
Yup got snowed in at romans the other night. If your lookin for fishin give me a shout but its cold if you havent noticed! The water looks black the last few days must just be the color difference from the snow.
Gotta work Sat. and Mon. Heard the log boom screwed up and hit the shore by the park right where I dropped my traps for safe keeping. I just got brand new line and float and borrowed some traps for my neighbor, I think I'm ready to finally give up this time if I lose all my gear. I don't even eat the damn things!!!! I'm gonna do a quick recon tomorrow am and I'll let you know.
Just in and my traps were still there!!!Got half a bucket. Gotta work tomorrow but maybe Tues. I'm just too busy this year, just got the tree up yesterday. Give me a call at work Mon., I'll be there all day.
Finally a half decent day on the water. Four springs hooked and two landed, one released and two lost after a good scrap. The two we lost were definitely over 10lb and the one we kept was just 10lb. There were lots of seals around, could explain the two we lost, both about 20-30ft behind the boat. One on spoon, one on hootchy, both green/white and all hit within 45min.
Finally a half decent day on the water. Four springs hooked and two landed, one released and two lost after a good scrap. The two we lost were definitely over 10lb and the one we kept was just 10lb. There were lots of seals around, could explain the two we lost, both about 20-30ft behind the boat. One on spoon, one on hootchy, both green/white and all hit within 45min.
You bet, went out this am to pull the traps and ended up running down to Gerald for a 15min. troll. It was right on the bite and the fog wasn't as bad but nothing. The tide on Monday is awesome, let's hope the weather co-operates! Give me a ring at work, I'll be all day Fri. and Sat..
Cold enough that BRS couldnt find his rod to take a wee today. Trolled the normal haunts without a bump. Got desperate enough he even started fishing his gay pride hootchie. Still great to be on the salt thanks buddy save a few for the summer.
Hey Kelly, too bad we did'nt get any fish on board. We sat on the boat after you left and had a pop and decided not to go back out and get the traps. Bushy was too cold and my weenie was tired of the turtle game. Good luck in the pool and shave that beard!! Looks like I'm not gonna make it out this morning it's blowin like a bugger out there.I'll keep you posted on the progress of the gay pride and party girl. BRS
Hey Kelly I think I may have to work that day but I'll check tomorrow. I'm takin off for the weekend with my Party Girl for Valentines. I'm sure Bushy would take you out or you can take my boat, everything you need is on board. BRS
Sounds good just let me know hopefully you can get it off. If bushy wants some deckhands im in and i know he stays away from the gay pride unlike others so id have a more relaxed day anyways. Tight lines:D
Hey Kelly, ran down to Gerald yesterday solo for a troll. I had this huge sea lion swimming about 40ft beside the boat for a few minutes then he took a deep breath and went down. Right away I had hit and a pretty good one on then it pulled real hard and nothing. All the gear was fine and I never saw that sea lion again. How did he know? Maybe it took him a while to recognize me and know it was just a matter of time. I fished for another hour with nothing so I ran over Ballenas for one pass at the top end and nothing and no bait. I'll find out today about the work thing but if you want the offer is open to use my boat.BRS
To bad at least there was some action.Bushy knows the boat alot better than i do so if he wants to fish ill crew for him. If not ill just go steelheadin but thanks alot for the offer. I still cant believe you took valentines off. These lady friends are hurting fishing time!
Hey Kelly looks like I gotta work on Mon., are you here Sunday? I went out with Bushy today, we did the milk run at Gerald and squat. He even used his new "Blue Elvis" hootchy and I tried several different combos and squat. I had promised someone a fish for the Parksville Fish and Game Cub's dinner on Sat. night and I think I jinxed myself. Bushy said he would be glad to go out on Mon. in my boat with you weather permitting. I'll send you his email and #.Good luck in the pool this weekend, you still sportin that "beard"?
Finally a nice scrappy 12lber off Sangster on Tues. I was only down 50ft in 100ft of water and he hit my hootchy. He was packed full of 3-4" herring and he wasn't clipped. We also got a couple crab,some prawns and a few oysters. Not a bad day, it started off very wet then got nice so we ended up burning some gas and going right around Lasqueti including a quick stop in False Bay and Jedediah. BRS
Good to hear there is fish. I was gonna post that my mom saw a guy with a 15lber at schooner yesterday. If those schooner guys are hittin them they must be in thick:D
Hey BRS good to here you and bushy are still at it!I have some training to do in Van March 31-1. If I can get the 30th (Mon) off I was thinking of hitting the Island for the weekend.Are you still off on Mondays? If so Would you be up for a day on the pond... stupid Question im sure.