
Hey Backatit, your life is about to change, for the better! Congrats! :)

i had a buddy stop by last night cause he needed to use my scale and he brought home a 34 pounder caught out front little q last night!

Heres that 42 lber off french creek if anyones interested. Big head on it and it doesnt look colored. Im sure the store will be selling lots of those secret hootchies that nail 42 lbers:D:D
well, for your information...i am not interested.
i'm envious! :D
some fish caught tonight. about 26 boats out. it looked like the jiggers had better luck tonight. some people in a brown runabout caught 2 jigging. someone in a blue boat caught one. there are lots of needle fish out there.
we'll try again tomorrow although it's suppose to be windy.
Ran down to Gerald with a young guy just back from Alberta and landed a nice 12lber.Only one other boat but we did'nt stay for long, had to work. Prawning is good right now we got half a bucket, had to throw back a bunch with eggs.Hey Kelly I'll try to post the photo tonite, you'll recognize him.
35 boats out there tonight. My buddy and I fished from about about 1 pm to 7 pm.... skunked again.

didn't see one caught today, but they were jumping pretty good.
wasw out there today, all day.

nothing. nobody caught anything.
Are there fish there...just not biting? I'm hoping my wife will let me escape the screaming and the dirty diapers for a few hours tomorrow evening [:I].
hope you get this soon enough. there seems to be fish out there. significantly less jumping and rolling, but there are many finning and sunning just the same.

anyhow, everybody seemed to have the same story. no fish. but yes, they were there.

good luck. :)