
Ya long day but no fish. Was blowin pretty good NW so went to Young point for a couple hours and nothing. Had lunch at Squitty bay then couple hours exploring on Jedidiah and snapped a few photos. Great day, no fish BRS
Finally a 20lb salmon this morning, first one on the new licence. I zipped over to Ballenas for an hour on the bite and got him on a green and white coyote on bottom at 120ft. A seal grabbed him by the tail and let go, leaving teeth marks. Hopefully a sign of things to come...BRS
Glad to hear a fish has shown up it was bleak.Ill be back for a week at the end of the month. It was june 5&6 last year that i hit that 27 and 25lber so hopefully some biggies are around. Save me a few
"today was even better than yesterday somehow... We managed to hook 16 fish today and only 1 wasnt in the teens or bigger. Like Hot Rods said, the bite was crazy 8-10 and then slowed down. All my fish were 120-180' deep and bit on coyote spoons (doesnt seem to matter too much which ones) however the nightrider seemed to do best. The fish also seemed to prefer a slower troll in the morning. Limited out with 28/27/25/22 for our keepers as well as 2 lings one being 17lbs. Cant say Ive ever had a better day fishing in Nanaimo."

Jesus grabbed this off another site. Looks like they showed!
Holy crap, I sure hope they are headed this way, still no fish since my 20lber last month. Sea Lover and KT Anna are out today and so is Bushy in my boat with his sweety. I haven't got a call yet so Bushy is definitely skunked so far. I'm gonna try an early troll and then again on Monday, I'll let you know. BRS
Any fresh reports from today and yesterday? I'm hearing some pretty wild reports like this one from another board...

Sounds like all the Vancouver guys should be running over to Fingers:

Went out at 1stlite this morning about two miles off the fingers from 5:45 till 9:00 the bite was crazy at times.My partner bailed on me last nite due to wife's orders so went solo. Had three double headers and was into about fifteen fish before nine and then it died.Lost quite a few clearing gear from 150 feet. released six between 6-15 lbs kept one around 20.And lost one that looked to be pushing 30 close to the boat.The best day I've seen off these waters in quite some time.
Hey greg the guys said they were hitting the fish in the middle of no where so they might be on the move. If all else fails it might be worth taking a look off the backside of gerald or top of mistaken on the way home. Seems to be a traveling route for fish on the move. No pubs though so you and bushy might have to fish :D
Did you ever fish the other side of Gerald. I often see guys there but I've only tried a couple times and nothing. I talked to Sea Lover yesterday and he had a hit off the sparbouy and the Fireman got a hit at Gerald and KT Anna was out too and nothing on the board. I know I keep saying it but anytime know.........BRS
pretty sure those fish are headed south BRS you probably got one of them the other week when they were coming down, thinking they are on the way to the fraser or somewhere else, sure there are still some good ones lurking for you
Well another day without any fish. The weather and tide didn't cooperate, it was blowin pretty good SE and really gusty. Went to Gerald for an hour and nothing. Ran over to Ballenas and fished it hard and squat. The weather settled down and the run in was flat calm, would have liked to stay out but the game was starting at 6pm.Mr. Killer hard to believe those fish ran right by here,you'd think we would have seen a few more on the board. I know there are a bunch of guys goin out more than me and squat. I heard a couple nice ones came in at French Creek the other day. BRS
i could be wrong, you guys seemed to be hitin a few, a week or two ago, maybe try a troll down to icarus or neck point see if you get anything, it's pretty close once you get the lines down and the beers flowin:D
Sucks to hear they arent around yet. I saw the nanaimo guys are still hittin them.

I didnt fish the backside of gerald lastyear that much at all but its a good spot and can produce when the others dont. We hit 6 one august afternoon there the year before fishing 140-180ft down in 400-200feet of water.I start way up near the spaurboy almost and troll down the backside then between the small island(douglas) off the south end of gerald. It comes up really fast closer to amelia so i uhsually turn around between the islands.

If theres nothing there then keep getting closer and closer to the reef off the north end of gerald. Last year june 5th i hit a 25lber off that reef and a few others on the top end at the reef. If theres bait on it then there is ushually fish so i just do loops around it. Its a ***** to fish as is up and down but after awhile you can find a route through it on gps. PS i decided fishings the most important thing so ill be back home in july instead of august.
My neigbour was out in the front of french creek today . He nailed a 17lb and a 13.He said it was lumpy and cold but had a good day. Not a bad catch.
Lotsa fish out front of Nanaimo. Kinda rough at times but decent numbers, for the time being.
Couple of teenagers in front of French Creek during the shakedown cruise. Green roof, on green and white. Nice to hear of the Hali, how did you guys make out Kelly?
Ive been out of the country a month :( im back for a week at the end of the month and will hit it hard. Hope they stay around. Good to hear you hit a few