ECVI French creek-Nanoose-nanaimo reports

greg wrote up a report on its on second page. lotsa fish. Im headin to the river in a few hours fishin the evening. I also leave for alberta on sunday gimme a shout if you guys head out before that. I am seeing alot of fish on our board lately i think from the sparbouy. If your down at the boat check out the new little knuckle buster on my rod its a blast.
greg wrote up a report on its on second page. lotsa fish. Im headin to the river in a few hours fishin the evening. I also leave for alberta on sunday gimme a shout if you guys head out before that. I am seeing alot of fish on our board lately i think from the sparbouy. If your down at the boat check out the new little knuckle buster on my rod its a blast.
Fished thrasher this morning, had a nice fish on and lost it. But i did manage to land the double header![:p] 22 & 9. 130 feet on copcar and green glow. Bobby meyers landed a 32 aswell.

the bigger of the two weighed in at 20 after cleaning it.
Hey Rob, nice couple of fish. Hope that they hang around for another week or so, thats when I start vacation so I am hoping to get out more often. Way to go.:D
See you on the water[8D]
Anyone know what has happened to Bob @ Silver Blue Charters? He used to post fishing updates weekly in the summer and he hasn't posted since June this year. I miss those ECVI updates.
Hey bottomfeeder, Bobs been too bust fishing to keep updating his site!In the past week he has landed a few fish over 30, and he got 10 springs in under and hour a few days back. Mostly hatchery as well.

This was the site out at thrasher today around 6-8 am. Never seen so much feed boiling. It was as far as you could see 3-4 inch herring jumping. Right after taking this picture i turned around to find my rod making a bid to escape into the ocean.

Nice 17 lbs and a seal 10 feet away had no interest in the fish thrashing behind the boat.I did lose a 20+ due to a snapped leader[xx(]
So if you catch a spring with a 4.0 copcar let me know;)

And kelly i agree with you they are sticking around longer, the fish today couldnt be too far from his home river. Biggest beak on a spring i ever caught. Bob Meyers figures the hatchery fish are yankee springs. Makes sense to me, the hatcheries down there i guess are starting to get established.
Greg i put a container of anchovies and brine on your boat if your going out tommorow. Thye should last 3-4 days. If you dont want them just dump em.
Thanks Kelly, heading to Bamfield Mon. night to slay some bigguns, those anchovies will come in handy. My buddy was out last night and limited out, 4 springs and 2 pinks. They were on the way to the river and stopped at french creek, and that's as far as they got. Hey got any of those hootchies left? Would'nt mind givin them a try.
which hootchies? Ill be down at the boat tonight ill leave some squirts, full size pink that was good in port and that green and white needle fish pattern that has been really good.
fished thrasher again yesterday morning and today. 8, 8, 9, 11, 19, 20, 24.

and about a dozen fish around 4-6 lbs. The early morning bite has been amazing.


Fish were mostly on Green and white coyotes or my Green spackleback hootchie. A few on copcars. Limits two mornings in a row, depths 40-140 feet.
Your doing great out there Rob:D!Way to go.
I am going to try and get out tomorrow morning.
See you on the water[8D]