Thank you for correcting me. You are correct. The Total Allowable Catch is set to maintain a sustainable fishery.No posts by anyone since "Whole in the Water " posted this one. I'll go since I've often posted something stupid so I have a question on the following post
From the post above. If it were a conservation issue we may be able to agree but this is an allocation issue.
Isn't the overall cuts in the quota (commercial and Rec) directly related to a conservation issue or in other words, the need to maintain a sustainable fishery? No doubt we can argue if the 15/85 split is fair or not but from what I've read online, according to the data that's used the spawning biomass is at a 40 year low. I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on the economic benefit of pound for pound with Commercial versus Recreational but my biggest fear is that with the known mismanagement of fisheries in the past by DFO we may not have a fishery at all in a few years if the biomass stays on this trend. Maybe I've misinterpreted what I've read on the matter.
IPHC Cuts Coastwide Commercial Halibut Catch By 18% – Fishermens News
This is hard to remember when I can pay to play and retain what ever I like.
IMO....For conservation this needs to be looked at and regulated by area like other fisheries. The fishing pressure and biomass I imagine varies from one area to another.