ECVI French creek-Nanoose-nanaimo reports

My big Scottish buddy landed a 17# and lost a bigger one to a seal after a half hour battle. He was off the north end of Sangster yesterday on the evening bite. Gonna try to get over there tomorrow nite or Mon.
I just got in. I fished 2 hours at gerald and hit 2 fish on the inside. Nothin big both were 10-15 and i lost both. I handed the rod off to a friend that doesnt fish and he lost it at the boat.The other fish broke my line somehow i must have had a knick i didnt have much pressure on it? anyways hit them at 160 and 120ft hootchies. Saw the guy from our marina in the arima with the hondas come in from sangster with a 21 and 14lber. The bigger fish was getting dark already? Tight lines
i saw a few boats fishing off entrance island today and watched as one of them got sealed.
not sure if they had a fish on or if the seal was actualy hooked.
it seemed to be shaking its head around a lot and i couldnt see any fish

saw a few fish being played
kelly, don't know you but just wanted to make sure you run gear in the 30-50ft range, particularly during sunrise. I have had some success except for seal probs
quote:Originally posted by bigredsnapper

Yes we trolled right from the north end of Sangster to seal rock but the wind was blowing and the tide was rippin. No hits, no bait. Sure beats workin though!!!!
quote:Originally posted by bigredsnapper

Yes we trolled right from the north end of Sangster to seal rock but the wind was blowing and the tide was rippin. No hits, no bait. Sure beats workin though!!!!
Hey BRS did you know that seal reef is in a RCA?
Well today was up and down. Hit the tail end of the bite areound noon and the first 15-20min i wouldnt get a second line down. The second my line was down a hit a 10lber that i released then put it down again lost it. Line back in the water and bang 12 lb ling released. All off a reef near gerald at 130ft green and white hootchie. Next 2 hours was dead and the wind was making fishing solo very difficult. Somehow tangled my lines and ended up losing a cannonball.[xx(] Got the crap beaten outta me on the run in. Was getting slammed and had my cannon balls break lose and break one of my equiptment holders.[xx(] Goin back down now to clean up.

West coast where have you been fishing? I have hit a few shallower around 100 but none that shallow. I am running a thrid line about that deep.
My Dad brought his camper down to French creek for a couple nights, and I got to go out with him last night, he got a 25 and 5 minutes before we about to pack er in I got the 30 first tyee of the year, made my day. I don't have any pictures of my dads fish because I had left my camera at home, got them both at Sangster.

Just Curious how ruff will the water get around Nanaimo , would a 17Ft Hourston do all right? Thinking of giving it a try this week.

Nice Fish as well buddie.
Nice work! Don't be worried about white flesh salmon. I agree it doesn't look the 'traditional' salmon colour but they sure do taste good when cooked right!
Ill hit the bite hard tommorow 10-2 .RVP was in the shop last week. picked up a bunch of new gear and will be back this week to replace a bunch more.
Hey Kelly, good we finally met. We did that same tack on the outside after we saw you. Trolled for about an hour and nothing. It was a good thing I had the prawn traps down, at least they did'nt go home empty handed. Went out to get the traps again yesterday and loaded up, lots of prawns right now.Gotta like those bigguns off Sangster, I have to get over there.