ECVI French creek-Nanoose-nanaimo reports

Got all of our fish at 130'. Most of them on purple haze e-chip hoochie. There was a good bite at 10:00, right at the tide change.
quote:Originally posted by Oglthorpe

Got all of our fish at 130'. Most of them on purple haze e-chip hoochie. There was a good bite at 10:00, right at the tide change.

Was that you out there in the blue colored boat fishing four rods
I fished the tide change just now and it was so so. I put the rod down to only 30ft and was fixin something else and had a nice fish hit but it came off quickly. Then trolled for 2 hours on the inside of gerald and it was dead aside from a ling. Went to the outside and was halfway through my first pass and had to head in. While pullin up one rod i got a hit on the other. Felt bigger than it was. It was only about 6-7 lbs i was gonna release it but it was hooked really weird and deep. Three seals circling within 20 ft after i landed it. 150ft down in 200ft of water on purple haze. Ill post a pic of how it was hooked

Hooked inside the gill then the hook came out the throat
had the same thing happen to a sockeye last year, except it was tandem gammys. Fish was not getting off anytime soon.

gotta wonder how they manage that
Hey Kelly, got your call yesterday. We were walking the dog and the reception was bad. I'm going out today with a couple rookies today, I might try the river or maybe Sangster. Will keep you posted.
Fished 5-8 off backside of gerald. Dead until 7:30 i got a hit and popped the fish off the DR. First fish of the year to finally have some size on the first run. I tried to get the manual downrigger up form 175ft and fight the fish at the same time as i was alone. Got it up to 70ft and the fish turns and i cant catch up. Luckily through the slack he stays on and when i got him to the boat he cooperated and didnt get in either cable.Lotsa seals but they didnt get him luckily as i had been hittin them with rocks so they kept their distance. As i was fighting it another boat trolled close to me and hit a 19lber in the same spot. 170ft in 180ft with green/white needlefish hootchie. Rvp it was a good thing i stopped by. Thanks for that gear hopefully ill get some good pics this week.
My arms werent quite long enough to get it to 30. It was 36 inches so prob 22-23lbs
nice fish kelly
landing those big ones by yourself with manuals can be a bit of a challenge, good on ya. Quite a few big fish being caught lately
That's a nice fish Kelly nothing better than landing a fish by yourself especially when it's over twenty. Good work.
Was out at Neck Point last night with no fish to be found, although the prawning has improved a bit. There was another boat (about 18' with three guys fishing) and they started yelling and hollering, yippy, alright, etc but I couldn't tell what all the commotion was about. Was that anyone from here?
Hi everyone:

Sorry this is off topic, but can anyone from the area recommend a good reliable place to bring your boat in for service (outboard motor) that is reasonable, competent and honest. Anywhere between Nanaimo and Parksville would be good. I have my "new to me" boat sitting in Parker Marine Nanaimo right now for the past 4 weeks because they are so busy. I don't know if they are good or bad but this waiting during boating season is driving me nuts. Any recommendation for a place for trailer service too?

Oh, how is marine gas different from regular gas?
And I know you should troll with the tide, so if the tide is coming in, would you travel north to south in the Georgia strait during this time?

Thanks a lot,

I went down to Rocky point to see how the land lubbers are doing and a couple chinook were taken off the rocks yesterday largest was 23. I'm going to try my luck at neck point this evening.
Tiki, Allmarine on the Alberni Hwy in Parksville does good work. They are not into boat sales so repair is their business. I have found them to be honest to deal with and not inflate the work order.

The only difference with marine gas is, it is coloured so that you can noy use it on the road. Most I have seen is midgrade. If price is right, buy it and use it in the boat.
quote:Originally posted by Tiki35

Hi everyone:

Sorry this is off topic, but can anyone from the area recommend a good reliable place to bring your boat in for service (outboard motor) that is reasonable, competent and honest. Anywhere between Nanaimo and Parksville would be good. I have my "new to me" boat sitting in Parker Marine Nanaimo right now for the past 4 weeks because they are so busy. I don't know if they are good or bad but this waiting during boating season is driving me nuts. Any recommendation for a place for trailer service too?

Oh, how is marine gas different from regular gas?
And I know you should troll with the tide, so if the tide is coming in, would you travel north to south in the Georgia strait during this time?

Thanks a lot,
