Early Halibut Opening

dfo holds meetings to consult the public that anyone can go to, that's the method they have chosen, you can go to them or you can email the dfo minister with your concerns.

DFO is responsible for those consultations not anonymous people on a fishing fourm.
Nope again! Our SFAB/SFAC local and provincial reps that exist to serve us the public fishery/rec sector. Therefore they need to be open, collaborative and transparent with those they represent! Pretty simple concept that does not need to be made more complex, confusing or deflecting to a different group that does not represent us.


Local Sport Fishing Advisory Committees (Local SFAC) terms of reference​


These terms of reference will apply to all Local SFACs. Local SFACs are established to represent a community or a small geographic area within a Regional SFAC. The Local SFAC will cover such a geographic area as agreed to by the Sport Fishing Advisory Board, (SFAB), the Regional SFAC, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).

Local SFACs will provide formal advice and recommendations in the form of recorded motions to the appropriate Regional SFAC on matters relating to tidal recreational fisheries and non tidal anadromous fisheries.

These terms of reference will be in effect until April 2012 at which time they will be reviewed in conjunction with a broader assessment of advisory processes.

Guiding principles​

The following principles will be used to guide decisions on the structure and operations of the Local SFAC:


There should be transparency throughout the process based on open lines of communication and the provision of timely, accurate, accessible, clear and objective information. This information should be available to all participants in the process on an equal basis.
DFO organizers, after considering input from the local SFAC Chair, should provide access to agendas and information needed as a starting point for informed discussion well in advance of meetings. In addition, DFO will ensure this information is posted to a public website to ensure accountability to all Canadians.


Participants who are representatives of a constituency are expected to bring to the discussions the general views, knowledge and experience of those they represent, and bring back an awareness and understanding to their constituencies about deliberations of the consultation activity and reasons for decisions taken. All participants share accountability for the success of the process
. The Department is accountable to participants for explaining how their advice/input was used and why and how decisions are taken.

Inclusive representation:

Representation on advisory bodies should relate to the mandate and function of the committee. Participation in advisory processes should be fairly balanced and reflect a broad range of interests in fisheries and oceans issues in the Pacific Region that affect anglers in the local SFACs geographic area, to the extent possible, so that a diversity of perspectives is involved.
A simple question... are you a member of your area sfac? yes or no and same question to many of you others who have been around on this forum for many years and who have been told many many many times the same thing! You don't have to go all the meeting actually just a couple to be a voting member. After that you will get the update information that I/we receive from the SFAB and DFO on what is going on. You don't have to like it but it's the most up date info. Man this thread is just like groundhog day with the same haters as before..
Just to be clear by no means am I trying to be a hater here. I truly appreciate all the many hours of volunteer work that goes into the SFAB/SFAC process. I get it, I have volunteered many hours to the public fishery for over 12 years. I am simply asking for some info that should be easy to provide.

I have attended local SFAC meetings regularly for years and I am a voting member. I have not seen or participated in the previously mentioned 'halibut survey'. Deryk could you please direct me to where I can find the results/summary of this survey. Thank you - much appreciated!
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Nope again! Our SFAB/SFAC local and provincial reps that exist to serve us the public fishery/rec sector. Therefore they need to be open, collaborative and transparent with those they represent! Pretty simple concept that does not need to be made more complex, confusing or deflecting to a different group that does not represent us.


Local Sport Fishing Advisory Committees (Local SFAC) terms of reference​


These terms of reference will apply to all Local SFACs. Local SFACs are established to represent a community or a small geographic area within a Regional SFAC. The Local SFAC will cover such a geographic area as agreed to by the Sport Fishing Advisory Board, (SFAB), the Regional SFAC, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).

Local SFACs will provide formal advice and recommendations in the form of recorded motions to the appropriate Regional SFAC on matters relating to tidal recreational fisheries and non tidal anadromous fisheries.

These terms of reference will be in effect until April 2012 at which time they will be reviewed in conjunction with a broader assessment of advisory processes.

Guiding principles​

The following principles will be used to guide decisions on the structure and operations of the Local SFAC:


There should be transparency throughout the process based on open lines of communication and the provision of timely, accurate, accessible, clear and objective information. This information should be available to all participants in the process on an equal basis.
DFO organizers, after considering input from the local SFAC Chair, should provide access to agendas and information needed as a starting point for informed discussion well in advance of meetings. In addition, DFO will ensure this information is posted to a public website to ensure accountability to all Canadians.


