
KT Anna stopped by to see me at work yesterday and told me about the 42lber he got last Monday. He was at Sangster and got him on a hootchie. He also got one close to 30 at Gerald also on a hootchie. Goin out today, I'll report later. Here that Kelly, 42lber!!!!! That is the biggest one I've heard of on this side.BRS
Hey Kelly,I took out Roman and his Dad yesterday and went to Ballenas. It was blowing pretty good SE so we trolled the north for an hour and squat. Ran down to French creek and Roman hooked on to a monster fish. At first I thought it was a seal, it just kept peeling line and he couldn't stop it. I was clearing the gear and he yelled he was almost out of line, I looked at his reel and there was maybe 50' left so I turned the boat and took off after it. I still thought it was a seal so I tried to get on top cause he would have to come up for air. It was weird, I'd get on top for a minute then it would take off again, I bet we chased that thing for miles. I had his dad get out the harpoon just in case, then he came up close to the surface and the line snapped and gone!!! What a drag, I just wanted to see what it was. He was hooked on the trailing hook on a hootchy and the line was rubbing on his teeth.The main line was new Maxima 30lb and held and if the fish was hooked on the first hook we might have had a better chance. After about 20 min. he handed me the rod for a rest and this thing was a beast, I had to hand it back to him for fear of losing it.I have fished my whole life and never come close to that battle. I also have never caught or been on a boat when a giant hali or salmon have been caught so I can't say what it was. Poor Roman came back empty handed and a sore arm!! Might try again today and the hootchy was the one you caught all those fish on last year(green and glo)How's Alberta, still snowin?BRS
You would think after 20 min a seal would have to come up for air. Were there any head shakes? I have heard of a couple of Hogs being broken off lately. Good story though.
We had the same story at Kitty on Fri. Hit and run and no stopping.
There are some large slabs around for sure. Won't get spooled again.

I don't know what it was but definitely not a seal, we chased it for half an hour. A seal would have to come up for air. BRS
quote:Originally posted by Klob

You would think after 20 min a seal would have to come up for air. Were there any head shakes? I have heard of a couple of Hogs being broken off lately. Good story though.
Jesus that would hurt my dad said he saw you guys heading out. Big hali? Salmon shark (heard of one at ballenas once)? Big spring? Would have been nice to see it thats for sure. At least roman didnt clamp down on it early in the fight.

How do big hali fight on salmon gear? I havent hit one so i wouldnt know if they run like that or sulk. How deep?
Same thing happened to my grandfather last year, was a 38 pounder hooked in the tail. What a battle 1 hour 45 mins, and when it ran it was off like a bullet.

Great Story!

Hey Kelly, I've never caught a hali on salmon gear either. This thing just pulled like a ******* right off the hop and didn't stop. If I didnt chase he would have spooled us in no time. I just can't believe how long and far we chased that thing. I'm swithing all my hootchies to single hook commercial style from now on.BRS
Last year we caught a 138lbs halibut on salmon gear...took an hr and 45 to get it in...rod bent right to the water...great time getting it in...lots of groans and laughs. 2 days later a buddy caught a 160lbs halibut on salmon gear in same general area...

Last year I'd say we caught 12 halibut over 40lbs on salmon gear in this one spot...lots of them there right with the salmon in 50ft of water.


The Hali's go where the bait goes! They are there just near the bottom!

Ive had them on never landed them though.

Got one on a perkins jug mootching for rockfish once, that was a fight and a half only to loose it next to the boat, it was near 50 pounds.

landed this 167 lber off of Comox May 14th
Hows it been out in french creek lately! I went out Friday morning for an hour and caught a 5lb halibut trolling then it started getting rough out so switched to my big motor and what do you know no power. just finished fixing it and am preparing on hitting the water again, heard my buddies dad caught a 25lb salmon last night so now really aching to get out there! :D
Hey Kelly,Bushy and I headed to French creek first and trolled for a couple hours and squat. We headed across to Lasqueti to jig a few ling and almost went in to talk to the locals but decided to go to Sangster instead. We hooked in to the first screamer which turned out to be a 27lb wild white on green/white coyote. Got the gear back down and the same rod hit again and it was my turn and 25lb wild red on board. Both were great scraps and for Bushy it was his first on the new licence. Great warm-up for Winter Harbour next month.KT Anna also got a 28lb on a hootchie earlier on the major bite.BRS
Kelly sent you some pics, bet you can't wait. I just popped by the marina and Sea lover got a 17 and 18lb and Mr. Lee got a 25lb at French creek. If those two are landing them there must be ton out there.I won't be able to go out til Sun. BRS
Just got back for the year so will be fishing steady. Down at the marina and talking to buddies the fishing has been solid. Lots of low 20s fish at the normal places but sangster is slow. Also two halis weighed in yesterday a 20 and 31 lber. Im gonna target them a few times in the next couple weeks hopefully.