Gong Show
Well-Known Member
DFO has a very colonial management system.It is a tough one to get unity on. Rec anglers, local guides and big lodges all have different agendas and want what is best for their user group. We love to fight amongst ourselves.
If it were a conservation issue we may be able to agree but this is an allocation issue. We need to focus on that. How can we get back the quota being held by private owners and move it to those who want to fish it? I hate the idea of buying it back but also hate the idea of never ending lease. Experimental Lease Program is not a sustainable solution.
They design the system so that user groups are all in competition with each other and among themselves.
Area licencing for the commercials was a great step in getting gear types to fight internally.
Somehow DFO can manage to split up the commercial fleet into many geographical areas, but cannot do the same for recreational halibut?
There is no unity in the user groups, since the season is so short, we start fighting for the next season before the current one ends.