Participants who are representatives of a constituency are expected to bring to the discussions the general views, knowledge and experience of those they represent, and bring back an awareness and understanding to their constituencies about deliberations of the consultation activity and reasons for decisions taken. All participants share accountability for the success of the process
. The Department is accountable to participants for explaining how their advice/input was used and why and how decisions are taken.

Inclusive representation:

Representation on advisory bodies should relate to the mandate and function of the committee. Participation in advisory processes should be fairly balanced and reflect a broad range of interests in fisheries and oceans issues in the Pacific Region that affect anglers in the local SFACs geographic area, to the extent possible, so that a diversity of perspectives is involved.

you linked the old TOS this is the new one https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/consultation/smon/sfab-ccps/tor-man-eng.html#2

That said it does still have it what you quoted above "This information should be available to all participants in the process on an equal basis"

are you participating in the process? if so then you know where you can go to get the answers
I agree with Whole in the Water, and I would like to see the data and then I (we) will all have a better understand of the big picture.

It is only human nature to want to help your own area out first and benefit yourself but as noted before on a post we need to find out what works best for us all.

Over the years, I have attended most of the meeting and they provided me a better understanding of the truth about what is going on with fishing regulations, fish returns and why closures must be implemented.. There are way to many fisherman that think they know what what is going on and communicate it to their friends and then the domino effect coming in and before you know it the truth is totally turned around.

In my opinion.

I feel the best for everyone is opening and closures for each area because each area is so different. Some areas only catch halibut in the spring and then others catch fish in the summer and fish sizes and tide conditions are all so differ. DFO then can monitor those open areas and not have to be all over the place monitoring all the BC coast.

If people want to relocate their boat and spend money on trailering, accommodation they should do it. Moving to a different location cost $$$ and will support areas with more dollars coming into their location.. So come to 19/20 in the Spring and halibut fish (for your 1 or 2 possession limit) and people from the south move north. Over the past few years, I know a lot of rec fisherman from south Van Island are move up island in June July to fish salmon and getting halibut too.

We all want what is best for us/me, but sometimes forget about the big picture.
Just to be clear by no means am I trying to be a hater here. I truly appreciate all the many hours of volunteer work that goes into the SFAB/SFAC process. I get it, I have volunteered many hours to the public fishery for over 12 years. I am simply asking for some info that should be easy to provide.

I have attended local SFAC meetings regularly for years and I am a voting member. I have not seen or participated in the previously mentioned 'halibut survey'. Deryk could you please direct me to where I can find the results/summary of this survey. Thank you - much appreciated!
Ask Chris as he is your SFAC chair :)
A simple question... are you a member of your area sfac? yes or no and same question to many of you others who have been around on this forum for many years and who have been told many many many times the same thing! You don't have to go all the meeting actually just a couple to be a voting member. After that you will get the update information that I/we receive from the SFAB and DFO on what is going on. You don't have to like it but it's the most up date info. Man this thread is just like groundhog day with the same haters as before..
Clearly I’ve touched a nerve asking for access to the documents that another member alluded to, to make his point, not sure why!. So my question to you, is this information confidential and only available to members of the SFAC or is it public information, yes or no? I’m not demanding anything, simply asking to see the survey that he implied is being used to make a decision. Given the response I’m getting for a simple question, I doubt I’d fit in with your organization. As someone else suggested I’ll ask DFO directly. Thanks.
Clearly I’ve touched a nerve asking for access to the documents that another member alluded to, to make his point, not sure why!. So my question to you, is this information confidential and only available to members of the SFAC or is it public information, yes or no? I’m not demanding anything, simply asking to see the survey that he implied is being used to make a decision. Given the response I’m getting for a simple question, I doubt I’d fit in with your organization. As someone else suggested I’ll ask DFO directly. Thanks.
No nerve at all my friend.. everything is transparent in the SFAC/ SFAB the only price of emission is to become a voting member of my area or any of the local areas in which u fish. That is not a big ask... to some maybe. It's not perfect but we are volunteers, and I'm fully accountable and available to those that are a voting member of area 17 .
Ok, I will ask my local area SFAB/C rep for these survey results. Thanks for the clarification.

