
Hey Clam, what kind of training?I'd be more than happy to get you out, can't guarantee Bushy will come out. I don't know if he's not allowed or lost interest but he seems to making alot of excuses and has'nt been out for a while. I can't blame him though, she's way cuter than me!!Try to bring a cooler out and I'll send back some treats for the gang.Any chance on Winter Harbour? Have you asked your little Bro.? I'll start stocking up on prawns.BRS
Hey BRS still working out the plans for the end of the month, will keep you posted. Did the Naniamo derby go? If so how was it? Any good sizes?
Hey Clam, how's the beard? The Nanaimo derby is on Saturday and I gotta work, it's usually busy. Have you told your wife about the plans yet?
What she don't know wont hurt her!! If she would keep the beard trimed a little better I would probabley stick around a little more!!Will hit Nanaimo Friday 27. Will call you Saturday night
Looked at the Kill Fish web site and the winning and, from what I saw, only fish was 13.5 pounds. Not great for 25+ boats.
But they raised over 1,000.00 for the Nanaimo River Stewardship Society, so a big well done to them for that.
We made it to Ballenas and fished off the top end and tried everything and squat. There was a little bait around but nothing major. It was blowing pretty good SE and just when it calmed down and we were thinking about Sangster it would blow up again, probably a good idea. On the way back we jigged for a bit and Bushy got a big red snapper(no pun intended) It was about 15lbs and we had to watch it float away.There's one happy eagle out there. Prawning has been terrible lately but it always happens this time of year.
well if there's one nice spring out there,I'M gonna get it.ALGEA BLOOMS, WIND,SEALS,GLOBAL WARMING CRAP,habitat screwups....on and on.I just want to go DANGLING........MY 2 bits!
Hey BRS Looks like I missed out on a couple of good days on the big pond. I knew that would happen! send me a post if you got out.
Hey Clam we did the same as last week, pounded over to Ballenas and fished the top end for three hours on the bite and squat. It was a gail warning SE and didn't let up. We could'nt even pull the traps. Thought I might get out this morning but it's blowin again. Bushy and I both said yesterday it wouldn't be so bad if there were a few fish around but we did have a good day regardless...gotta pay your dues BRS
Went out with Bushy yesterday, finally a beautiful day. Went straight to Sangster and trolled for three hours on the afternoon bite. Hooked and released about 8 Lingcod including a double header.They were really scrappy and Bushy thought one was a salmon after a long spirited run.Ran up to False Bay and went in to talk to the locals and there was a nice fish taken just outside the bay and was around 30lb.The guy that got him was out trolling and we were gonna run over but was getting late. Lost another set of prawn traps....it's getting expensive especially since I don't even eat them!!BRS
Pub where? I went out Monday a week ago and it was blowin too hard to pull them so I went back out on Thurs. morning and they were gone. Went out for another look this Monday and nowhere to be found. Maybe the boom got them or a shrimp boat or the float broke off or someone stole them...who knows.BRS
Hey Kelly, KTAnna has been back in for a week now and trolling Gerald and Ballenas and nothing so far....anytime now. BRS
I think my boat goes in tomorrow. If its slow ill probaly only fish the chuck one day im home and hit the lake the other. You around this weekend? troll sunday morn?
Have you looked at the tides? Early bite then drops 10ft from 8 til noon. I don't usually fish too early but maybe an exception for the Easter Bunny, maybe he's got a few salmon hidden at Gerald!!
Hey Kelly, are you gonna launch the B-boat for one day? Is it winterized? Remember you can use mine, all gear on board and ready to go. Just hit the key and untie.BRS
Hey greg thanks for the offer but the bananna boat is already sittin in the water. My parents wanted it in anyways so they could use it and i need to try out the new downriggers.Hadnt checked tides i dont feel like gettin up to early if fishings slow so i guess we can play it by ear.How big were the lings over at sangster? might be fun to do some C&R on some bucketmouths if theres no salmon around.