ECVI French creek-Nanoose-nanaimo reports

if you can get out there its probably worth a try, winds have limited recent fishing attempts. Going to try tomorrow morning.
I took a week off to go out and do some fishing, but the winds have kept me on dry land:(. Oh well, there will be lots of nice days ahead[?]. Good fishing Sunday guys.
See you on the water[8D]
Hey, did anyone get out around Nanaimo on the weekend? How about you Rob, did you do Thrasher? If you did, how did you make out? Hope the fishing was good.
See you on the water[8D]
Dumb question:

When trolling in the Georgia Strait and of course you want to travel in the direction of the tide, do you travel north to south when the tide is coming in and vice versa?

Not alway Tiki. The current isn't alway going in the direction of the flood or ebb waters. I fish Neck point alot and sometimes the current goes the opposite way of the tides. The flood tides must flow up the mainland side of the straight and some currents swirl back south on the island side. Thus I end up going north to go against the tide on a flood. Don't know about other areas of the straight. Anyone else?
The current in Porlier Pass goes backwards: towards the Island when ebbing, and away from the Island when flooding. At least, that has been my observation.
i didnt get out once again because of winds.
and monday morning was sunny and calm.
go figure
Was slow for me today... 1 small spring 1 coho. Both bit within 15 minutes and then nothing for 2 hours.
Hey Chrome, what area were you fishing[?]
Unfortunately I am back at work and not able to get out until at least next Sunday. Sure do hope that some fish hang around:D:D
See you on the water[8D]
When the tide floods (rising) the general flow of the currents are coming from Victoria and heading towards Nanaimo it continues to flow that direction until Cambell River where the currents are reversed and water flows down from Port Hardy, coming the other direction.
Thanks Gronk, glad I asked because that is the opposite of what you would think. Going to fishing the east side of Gabriola today for the first time on my new boat.
Ill be heading around the thrasher to porlier area saturday and sunday anybody going to be out ?
I am sure hoping to get out on Sunday, I am going through withdrawls:D:D:D
See you on the water[8D]
Hey Kelly you still stayin in touch? If so, thanks for the hootchie. I used it at the river and hooked a nice one. I was with the brother in law from Calgary, need I say more? He's back in Calgary now with no skin on his knuckles!!! Was good for a laugh though. Got any snow yet?
hey still checkin in everyday.Good to hear there are still fish. It snowed nearby and we had frost today but no snow in the city yet. Im comin back in october for thanksgiving for 3 or 4 days so im gonna hit the nitnat up for coho or maybe chums in browns bay if your interested.
Roman came over last weekend. Are they still hitting springs off FC? maybe the cool waters making the whites that ushually come through juan de fuca swing on our side? I may be back sooner than planned also until december. Ill give you a shout if i come back