I do have a question: can SFAB/C reps share info with non voting members who are recreational fishers?
A simple question... are you a member of your area sfac? yes or no and same question to many of you others who have been around on this forum for many years and who have been told many many many times the same thing! You don't have to go all the meeting actually just a couple to be a voting member. After that you will get the update information that I/we receive from the SFAB and DFO on what is going on. You don't have to like it but it's the most up date info. Man this thread is just like groundhog day with the same haters as before..
Yeah, all this sniping isn't new. Everytime there's any pressure on the TAC the knives come out
Can we rename this thread?
A few years ago, I was invited along with two other charter operators (Blue Wolf & Foghorn) to attend a DFO, SFAB meeting to discuss the halibut catch ratio.

We were brought in to discuss which days in each month were fishable for halibut in areas 19/20. They wanted to know how many days in an average month can you fish for halibut successfully. It was determined that out of 30 days there would be a possible -11 days to anchor and get your gear to bottom to catch halibut. Specially if you are fishing in 300ft + of water.

Attached is the 2021 DFO catch summary report for 20 different areas.

Area 19 total take is 33,552lb / 4.2% of the total PFMA.
Area 20 total take is 13,615lb / 1.7% of the total PFMA.

If you combined 19/20 they have a total take of 5.9%. There are 7 single areas that have a higher % catch than both 19/20 combined. Area 4 catches more halibut in July than 19/20 catch all year.

Take a look at the attached summary catch numbers and you will have a better understanding of when and where the halibut are being caught.
Great summary. Did the 11 days also account for weather? I bet 50% of the 11 days are not fishable due to weather; maybe 75% were fishable before I had kids, and now I'm a little more risk-averse.

@Derby and others who volunteer. Thanks for your time.
Sounds like a no brainer to me open for regular sizes on the shoulders of the season and drop limits during peak season and charge for tags to fund the fisheries and classified water fee for areas where high poundage’s are taken
Anyone who fished terrace and the skeena systems remember the stories
And yes it sucks and yes it’s not a long term solution but it’s something

The fisheries are changing I’m just happy I can get out and enjoy my province
Will get worse before getting better if it ever does ask me how I know I’m a logger they’ve been beating on us forever

I’m hoping for the best preparing for the worst
Ps either way I’ll fish for something
I'm sure the TAC would be enough for resident user group. Out of province or country make buy tags / quota at a premium. It's a no brainer.
In 2022 tidalwater Fishing tourism contributed ~380 million dollars into BC GDP. That was during covid BS. Likley well over half billion now.

That's all private money cycling through the economy & jobs... I wouldn't call that a no brainer.

I would rather deal with a shorter season or only one small fish if it ment a family can survive the off season better.

Biomass is way down. The cut in quota is justified for our kids to be able to fish. The TAC sucks. It's a first world problem.
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In 2022 tidalwater Fishing tourism contributed ~380 million dollars into BC GDP. That was during covid BS. Likley well over half billion now.

That's all private money cycling through the economy & jobs... I wouldn't call that a no brainer.
I’m from bc and it costs me 1500 plus for one week on the island
( my own boat at Ucluelet campground)
so I know very well what it cost to fish
That’s not the point !
Us locals do more for the economy than the tourists

The point isn’t who pays more the point is and always is “how many fish are allowed”
As a logger I’ve seen allowable cut diminished every cycle and jobs disappear
That’s life get over it !
The Only Thing that stays Constant is Change
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I don't want to derail the conversation, but I have a quick question.
I'm from Alberta, and we typically don't make it to our place in Tahsis until April for prawns and then again from June to early September. Halibut fishing has always been open during all our trips, so I haven't paid much attention to the halibut season.
Over the past couple of years, halibut has opened in February and has been classified as an "Early Opening Date." Historically, what has been the opening date for halibut fishing?
I don't want to derail the conversation, but I have a quick question.

The last couple of years, Halibut has opened in February and has been classified as an 'Early Opening Date'.
Historically, what has been the opening date?

April was common for many years.
dfo holds meetings to consult the public that anyone can go to, that's the method they have chosen, you can go to them or you can email the dfo minister with your concerns.

DFO is responsible for those consultations not anonymous people on a fishing fourm.
Looking for the results of the survey not dfo meeting notes.