quite loaded. (see my previous post)But I also garantee you that there is no rotting fish in my freezer. Out of curiosity, I went and took an inventory. There was only 2 coho filets. left from 2004. They were burried and to my great shame, I missed them. All fish that I get is vacuum packed and will keep easily for a year. I am now out of fish from 2005 except for a few packs of smoked fish that will get used accompanied by cold beer.. Being a responsible angler does not stop on the boat. The way in wich you take care of the meat after you get it home is just as important. Limits are imposed and I believe that they are adequate... However, the shameful waste of fish not properly frozen or just ignored and wasted is just as bad as releasing improperly handled fish one after the other. I know what I can use in a year and know when to stop.
quote:Greed has decamaited marine stocks all over the world its not unique here or anywhere. People whom waste our precious resources by taking more than they can use in a reasonable time are far too many in number

Personally I don't fish every day (I wish) nor is my freezer "full" of rotting fish.
I do not catch and release unless the fiss is illegal. And my freezer can get quite loaded. (see my previous post)But I also garantee you that there is no rotting fish in my freezer. Out of curiosity, I went and took an inventory. There was only 2 coho filets. left from 2004. They were burried and to my great shame, I missed them. All fish that I get is vacuum packed and will keep easily for a year. I am now out of fish from 2005 except for a few packs of smoked fish that will get used accompanied by cold beer.. Being a responsible angler does not stop on the boat. The way in wich you take care of the meat after you get it home is just as important. Limits are imposed and I believe that they are adequate... However, the shameful waste of fish not properly frozen or just ignored and wasted is just as bad as releasing improperly handled fish one after the other. I know what I can use in a year and know when to stop.
As I sit here sun burnt and happy with a cold one we are preparing to have a feed of prawns and a couple of crab and some ling fillets. Over the years I have learnt that the best freezer is the one called the pacific ocean. I have no frozen seafood products in my freezer.
Just a thought to ponder if you had to buy the same amout of seafood that you have caught, would you? and would you freeze it for later use.

As I sit here sun burnt and happy with a cold one we are preparing to have a feed of prawns and a couple of crab and some ling fillets. Over the years I have learnt that the best freezer is the one called the pacific ocean. I have no frozen seafood products in my freezer.
Just a thought to ponder if you had to buy the same amout of seafood that you have caught, would you? and would you freeze it for later use.

I was fishing in the Fraser yesterday. Bottom bumping for the first time. I got a 23 lb chinook and kept it. My buddy got skunked on keeepers. I cut off one fillet which I will eat tonight and gave the rest to him which he will eat right away. I try avoiding having more in the freezer than I will eat in a reasonable length of time. Fishing conditions already suck why kill more than you will use?
I geuss it may depend on your access to fresh fish. How close you are to the water. I find it quite easy to go out and get a feed of fresh crab,prawns or a cod when I need it. Salmon is not usually a problem either. Always some where to go. Winter fishing is great. The boat stays in the water year round. Not far to go. When I get a large amount of salmon and i've eaten all the fresh I want , the rest goes to St.Jeans for smoking.
With the price of gas , I don't do a lot of catch and release.I'll boat a fish or two(ones fine if its big) then I'll do something else. Always lots of chores to do at home.
Nothing in my freezer now exept scraps for crab bait.
and won't need that if they keep scoopin my traps.
I am thinking when the regs say 1 instead of 2 springs limit. May not be a bad thing. I cut 4-5 fillets off a 20+ and they last quite a while. I go out again, get lucky amd the freezer piles up. A bad thing. In this case I wouldnt mind bitting the bullet,however it could create short trips, 1 and your outa there.I think proper conservation starts now.