
Just got back in town for the summer and have been sick so just fished an hour around the 10am tide change this morning. Fished gerald and was the only boat out there as it was really choppy.second pass looked back and a rods popped. Grab and reel and nothing there then all of the sudden it starts peeling. Was out with my dad who doesnt fish so it was a gongshow when the one electric wouldnt come up and the other was a manual. Somehow fought the fish for 10 min and brought one side up while my dad steered. No seals thank god touched it and it didnt run to the other side where the gear was still in the water. First of the year and a pig! 165ft on my go to yellow/green hootchie. Offshore tomorrow:D

The young gun is back.[8D]
Nice fish Kelly.
Nice fish Kelly. I'm gonna be on land for the next couple days cleaning and fixing everthing from our trip. Wow no need to go to the west coast with tyee and hali comin in here. See you soon.BRS
Ya it was 31 after bleeding and sitting out a bit so i called it an even 32. Should be out fishing hard later this week

Hey greg im landlocked to for a while we ran way offshore today from bamfield ill throw a report up tomorrow. Hope winter harbour was good see ya soon.
You win Kelly, it wasn't on a G/W spoon.:DHit both fish at 210 ft. the one we lost was on a green & white needlefish and the one we landed was on the gay pride parade.
Hahah thank god. Figures you move to the gay pride parade after that gay G/W spoon:D I think jonny broke his addiction to as i saw him fishing other gear. Ill hit the low tide and fish 10-3 tomorrow.
chris call me back one day will ya and kelly if any one here is about the gay pride parade its gonna be you, and possibly roberetson
Hey i do have a job im just clever enough to fit mine in and around the bite:D

Went out today and had 3 good hits but only one stuck at 16 lbs. Lost one at ballenas 2pm and hit the two at gerald at 11am. Only was fishing one rod due to a gear malfunction. 160-180 ft green/glow hootch and a needlefish.


Was out 6am-noon today and didnt have a hit. bait all over at ballenas and gerald,it was even boiling. Last early morn, ill fish the afternoon low tides.
Was out Fri morn, off 5 fingers, got a 12,17, and a 42!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought it was a seal!!!

Take only what you need.